Give Yourself a Gift This Year!

With Christmas so close, our thoughts turn to gift giving. What would bring a lot of joy and happiness to our loved ones? How about something that is not very expensive, that develops with time using a little persistent effort and no wrapping required?

“The run-up to the new year is the perfect time to place more focus on the priceless gift of good health. From less stress and a smaller waistline to a stronger immune system and reduced risk for disease, it’s hard to think of another holiday gift with such powerful long-term benefits.

As you build your plan for better health, begin by taking a look at the amount of time you spend moving. Whether it’s a dedicated half-hour at the gym or a walk each morning with a friend (furry or otherwise), almost any kind of exercise will allow you to unwrap a whole host of health perks.

“Think of exercise not only as a way to burn more calories, but also as a very strong medicine to help you avoid developing a chronic condition or to control a condition you already have,” said Stephen Compston, a registered dietitian at Renown Health. “Your long-term goal is a minimum of three days each week totaling 150 minutes of exercise.”

Getting at least this much exercise each week can help fend off chronic disease by decreasing blood pressure, promoting better sleep, improving cholesterol levels for better blood flow, boosting mood and elevating energy.

Once you’ve pinned down a get-moving goal for the new year, turn your attention to the food you eat in order to gift yourself with another long list of health benefits. Compston said it’s smart to start eating more non-starchy vegetables and add an array of colors to your meal plan.

Another food-based tip especially relevant during the holiday season is to take steps to avoid overindulging during festive parties and family feasts. One of the biggest pitfalls is going hungry to one of these events, which can set you up for eating way too much.

Along with strengthening your focus on diet and exercise for the holidays and through the new year, other simple ways to bolster well-being include regular hand-washing, staying hydrated and making a commitment to see your primary care provider at least once a year.”

Good Health is hoped for, prayed for, and celebrated. So as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and peek under the Christmas tree, pull out that gift of Good Health and begin to unwrap it for yourself and for the ones you love. “To your Happiness and To your Health!” Merry Christmas!

We’re Celebrating Christmas at Kirby Pines

Merry Christmas everyone! The spirit of the holidays cannot be missed at Kirby Pines. From the seventeen-foot live tree in the main lobby, to the carolers performing weekly, the spirit of the season is alive throughout the community.

Resident Programs has planned a variety of events for your enjoyment throughout this holiday season. In between events, many resident volunteers are keeping busy in the Blossom Shop, assisting the front desk as they sort through dozens of packages that arrive each day, and delivering them to residents who request that assistance. It is hard to imagine that a better group of volunteers could manage all of the packages that arrive each day. Well, maybe a group of Santa’s elves could do the job, but Memphis is a long way from the North Pole. Many other residents are volunteering their time to assist others in the community at large as well. No matter where they choose to volunteer, the spirit of Christmas is evident in their good works.

Of course it would not be a holiday season without some extra treats from Kirby’s culinary department. Can you imagine coming to work each day, and baking cookies, making egg nog or hot cider just one more time? This is just the kind of added daily activity that occurs in the kitchen during the holiday season at Kirby Pines, along with meal preparations for the hundreds of residents that live here. Just the same, these employees find time to relax and enjoy the spirit of Christmas that abounds throughout the community. By the way, if you have not made plans for Christmas Eve or Day, think about joining us for a delicious meal prepared in our dining room. I am sure you will find the meal delightful and the warmth of friendships comforting.

The decorations certainly add to the excitement of the season, but let us not forget this holiday celebrates the birth of Christ. His life and teachings are the basis for the values incorporated into our mission statement. It is with this in mind, that I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas, and the prospect of serving you in the year to come.


Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines


Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

Apart from Peanuts, Dennis the Menace may be my favorite comic strip. In a recent cartoon Dennis is in his room with his dog; the cookie jar is open, and Dennis has put four or five on the plate for his dog.

It must have been on Sunday. His mother came into the room, and we can only imagine what she said, but Dennis responds, “Didn’t you hear the preacher say, The Lord helps those who help themselves?

Most readers, with Dennis, will know that proverb, believing it comes from the Bible. George Barna, a well-known Christian pollster and religious sociologist, opened one of his survey reports with this indictment, “Americans revere the Bible- but, by and large, they don’t read it. And because they don’t read it, we have become a nation of biblical illiterates.”

Some of the data behind that summary is:

Fewer than half of all adults can name the Four Gospels. 

Sixty percent of Americans can’t name even five of the ten commandments. 

Eighty-two percent believe that the proverb “God helps those who help themselves” is found in Scripture. 

Dennis may have heard it wrong. I doubt if any preacher would say that. I hope the preacher would say, where human power and resources are sufficient, divine power will not be put forth.

So I ask, Is it possible to be too dependent upon God?

I know full well that the message of the Gospel is that God helps those who are helpless – not just those who are down–and-out helpless, but like so many of us, who by the grace of God come to an awareness of an up-and-out-helplessness.

The insensitive philosophy of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” is also too often stated. The problem with that philosophy is that there are too many who don’t have boots, so there are not straps to pull on.

Yet, I pose the question: Is it possible to be too dependent upon God? It may very well be that when and where human power is sufficient, divine power will not be put forth. That challenges each of us to see the needs around us and respond to those needs with the resources we have. 

-Maxie Dunnam  

Congratulations to Our Champion of the Month: Barbara O’Neal

Barbara O’Neal

Front Desk Receptionist

Describe your family: We are quite large and are very close. We do everything together.

Describe yourself in five words: Honest, loyal, dependable, caring and great work ethic.

What do you do for fun: Power walking, reading, movies.

What are some of your hobbies: Cooking & Painting.

What is your favorite thing about your job: Great residents and great coworkers.

What is your favorite food: Ice Cream.

What is your favorite song: Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli.

What is something you are proud of: My caring, hard-working, successful children.

What would you like people to know about you: That I care about everybody as a Christian.

Barbara is a constant, showing up every day for her shift. She is always there to assist the residents and employees. She does it all with a smile and a helpful attitude. Barbara is dedicated and kind. She answers calls, sorts package deliveries and takes residents menu orders. She is truly an asset to Kirby Pines.

– Martha Fitzhugh, Resident Services Coordinator

Veterans Day – November 11

Veterans Day, in the United States, national holiday (November 11) honoring veterans of the armed forces and those killed in the country’s wars. The observance originated in 1919 on the first anniversary of the 1918 armistice that ended World War I and was known as Armistice Day. It was commemorated in 1921 with the burial of an unknown soldier from World War I at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. Other countries that had lost soldiers in the conflict, such as Italy and Portugal, conducted similar ceremonies that year. The previous year, unknown soldiers had been interred at Westminster Abbey in London, England, and at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. Veterans Day is celebrated on Friday, November 11, 2022.

November 11 became an official national holiday in the United States in 1938. In 1954 the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor those who had served in all U.S. wars. Ceremonies are held each year at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and floral tributes are placed on the graves of service men and women and at memorials throughout the country. Naturalization ceremonies have come to be an important part of the day’s activities.

In Britain, Canada, Australia, and France November 11 is observed in honor of the veterans of World Wars I and II. In Britain the second Sunday of November is observed as Remembrance Sunday, and in Canada November 11 is observed as Remembrance Day. In Britain and the Commonwealth countries and in countries of Europe, it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11:00 AM on November 11, the time and date of the World War I armistice in 1918. Poppies have long been associated with World War I memorials through the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae, and in several countries paper poppies are sold to raise money for the support of veterans and are worn in the lapel as a sign of remembrance.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Resident Spotlight: Don Wiseman


The men and women who have served in our armed services are given special recognition during the month of November. Don Wiseman is one of the many veterans who live at Kirby Pines. During his tenure in the Army, his contributions were exemplary, rising from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant to Captain. Don is also a man with a strong religious faith who loves his family and his country.

Don’s life began in Memphis on August 5, 1939. Although he was an only child, Don says he was never lonely. “There were several children my age that lived on our street, and I spent more time with them than I did at home,” admits Don. He attended Rozelle and Bethel Grove Elementary schools and Fairview Junior High where he was elected president of ninth grade. Don graduated from Central High School in 1957. He doesn’t remember being very active during his high school days, devoting his time to study. However, he was a member of the football team, but according to Don, “I wasn’t good enough to play with the team and mostly kept the bench warm.”

Don chose to enter Mississippi State University beginning with a major in engineering but he soon changed to accounting, graduating in 1961 with a BS degree in Accounting. It was during his senior year that he met his future wife, Ann Cook, on a blind date. She was a senior at Mississippi State for Women (“The W”), and they were married in August 1961, following their graduation.

During the nine months following his graduation, and until induction into active duty with the Army in 1962, Don was employed with Humble Oil in Houston, Texas. Through the ROTC program at Mississippi State, Don was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He attended Artillery Officers Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and graduated first in his class. He was then assigned to the Army Basic Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, where he served as an Executive Officer of a basic training company and then as Assistant Adjunct of a training brigade. Don received a Commendation Medal for his services and ended his army career in 1964 as a Captain.

Following his discharge from the Army, Don, and Ann moved back to Memphis, residing in Whitehaven for several years before moving to Germantown, where they lived for thirty-five years. Always employed as an accountant, Don’s second job was with W. R. Grace Chemical Company for five years, followed by another five years with American Electric in Southaven, Mississippi. His last move was to Langston Companies, where he retired in 2005 after thirty-one years. Ann worked as an assistant to the Headmaster at Whitehaven Presbyterian School and later at St. Mary’s Episcopal School.

Don and Ann have two sons, Darryl and Michael, and five grandchildren. As an active member of Bellevue Baptist Church his entire life, Don served ten years as a Deacon. He enjoyed playing golf until his car was stolen and, of course, his golf clubs were in the trunk of the car. That ended golf! Don also enjoys watching all sports on television, especially the Mississippi State Bulldogs.

Don and Ann have also had the good fortune to travel via several cruises and tours. Once on a trip to Amsterdam with friends, they were on a trolley with all of their baggage. When they got to their stop, all got off except Ann. It seems that she had gotten so involved in a conversation with a group of ladies that the door of the trolley closed, separating her from her group. She continued on in the trolley! In a panic, Don and his friends managed to get to the next stop where they found a shaken Ann waiting.

Two of their most notable trips were organized by two pastors at Bellevue Church, Adrian Rodgers, and Steven Gaines. The one led by Dr. Rodgers was a tour through Germany and Austria which included the Passion Play held every ten years in Oberammergau, Germany. The trip led by Dr. Gaines traced the missionary trips of the Apostle Paul, including a visit to the Isle of Patmos. For years, the family made an annual trip to Gatlinburg and the Smoky Mountains to see the “changing of the leaves.”

Don and Ann Wiseman

Don and Ann moved to Kirby Pines in 2019 when it became apparent to Don that Ann’s illness of dementia required more care than he was able to provide. She now resides in The Manor where Don visits her three times a day. “It is so convenient to visit her with both of us under the same roof”, says Don.

Don says this about living at Kirby Pines: “I love the friendliness that resonates through the halls and the willingness of others to help anyone and everyone in their time of need. I enjoy playing bridge and participating in the 10 a.m. worship service each Sunday as well as the Men’s Saturday morning Christian fellowship group. I continue to meet with my Bible Study group at Bellevue at 8 a.m. each Sunday.”

Don’s favorite scripture is Isaiah 40:31 which reads: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” According to Don, this is the foundation for the strength, hope, and encouragement he needs to sustain himself.

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines

Giving the Gift of Gratitude

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means it’s time to start thinking about giving gifts and spreading kindness. One of the best gifts we can give is that of gratitude. Gratitude, or the quality of being thankful, is something we can give without spending money, and can be just as beneficial for the giver as it is for the receiver, if not more so!

We are all familiar with how we can show gratitude for others – saying “thank you,” paying it forward, showing a random act of kindness – but we often overlook showing gratitude for our own health and well-being. Recent studies show that being grateful can improve our health, relieve depression, and broaden the mind. Experiencing positive emotions, as opposed to negative ones, leads to optimal levels of well-being, emotional wellness, and resilience.

While the “power of positive thinking” may not fix everything, it can certainly help. Acknowledging the good doesn’t mean denying the bad. Expressing gratitude for yourself can help you become more resilient, while also boosting your mood. When you feel good about yourself, others can feed off that. In addition, spreading gratitude into the world is infectious. Think of a smile – when you see someone smiling, you often smile back, don’t you? Put kindness, gratitude, and positivity out there, and you might just get it back!

Fun Fact: World Kindness Day is November 15th! Be kind to yourself and others!

Here are some ways to show gratitude and kindness for your own health and wellness:

Take a mindful walk. Spending time in nature can improve mood and memory, reduce stress, and increase levels of compassion. While on your nature walk, take in all the sights, sounds and smells around you!

Start a gratitude journal. Expressive writing can help process negative events and emotions but can also help focus on the positive ones. Becoming more aware of what you have can make you more resilient to stress and hardships. Start by making a list of the 5 things you are grateful for every day – your health, your family, your surroundings, etc.

Try a new exercise class or activity. Challenging your cognitive and physical wellness is a fantastic way to celebrate and honor yourself. What better way to show gratitude for yourself than to push to new limits? Try taking a new exercise class, learn a new skill or language, or a participate in a new activity such as wood working, gardening, playing cards or painting.

Do something for YOU! It’s easy, especially around the holidays, to get wrapped up in ensuring everyone else’s needs are highlighted. An important way of showing gratitude for yourself: Make sure you are carving out time for YOU!! This might look different for everyone – maybe it’s taking time to practice meditation, read your favorite book, walk outside, or spend time with your loved ones. Whatever it is, make sure you dedicate time for yourself.

Whatever method you choose, expressing gratitude is a win-win for your emotional and physical health and wellness! For more information on how you can improve kindness to your body and mind, contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team!

Just as water lilies retract when sunlight fades, so do our minds when positivity fades”


A Balanced Exercise Program

Just like your need for a balanced diet of vitamin rich vegetables and fruits, protein, and carbohydrates, your body needs a balanced routine of exercise that includes cardiovascular, strengthening, and flexibility.

Any exercise that raises your heart rate slightly is considered Cardiovascular, such as walking, biking, or swimming. In the Oasis, the Nustep, the treadmill, and the recumbent bike will increase your heart rate. As we age, it is not necessary to push ourselves to the point of being out of breath and heart pounding. Slight perspiration and increased respiration rate is good and still being able to carry a conversation is a sign of exerting enough energy to utilize our hearts and lungs without overdoing it. If you do experience shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness or pain – SLOW DOWN or STOP to rest.

Strengthening exercises build muscle and endurance. Lifting weights, and using Upper body and Lower body resistant equipment in the Oasis are strengthening exercises. Noodles and barbells in the water and water walking use resistance to strengthen arms and legs. When exercising, a little soreness is normal, but constant or a sudden sharp pain for more than two hours following exercise may mean “you overdid it.” Always begin a new program gradually, beginning with using lighter weights for a shorter period of time. On the bike or Nustep set the resistance on a lower number for 10-15 minutes. Each week add a few more minutes and increase resistance slightly.

Exercise classes provide a balanced program for cardio, strength, and stretch. Gentle stretching with deep breathing before and after an exercise session restores muscles and helps blood flow to muscles and joints to remove waste products (lactic acid) and bring oxygen and nutrients to replenish muscle cells. Stretching and drinking a tall glass of water may help prevent muscle cramps. Here is a quick review of the classes we offer here and how they can help keep you fit. Water Aerobics and Sit/Stand classes provide Cardio, Strength and Stretch. Yoga Stretch and Exercise help with strengthening, stretch, and range of motion (reach and flexibility).

Always drink water before, during and after exercising. Check with your medical doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Begin exercise sessions with 15 minutes three times per week. Gradually work up to 30 minutes five times per week. That is 150 minutes of moderately strenuous exercise each week which is recognized by the Arthritis Foundation, American Heart Association, and Centers for Disease Control for Cardiovascular health and healthy Joints. Visit the Oasis and/or join a class this week and experience that “good” feeling that comes with exercise.

Getting Back To Tradition at Kirby Pines

Celebrating Thanksgiving this year will certainly be different than the past couple of years. Like so many other holidays these past two years, the holiday, and not the pandemic, will be on everyone’s mind. We can again be thinking about who we were inviting to dinner here at Kirby Pines or where we might be traveling to meet family and with whom we might be celebrating with in our homes. This year we may experience how “celebratory” this holiday may feel, as we are mindful of the many blessings we have to be thankful for.

When Thanksgiving was first celebrated, it was customary to be thankful for our blessings and to say a thankful prayer as part of that ritual. As our world has evolved, that tradition continues, despite the movies that depict a more stressful family gathering or an over humorous family gathering. True, there can be stressful factors, whether it’s traveling, family conflicts, or cooking that didn’t meet everyone’s expectation, but the act of engaging in the tradition of gratitude changes those experiences from a negative to a positive.

Regardless of the potential for stress, most people would agree that a holiday centered around food and loved ones, is a great way to spend the day. The bonding that comes from either cooking for others, or sharing a meal with others, is another blessing we can all be thankful for. Mark Simpson and his culinary team plan on providing a wonderful traditional feast for you and Kirby employees this Thanksgiving. Together we can celebrate the bonds of friendship that have developed over the years; the blessings we share by living and working in a community filled with love; and the gratitude we gain from just being good to one another.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines


Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

During the last few weeks, when I awake in the middle of the night and don’t return to sleep quickly, not to awaken Jerry, I sing in my mind. Interestingly the most frequent songs that come to mind are Gospel Songs that we sang in the little country church of my youth. I’m 88 years old, and these are songs I heard and sang over 70 years ago. 

The first verse and the chorus of the one that comes most frequently is “When we all get to Heaven,” 

Sing the wondrous love of Jesus 
Sing His mercy and His grace; 
In the mansions bright and blessed 
He’ll prepare for us a place. 

When we all get to Heaven, 
What a day of rejoicing that will be! 
When we all see Jesus, 
We’ll sing and shout the victory! 

I’m sure, since all of us here at Kirby are in my age category, my hunch is you can identify with that, some of you have sung it. We are strongly aware of our mortality, and we think of life after death. We think of that in terms of some vision of Heaven. But let’s get it straight… 

Heaven is Here, not There. 

I often express it this way: Our Father sent his Son, Jesus, not to get us into heaven, but to get heaven into us. By His death and Resurrection, He saves us, but more. In his ascension, through the Holy Spirit He leaves His presence, and his ongoing ministry is getting heaven into us. 

So we share in answering Jesus’ prayer, 
Thy Kingdom come… 
…on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

We seek to live now as though 
the Kingdom had already come. 

How? By being continually open to the Holy Spirit, and “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23) 

Doesn’t all that fruit look like and sound like what we have thought Heaven might look and feel like? Well, that’s the heaven Jesus wants to get into each one of us. 

-Maxie Dunnam