October Celebrates Physical Therapy

“Physical Therapy is not just about treating the symptoms, but about restoring hope and improving quality of life!”

Hello Fall! Hello Physical Therapy Month! 

woman working with a physical therapist

Say a BIG hello to fall, pumpkin spice, baseball playoffs, football, and the holidays just around the corner. It’s also time to wave hello to the art of physical therapy and everything it can do for you! Afterall, October is PT month! 

So, what is physical therapy? Physical therapy (PT) is the art of improving or restoring function, reducing pain, preventing further injury or decline in mobility. During therapy sessions, PT’s and PTA’s will work with patients on exercise, stretching, balance, mobility, walking, use of any assistive devices, and home exercise programs to improve safety, independence, functional mobility, and decrease/ eliminate pain. 

Did you know?

man working with a physical therapist
  • Physical Therapy was first recognized in the United States during World War I. During the war, “reconstruction aides” were nurses tasked and trained to rehabilitate injured soldiers. 
  • Many of today’s physical therapy techniques date back as far as 400 B.C. Greek physicians, Hippocrates and Galen, are believed to be among the first advocates of massage and hydrotherapy. 

Physical therapy has been around for ages – and there are MANY benefits! Think you could benefit from therapy? Perhaps you are unsure or have questions. For more information on Physical Therapy and how it can benefit you, please contact your Functional Pathways Therapy Team! 

Make Sure You Stay Hydrated!

Hello Summer! Hello Warmer Temps! And HELLO HYDRATION!

Woman drinking water

Aside from the air we breathe, water is the most essential element to human survival. Approximately 60% of the human adult body is made up of water, and drinking water is more important than eating. In fact, a person can live about a month without food, but only 3-4 days without water. Moral of the story? Drink Up! 

With hotter temperatures, it is even more crucial to stay hydrated. When it’s hot outside, we are more likely to perspire and lose water through our sweat, putting us at a greater risk for dehydration. We know drinking water is important, but do you know the other ways you can help your body stay hydrated?

Additional Ways to Rehydrate:

Fruits and Vegetables – incorporating water-rich fruits and vegetables into your diet gives you an easy way to add more water content without drinking more fluids. 

  • Cucumber – 96% water
  • Celery – 95% water
  • Tomatoes – 94% water
  • Asparagus – 93% water
  • Spinach – 91% water
  • Cantaloupe, peaches, carrots, bananas – 75-90% water 

Coffee and Tea – While caffeine is a diuretic (something that increases urine production), you do retain most of the water from the beverage. In other words, you won’t lose more fluid through urine than you take in by drinking a caffeinated beverage.

Milk & Juice – There are several beverages that have just as high (if not higher) of a hydration index (how much of a drink is retained 2 hours after consumption) as water. Those include – Pedialyte, fat-free milk, whole milk, and orange juice. Some of these, like OJ, have a higher calorie count and sugar content, so drink cautiously. 

Smoothies – Many smoothies include water, juice, fruits and vegetables. If you add high-water content fruits and vegetables to your recipe, you can create a SUPER DRINK full of hydrating ingredients!!

Mason jars with water and fruit

If you are feeling thirsty, you’ve likely already lost 1% of your body’s total water content. So, drink up, buttercup! For more information on hydration, contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team!

Assisted Devices and Technology

walking with a walker outdoors

Do you remember The Jetsons? Set in 2062, you may remember The Jetsons as a futuristic show that played with ideas about the future for laughs. People lived in houses in the sky, worked a three-day workweek, and drove aerocars that looked like flying saucers. The most impressive part of the show was the incredible conveniences that left the Jetsons with plenty of leisure time. While we may not have aerocars that fly us around, we certainly have many technologies and devices to make our lives easier!

There are numerous assistive devices, such as walkers, canes, hearing aids, and glasses. Remember, this category includes anything designed to help in performing a specific function. There are infinite options out there – it really comes down to what you need a little help and support with. The most common categories of devices include: 

hearing aid

Mobility Devices – help you move from place to place with more independence. Examples: Rollators, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, canes, prosthetics

Daily Living Devices – help you complete activities of daily living. Examples: Adapted cutlery and cups, shower seats and stools, dressing sticks

Hearing Aids – help you hear or hear more clearly

Vision Devices – helps you see more clearly. Examples: Magnifiers, eye glasses, screen readers

Woman using magnifying glass

Assistive technologies might include smart home assistants, medication reminders, and medical alert systems. These technologies can either be low-tech, such as phones with larger number buttons on them, or high-tech, like balance and fall prevention systems. In today’s world, you can simply ask AI to record your shopping list, set a reminder about taking your medication, or ask what day of the week it is. We have technology at our fingertips – much like the Jetsons did! Imagine where we will be in 2062!

What assistive devices do you use – and are they the most appropriate device(s) for you? Consider contacting the Therapy Team at Kirby Pines to learn more about what assistive technology and devices may be most beneficial for you! 

The Importance of Better Hearing

Human hearing may be picking up and processing all the sounds in our surroundings, even when we aren’t aware of it.

It has been said that communication is the foundation of relationships. Without good hearing health, communication may be challenging. With May being Better Hearing and Speech Month, let’s dig into the importance of good hearing health, and what can be done to keep your ears functioning in tip top shape! 

Benefits of Healthy Hearing: 

  • Ability to successfully communicate – eliminates the frustration of missing out on conversations or being isolated from social interactions 
  • Can have a positive benefit on brain functioning and memory 
  • Supports independence and security 

As with many things, there is a chance that your hearing health may decline over time. Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) gradually occurs as we grow older, and there is no research to suggest it can be prevented. Noise-induced hearing, however, can be preventable. There are certain things, like listening to music that is too loud, that can contribute to hearing loss. If the loss is substantial and goes untreated, it can result in a decreased quality of life. Untreated hearing loss has also been linked to sadness, depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and poor social relationships. 

What are some of the common signs of hearing loss? 

  • Repeatedly asking people to repeat what they say 
  • Feeling like others are always mumbling or not speaking clearly 
  • Difficulty hearing and understanding speech in noisy environments 
  • Missing words or phrases on the telephone 
  • Turning the volume up on the television or radio louder than normal 
  • Tinnitus, ringing, or buzzing sounds 

It’s not too late to take the right steps to protect your hearing and reduce your risk for hearing loss. 

Tips to Keep Your Hearing Healthy: 

Woman doing a hearing test
  • Wear earplugs, protective earmuffs, or noise-canceling headphones around loud noises, such as live music or construction noise 
  • Turn down the volume of the TV, radio, or music – remember, if you need to shout, the sound is too loud! 
  • Have your hearing tested regularly 
  • Take headphone breaks. When you use headphones, keep the volume down 
  • Check medication side effects 

If you exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned above, or want to learn more about what you can do to help keep your hearing in tip top shape, please contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team for guidance. 

April is Occupational Therapy Month

Why Occupational Therapy if I don’t have an Occupation?

Woman playing Jenga

We hear it all the time: “I am retired! I don’t have an occupation anymore, so why would I need OT?” You might be retired – Congratulations, by the way! – but OT can still be beneficial. While you may not have a 9-5 pm job that takes you out of the home anymore, there are many daily activities that feed into vocational wellness. 

Vocational wellness includes any work that utilizes someone’s skills, while also providing personal satisfaction. This might include participating in the paid (or unpaid) workforce, being an experienced professional in a certain field, caregiver, mentor, teacher, or volunteer. Having your vocational wellness cup filled is something OT can help with!

One of the goals of OT is to promote independence and functional abilities – so it’s NOT just about your occupation. Perhaps you are passionate about volunteering or helping to teach someone a new language. Did you know OT can support you in those endeavors? Here are just a few of the ways OT can help.

Group of people volunteering to charity

Fine Motor Skills – maintain dexterity and improve grip strength. Make things like sewing, cleaning, or handwriting easier.

Visual Assistance – Perform at the top of your abilities by learning about assistance for visual challenges.

Environmental Modifications – Is your home as safe as possible? What about where you travel to volunteer, participate in group activities, etc.? OT can help with environmental modifications to help you stay safe.

Man using a magnifying glass

Assistive Devices and Adaptive Equipment – Did you know simple devices exist, like grab bars and reacher tools, to help make tasks easier to complete? There are also more complex resources, such as voice-activated technology, to help with making lists, medication reminders, etc.

To thrive and be as independent as possible for as long as possible is ALWAYS the goal, no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information on occupational therapy and how it can benefit you , please contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team.

Medicine adds days to lives, occupational therapy adds life to days.”

Alternatives to Pain Management


When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result.” 

— Deepak Chopra 
Man with back pain

We have all experienced pain at some point in our lives – scraping our knee, hitting our “funny” bone, or perhaps something more long-lasting, such as migraines. Pain is a useful way for our bodies to tell our brains when something is a threat to our overall well-being. Don’t touch the hot stove because it burns; don’t try and lift something too heavy because you could hurt your back. However, sometimes experiencing pain, such as chronic pain, stops being useful and is detrimental to daily living. 

The goal of a comprehensive, holistic pain management program is to promote consistent participation in activities, exercise, and education to enhance quality of life. A holistic pain management program merges traditional western medicine with eastern medicine. While western medicine tends to view the mind and body as separate entities, eastern medicine views the mind and body as one. There are many programs and approaches that help those with chronic conditions increase their engagement in meaningful activities and improve their overall well-being. 

Chi is “that which gives life” and is a strong life force making a person totally alive, alert, and present. It can be used to help overcome illness and become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity. Finding your “inner chi” can help promote one’s quality of life, especially if they are struggling with constant pain. 

Woman relaxing

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”

Finding Your Chi can: 

  • Promote your highest quality of life 
  • Use relaxation, visual imagery, and breathing strategies to address anxiety and depression  
  • Improve strength and postural stability 

Do you suffer from chronic pain? If you are interested in learning more about Pathways to Chi and alternative approaches to pain reduction, reach out to the therapy team at Functional Pathways! 

Alternatives to Pain Management

Couple taking a selfie

Technology is all around us – it’s how we get our entertainment, it’s how we communicate with family and friends, even how we exercise! As years pass, the technology gets more and more advanced – who would have even thought there would be artificial intelligence to record our grocery lists! 

So, why use technology? In today’s world, it is almost inevitable. There are many benefits to utilizing technology: 

Woman using a laptop
  • Connecting with loved ones 
  • Knowledge at your fingertips! 
  • Mental and physical stimulation – exercise and brain games apps
  • Tracking nutrition and exercise habits
  • Receive reminders for medications
  • Food and Supply deliveries 

Technology is best when it brings people together.” 

– Matt Mullenweg, CEO of WordPress
Man using a tablet

Since we all use it, it’s important to know how to keep yourself, and your personal information, safe! 

  • Use Strong Passwords – combine numbers, symbols, upper and lower case. 
  • Guard Personal Information – think before giving out your personal information online. 
  • Be Wary – If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.
  • Install Reputable Security Software – only purchase recognized security software.
  • Be Careful what you Post – avoid sharing anything too personal. 
  • Avoid Phishing Scam – a common tactic is sending emails meant to look like reputable sites – Stay Alert! 
  • Think Before You Open! Don’t open anything that seems suspicious or come from someone you don’t know.
  • Backup Photos and Documents – backup items so you don’t accidentally lose them forever. 

 There are so many different technologies out there – explore and find what fits your needs! Reach out to the therapy team at Functional Pathways to learn what options might suit you best! 

Alternatives to Pain Management


When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result.” 

— Deepak Chopra 
Man with back pain

We have all experienced pain at some point in our lives – scraping our knee, hitting our “funny” bone, or perhaps something more long-lasting, such as migraines. Pain is a useful way for our bodies to tell our brains when something is a threat to our overall well-being. Don’t touch the hot stove because it burns; don’t try and lift something too heavy because you could hurt your back. However, sometimes experiencing pain, such as chronic pain, stops being useful and is detrimental to daily living. 

The goal of a comprehensive, holistic pain management program is to promote consistent participation in activities, exercise, and education to enhance quality of life. A holistic pain management program merges traditional western medicine with eastern medicine. While western medicine tends to view the mind and body as separate entities, eastern medicine views the mind and body as one. There are many programs and approaches that help those with chronic conditions increase their engagement in meaningful activities and improve their overall well-being. 

Chi is “that which gives life” and is a strong life force making a person totally alive, alert, and present. It can be used to help overcome illness and become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity. Finding your “inner chi” can help promote one’s quality of life, especially if they are struggling with constant pain. 

Woman relaxing

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”

Finding Your Chi can: 

  • Promote your highest quality of life 
  • Use relaxation, visual imagery, and breathing strategies to address anxiety and depression  
  • Improve strength and postural stability 

Do you suffer from chronic pain? If you are interested in learning more about Pathways to Chi and alternative approaches to pain reduction, reach out to the therapy team at Functional Pathways! 

Therapy Traffic: Green Means Go!

Traffic lights – whether you love them or hate them – help to control the flow of traffic. They tell you when it is your turn to GO, STOP, or use CAUTION. We all understand how they work, and they have been around since 1868! But what you may not be as familiar with is the Functional Pathways Traffic Lights!

What are they?

Functional Pathways has a plethora of traffic light handouts to facilitate and guide residents of typical signs of their health conditions, such as Heart Disease, COPD, Stroke, and even COVID. The star of today’s show is the traffic lights for therapy services! Staying well is everyone’s priority, so utilizing these helpful tools can assist residents, families and caregivers to thrive in place and avoid hospitalizations. 

All is well – therapy services most likely are not needed.

Therapy might be helpful to ensure you are able to participate in your favorite activities with ease and prevent risk of a decline in function.

New onset of these symptoms could result in a hospital admission if the issue is not addressed. Contact your therapy team immediately.

Interested in learning more about all our resources that encourage health and wellness? – reach out to the therapy team at Functional Pathways! Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!



Physical Therapy: Falling/unsteady or shuffling gait, Pain, Shortness of breath that does not resolve quickly, Unable to do stairs, Trouble with getting in/out of bed, chair, or car safely. 

Occupational Therapy: No longer bathing, cooking and/or cleaning, Incontinence, Not participating in social events, Not leaving your house or apartment.

Speech Language Pathology: Not eating/drinking due to choking or coughing, Forgetting important dates/people, Sudden onset of slurred speech/unable to communicate, Unable to pay bills/keep meds straight. 

Physical Therapy: Out of breath/less energy, Fear of alling/occasional loss of balance, Concerns about getting in/out of a bed, chair or car safely. 

Occupational Therapy: Occasional incontinence concerns, Trouble with grooming/basic hygiene, bathing and/or dressing, Trouble with light housekeeping/cooking, Less comfortable going to social events.

Speech Language Pathology: Some difficulty completing tasks you could previously do, Difficulty finding words or carrying on a conversation, Coughing when/after taking medications, eating or drinking. 

Physical Therapy: Balance is goo, Able to walk without concern/maintain usual activity level, Pain-free range of motion, Able to get in/out of a bed, chair or car safely, No shortness of breath. 

Occupational Therapy: No concerns with hand strength, No visual problems, No concerns with adaptive equipment, No concerns with grooming/basic hygiene, cooking, bathing, dressing, housekeeping.

Speech Language Pathology: Can remember to take medications/pay bills, No memory concerns, No difficulty finding words/carry on conversations, Able to keep appointments, No concerns with eating/swallowing.

Food for Thought

Vegetables and fruit

There are many benefits to healthy eating: stronger immune system, better sleep, more energy, improved mood, and a lower risk for disease. What you eat also has an important role in the health of your brain, your memory, as well as other aspects of mental and physical health. Higher levels of fatty acids and protein are associated with better memory and a healthier brain. 

For better brain health, try to add these foods into your regular diet: 

Nuts and Seeds – Protein is the second largest matter in the brain, second only to water, so it’s critical to nourish your brain with protein-rich foods; Amino acids are also found in protein, and they are packed with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Omega fatty acids aid in building cells to maintain normal brain function. Examples of brain healthy nuts include walnuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds. 

Salmon – Oily fishes, such as salmon, are high in omega 3! 

Beans – Rich in fiber, B vitamins, and omega fatty acids; fiber helps keep you fuller longer, and it also creates a slow release of sugar, which helps with concentration and memory. 

Blueberries – as well as other dark berries – Rich in antioxidants, which protect against free radicals (unstable molecules that attack cells within our body). 

Regularly consuming unhealthy foods, alcohol, and fish with mercury can negatively impact cognitive function. 

You don’t have to avoid them all together, but moderation is key! These foods include: 

Sugary Drinks – An excessive intake of sugary drinks increases the risk of dementia, obesity, high blood pressure, and arterial dysfunction. 

Alcohol – Chronic excessive alcohol use can result in a reduction in brain volume, metabolic changes, and disruption of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals the brain uses to communicate. 


Fish high in mercury – While oily fish has cognitive benefits, fish high in mercury can have the opposite effect. Mercury is a heavy metal contaminant and neurological poison that can be stored for a long time in animal tissues. After a person ingests mercury, it spreads all around their body, concentrating in the brain, liver, and kidneys. Examples include swordfish, tuna, and orange roughy. 

Your diet has a big impact on your brain health! For more information on nutrition and your brain health, contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team!