Resident Spotlight: Bill & Marilyn Crosby 

The Crosbys


Unquestionably, Marilyn and Bill Crosby will leave a strong legacy as both have achieved much in their personal and professional lives. They have reared two sons, Chris and Matthew, who are productive citizens, and devoted their lives toward their families and helping others. 

The Crosbys are typical of many couples in the South: one born in Arkansas, the other in Mississippi, then to Memphis, Tennessee, to start their adult lives. However, to interact with this couple, you will find they are atypical in their personalities. Although both have the same persona of warmth and friendliness, Bill is more reserved, whereas Marilyn is “bubbly” and enthusiastic in her interactions with others. Both personalities have blended well, and they remain happily married since 1965. 

Marilyn Meador’s life began in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. However, her parents divorced when she was seven; her mother moved with Marilyn and her brother to El Dorado, Arkansas. Before Marilyn’s senior year in high school, her mother became ill, and it was necessary for Marilyn and Johnny to move to Helena, Arkansas, to live with their father. 

Despite a disruptive life, Marilyn thrived, making good grades and lasting friendships wherever she lived. In high school, she played French horn and was voted most friendly her senior year. Marilyn always knew she wanted to be a nurse, but she also wanted to have an opportunity to experience college. However, her father had other ideas, so she applied and was accepted into the prestigious Baptist Hospital School of Nursing in Memphis. The requirements and restrictions there, according to Marilyn, “were much like living in a convent.” Marilyn continues, “We were treated well by Baptist: everything was provided for us, and we were taken on outings and given nice gifts at Christmas. Classes were difficult, but I loved my instructors and classmates.” 

Following graduation, Marilyn immediately began employment at Baptist Hospital, relieving the head nurse on the Charity Unit. Her entire professional life was spent at Baptist working all services, and at one time becoming the youngest head nurse there. 

As a registered nurse, Marilyn set a good example with her warm, tender care of patients and employees. She retired after 35 years, but, soon began work part-time in the Baptist Out-Patient Pavilion. She worked there an additional 15 years: a total of 50 years giving nursing care! Marilyn says that the individualized care and the wonderful co-workers made this one of her most rewarding experiences. While working part-time, Marilyn enrolled in the nursing program at Union University, earning a B.S. in Nursing. 

When Baptist Memorial Hospital celebrated its 50 year anniversary, Marilyn was asked to write an article about “the early days.” The following are some excerpts from the article, The Way It Was: “Nurses have a special bond: no one can understand what is involved in nursing unless you are one. As soon as I started working in the hospital, I knew I had chosen the right career. It was great to see how my efforts could help and encourage the patients. Few professions can provide the satisfaction that nursing does. When things are difficult, the nurse must maintain the empathy and drive to provide the best care possible. As a profession, nursing is still a high calling in every sense of the word.” 

Bill Crosby was born in Greenville, Mississippi, but Bill and his three siblings spent most of their youth in Indianola, Mississippi, where their father owned a home appliance store. Their father, an entrepreneur, pioneered in the cable television industry. This venture “allowed” Bill to spend his last year in Indianola, climbing poles to hang TV cable and crawling under houses where he met all kinds of vermin. 

While in school, from seventh grade until graduation, Bill played football and whatever sport was in season. He also played football at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. There, he received a B.S. in Sociology and, according to Bill, graduated “Thankya Laude.” 

Crosby's wedding
The Crosbys 1965

Bill’s first job was with Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Headquarters. The remaining years of his professional life were spent in property management and construction marketing: first for First Tennessee Bank, and then with various construction and hotel companies. After retirement, he was once again lured in to work 19 additional years for a renovation contractor in New Jersey. Although travel was involved, Bill maintained an office based in Memphis. 

Marilyn and Bill met at a party given by the girl who was dating Bill. Not surprisingly, Bill realized he would rather date Marilyn. Bill says it took him a year to convince Marilyn to marry him. In addition to their two wonderful sons and daughters-in-law, they have three grandchildren with which they enjoy much “grandparenting time!’ 

The Crosbys have traveled extensively, including Europe and the Holy Lands; some of it was in missionary work. They have been active members of Christ Methodist Church since 1971. Bill has served in several capacities there: as Chair of Church Council and Trustees, and assisting in establishing the Emmaus Walk in England. Bill has also coached various youth sports, including soccer, which he has never played! 

Marilyn and Bill have been at Kirby Pines for two years. Pleased with all the amenities and activities here, both enjoy the exercise programs, and Bill has developed an interest in acrylic painting. They are also happy to be here with about 20 members of their Sunday School Class. They are a great addition to our Kirby Pines community. 

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident of Kirby Pines.

The Importance of Better Hearing

Human hearing may be picking up and processing all the sounds in our surroundings, even when we aren’t aware of it.

It has been said that communication is the foundation of relationships. Without good hearing health, communication may be challenging. With May being Better Hearing and Speech Month, let’s dig into the importance of good hearing health, and what can be done to keep your ears functioning in tip top shape! 

Benefits of Healthy Hearing: 

  • Ability to successfully communicate – eliminates the frustration of missing out on conversations or being isolated from social interactions 
  • Can have a positive benefit on brain functioning and memory 
  • Supports independence and security 

As with many things, there is a chance that your hearing health may decline over time. Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) gradually occurs as we grow older, and there is no research to suggest it can be prevented. Noise-induced hearing, however, can be preventable. There are certain things, like listening to music that is too loud, that can contribute to hearing loss. If the loss is substantial and goes untreated, it can result in a decreased quality of life. Untreated hearing loss has also been linked to sadness, depression, anxiety, cognitive decline, and poor social relationships. 

What are some of the common signs of hearing loss? 

  • Repeatedly asking people to repeat what they say 
  • Feeling like others are always mumbling or not speaking clearly 
  • Difficulty hearing and understanding speech in noisy environments 
  • Missing words or phrases on the telephone 
  • Turning the volume up on the television or radio louder than normal 
  • Tinnitus, ringing, or buzzing sounds 

It’s not too late to take the right steps to protect your hearing and reduce your risk for hearing loss. 

Tips to Keep Your Hearing Healthy: 

Woman doing a hearing test
  • Wear earplugs, protective earmuffs, or noise-canceling headphones around loud noises, such as live music or construction noise 
  • Turn down the volume of the TV, radio, or music – remember, if you need to shout, the sound is too loud! 
  • Have your hearing tested regularly 
  • Take headphone breaks. When you use headphones, keep the volume down 
  • Check medication side effects 

If you exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned above, or want to learn more about what you can do to help keep your hearing in tip top shape, please contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team for guidance. 

The Life-Changing Benefits of Exercise After 60

group stretching

As we age, it’s normal to not have the stamina and agility we enjoyed in our younger years. But getting older doesn’t have to mean becoming a couch potato. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all older adults—both men and women—can benefit from regular, moderate physical activity. This is true even for people with medical conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. 

What are the benefits of exercise for older adults? 

Regular activity can positively impact our physical health as well as our mental and emotional wellbeing. It can help give us more energy and greater self-confidence, enabling us to embrace our later years with gusto. 

Some of the key benefits of exercise for older adults include: 

Prevents Bone Loss: Both men and women lose bone density as they age, with post-menopausal women losing up to 2% each year. Strength training has been shown to counteract this loss and actually restore bone density. Having stronger bones leads to fewer fractures and can also aid in balance. By reducing the risk of falls and injuries, exercise can help seniors live independently for longer. 

Relieves Osteoarthritis Pain: While it may seem counterintuitive, moving more can actually help lessen the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Arthritis-friendly exercise includes low-impact cardiovascular activity, strength training, and range-of-motion exercises. How does exercise help arthritis? It takes pressure off aching joints by strengthening the surrounding muscles. Physical activity may also help ease joint inflammation and aid in lubrication, which reduces pain and stiffness. 

Helps Prevent Chronic Disease: Exercise provides a protective effect against a host of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. If you already have a chronic condition, physical activity can minimize symptoms. It can even help reduce cognitive decline. One study found that participants over the age of 60 showed fewer Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers when they performed 30 minutes of exercise every day. 

Boosts Immunity: A 2018 study linked moderate exercise with a lower incidence of acute respiratory illness and fewer sick days off of work. The exact way exercise supports immunity is not known. However, there are many theories. Some scientists believe that the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity enable better immune function. Exercise may also improve the performance of immune cells. 

Group stretching outdoors

Improves Mood: Simply put, exercise makes us feel good. It can help ease anxiety and depression symptoms, increase relaxation, and create an overall sense of wellbeing. A 2019 study of adult men age 65 and older found that the mood-boosting benefits of exercise continue well into old age, underscoring why it’s so vital to stay active. 

Most adults over the age of 65 can exercise safely, even those with chronic conditions and mobility challenges. Before starting any exercise regimen, it’s important to talk with your doctor to learn which options are right for your health and activity level. Then, you’ll be ready to experience the proven and immense benefits of exercise first hand. 

Mother’s Day is Here!

What month starts with “Running for the Roses” and ends with chugging milk in the Winner’s Circle? MAY! May Day! May Flowers. Memorial Day. (Which is the unofficial start of Summer) But let Kirby Pines shout loud and proud….

May is all about Mother’s Day. This year is no exception. Our planning and preparation is far along. Petting zoo, games, races, and face painting….check, check, and double check!! Good food, ice cream trucks and firetrucks will all be represented. So, do your part! Be There! Bring Family and Friends! And, Have Fun!

On Sunday, we will continue the celebration with our traditional Mother’s Day Brunch. Please remember to make your reservations early.

Lastly, lets all set aside some quiet, personal time. Let’s reflect on our Mothers. For many, our Mothers have long passed. Some of us still have our Mothers. Remember those fun moments, those teaching moments, and those moments where they picked you up and took away your pain. 

“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate”. Proverbs 31:31 and enjoy thoughts of your Mother.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Michael J. Brown, Jr.
Executive Director, Kirby Pines

Coming Away From Easter

Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

The garden of gethsemane
The Garden of Gethsemane

Have you ever stopped to think how many important things in scripture take place in a garden? It all began in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve rebelled; through self-will they alienated themselves from the love of God. 

It was in the garden of Gethsemane that Jesus fought the greatest battle of his life. 

We have just celebrated Easter; it happened in a garden. Remember a part of the story. Mary was in that garden. She had come to that place, anxious and grieving. Her dreams and that of the small group of followers of Jesus–the dreams for a Messiah– were shattered in that garden.To intensify all those feelings of pain and despair, insult was added to injury. They discovered that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and the body of Jesus had been taken away. The disciples who were with Mary at the tomb that early morning had gone back home to nurse their pain and depression. 

Mary lingered in in the garden, outside the tomb. Weeping and not knowing what to do, she took another look into the tomb. And there, on the stone, where the body of Jesus had been laying, were seated angels who asked, “Woman, why are you weeping?” 

Can you feel the pain in her response? What pathos! “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” 

And then it happened. She turned around and there was Jesus. At first she didn’t recognize him when he asked, , “Woman, why are you weeping; whom are you seeking?” 

We have celebrated Easter, but let’s not move away too quickly. Let’s focus on some learnings for us from Mary. First, she didn’t recognize Jesus for a very simple reason: her tears. 

She was crying so much that she was blinded. It happens to us, doesn’t it? Our tears often blind us to what’s going on around us. We miss the lessons life is trying to teach us because we are so preoccupied with our own pain and grief, our disappointment and defeat. 

Sometimes our tears are selfish. We center on our loss. We don’t put our situation in perspective. How often do we do this at the death of a loved one. Our loneliness and loss is intense. We weep for ourselves, not for the loved one who has gone to be the eternal guest of God. We can be blinded by our tears. 

But there’s another reason why Mary did not recognize Jesus: She was facing in the wrong direction. Not just her eyes, but her mind was on the tomb. 

We fall into that snare? We focus on our defeat and loss. Easter calls us to look in the direction of new life, and new possibility. 

Memory is such a valuable tool. Often, when I am having difficulty sleeping, in my mind I will sing a favroite hymn, or quote scripture. Recently, I was focusing on the 23rd Psalm and came to the finale which grabbed me more powerfully than ever, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

Thank you, Lord, for memory. The poet said God gave us memory that we might have roses in December. We don’t have to leave Easter behind. Sure, we have some painful memories, and we need to deal with them. But we can do so with the overarching promise of the Psalmist, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

We don’t have to be blinded by our tears. An ongoing Easter-life calls us to look in the direction of new life, and new possibility. 

-Maxie Dunnam  

Congratulations to Our Champion of the Month: Jimieka Davis


Certified Medical Assistant

Describe your family: Small, funny, most definitely dysfunctional but loving, “Sorry” LOL. 

Describe yourself in five words: Determined, generous, honest, respectful and empathetic. 

What do you do for fun: Playing with my grandson, Jayden, in the yard. 

Do you have any hobbies: Planning weddings, baby showers, parties and doing the decor. 

What is your favorite thing about your job: The caring residents and Chris Palmer is the funniest person at Kirby. 

What is Your favorite food: Lasagna. 

What is your favorite song: Holding Back the Years by Angie Stone. 

What is something you are proud of: Getting into the medical field. 

What would you like people to know about you: I’m a loving & happy person – come say hello! 

Jimieka is a dedicated employee and always makes the extra effort to ensure our Residents have what they need. Whether checking vital signs, administering TB tests, facilitating lab draws on Wednesday AM, scheduling appointments, re-scheduling appointments or re-re-scheduling appointments, she does whatever is asked (often before it is asked) with a smile and compassion. It takes a special person to do what she does and maintain a great attitude-especially given her primary co-worker’s personality/presence for 8.5hrs every day-but she does just that.

– Chris Palmer, Clinic Nurse 

Don’t Miss the Spring Art Show

Spring Art Show

April 11, 2024

From 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the Grand Lobby

Talented people are all around us at Kirby Pines. We will showcase their works using a variety of mediums. Be sure to invite your friends and family to this exciting event. 


Refreshments Will Be Served. 

Resident Spotlight: Hugh Gregory

The Sandersons


Humor, hard work, clean living, and having God in control seem to be the elements that have framed the extraordinary life of Hugh Gregory. Although stories of his life may invoke similar memories in people his age, Hugh defies the odds by continuing his zest for new learning experiences at 94 years of age. 

In 1930, at the beginning of the Depression, Hugh was born in a house that had cracks large enough for snow to fall on his bed. His father was a farmer, and the family lived in a tenant’s residence on his great-grandfather’s farm. However, the farm supplied the necessities for life. Hugh had loving and godly parents; he was the only child until a sister arrived seven years later. Life was considered normal in the rural community of Auburn, Mississippi, which was the ancestral home for the Gregory family. Located northeast of Tupelo, Mississippi, Auburn had stores, a school, and several churches.

When Hugh was four years old, his parents gave him a tricycle. The house they lived in had a long porch that was unrailed and two feet off the ground. Hugh was cautioned about riding too close to the edge. The family birddog, Dan, must have gotten the message and became Hugh’s constant protector. Never leaving his side, Dan would always manage to be between Hugh and the porch edge. Another time, Hugh went for a walk and was gone for several hours. It was almost dark, and his parents were frantic. They finally spotted the top of his head in the cotton field. Of course, Dan was with him and was bringing him home.

Hugh Gregory as a child

In 1936, a devastating tornado hit Auburn and surrounding communities. There were many deaths and much destruction. The Gregory home was spared. Hugh’s father, along with neighbors, used hand saws to clear the trees that were blocking the road to the most damaged area. Six year old, Hugh went along to help. The sights he witnessed remained an indelible memory for him. Hugh’s father, then, built a nice, new house for his family.

In 1943, at the age of 13, Hugh assumed management of the farm the family now owned when his father was conscripted by the military to build structures needed in WWII. Arising at 5:00 a.m., Hugh milked three cows, and helped to feed other farm animals. At 7:00, Hugh boarded the school bus for high school in Tupelo. While in high school, Hugh played basketball all four years; however, that was not all he was interested in. A girl, Mary Curbow, had been a friend his entire life, and Hugh was interested in taking it to a new level. One day while Hugh and some friends were sitting in Mary’s yard, they learned that WW II was over. This good news prompted shy Hugh to ask Mary to the movies. Hugh had been driving his father’s school bus since the age of 12, and this was the vehicle he planned to drive on their date. He even built a stool for Mary by the driver’s seat. Unknown to Hugh, his mother had alerted all the neighbors that Hugh was driving the bus to the movies. Imagine Mary’s surprise when she got on the crowded bus! But, Mary forgave him; they dated for three years and married at age 18.

Hugh wanted to be an electrical engineer. However, he delayed college and enrolled in an electrical school in Chicago. He returned home and worked for an electrical company for two years. Surprisingly, he was offered a job with the FBI working in classified documents, so Hugh and Mary moved to Washington, D.C. for two years. In 1951, even though employed in a government job, Hugh expected to be drafted. Instead, he volunteered and spent four years in the Navy. While on active duty, he served on USS Currituck which was an AV-7 Seaplane Tender carrying supplies to aircraft patrolling the shorelines of various countries. He received the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Following discharge from the Navy, Hugh returned home and worked for an electrical company. He had been offered the FBI job but did not want to live in Washington. Hugh also enrolled in college and completed three years of study in various institutions.

In 1959, Hugh began employment with Southern Airways as a station agent. He retired after 27 years, most of that time in management positions. After retirement, he and others started an electrical testing company (EMT). For 20 years, and until retirement in 2014, Hugh’s company supervised technicians in their various jobs.

Mary and Hugh Gregory
Mary and Hugh

Hugh and Mary were married for 75+ years. They were blessed with three children, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. They lived in Southaven for 50 years and were members of the Carriage Hills Baptist Church where Hugh served as deacon and continues his membership. Hugh and Mary were fortunate to enjoy extensive travel including all 50 states and several countries.

In 2021, Hugh made the decision to move to Kirby Pines due to Mary’s declining health. Sadly, Mary died in 2023. “We lived a wonderful and charming life,” states Hugh.

Hugh continues to be involved in several activities at Kirby and is serving as a Wing Leader. Woodwork has always been a favorite hobby; he now spends time learning new things in the woodworking shop. “I appreciate all the people here and love all the new friends I have made. It is a great community to live in,” declares Hugh.

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident of Kirby Pines.

April is Occupational Therapy Month

Why Occupational Therapy if I don’t have an Occupation?

Woman playing Jenga

We hear it all the time: “I am retired! I don’t have an occupation anymore, so why would I need OT?” You might be retired – Congratulations, by the way! – but OT can still be beneficial. While you may not have a 9-5 pm job that takes you out of the home anymore, there are many daily activities that feed into vocational wellness. 

Vocational wellness includes any work that utilizes someone’s skills, while also providing personal satisfaction. This might include participating in the paid (or unpaid) workforce, being an experienced professional in a certain field, caregiver, mentor, teacher, or volunteer. Having your vocational wellness cup filled is something OT can help with!

One of the goals of OT is to promote independence and functional abilities – so it’s NOT just about your occupation. Perhaps you are passionate about volunteering or helping to teach someone a new language. Did you know OT can support you in those endeavors? Here are just a few of the ways OT can help.

Group of people volunteering to charity

Fine Motor Skills – maintain dexterity and improve grip strength. Make things like sewing, cleaning, or handwriting easier.

Visual Assistance – Perform at the top of your abilities by learning about assistance for visual challenges.

Environmental Modifications – Is your home as safe as possible? What about where you travel to volunteer, participate in group activities, etc.? OT can help with environmental modifications to help you stay safe.

Man using a magnifying glass

Assistive Devices and Adaptive Equipment – Did you know simple devices exist, like grab bars and reacher tools, to help make tasks easier to complete? There are also more complex resources, such as voice-activated technology, to help with making lists, medication reminders, etc.

To thrive and be as independent as possible for as long as possible is ALWAYS the goal, no matter what stage of life you are in. For more information on occupational therapy and how it can benefit you , please contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team.

Medicine adds days to lives, occupational therapy adds life to days.”


Group exercise

Just like your need for a balanced diet of vitamin rich vegetables and fruits, protein, and carbohydrates, your body needs a balanced routine of exercise that includes cardiovascular, strengthening and flexibility. 

Any exercise that raises your heart rate slightly is considered Cardiovascular, such as walking, biking, or swimming. In the Oasis, the Nustep, the treadmill, and the recumbent bike will increase your heart rate. As we age, it is not necessary to push ourselves to the point of being out of breath and heart pounding. Slight perspiration and increased respiration rate is good and still being able to carry a conversation is a sign of exerting enough energy to utilize our hearts and lungs without overdoing. If you do experience shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness or pain – SLOW DOWN or STOP to rest. 

Strengthening exercises build muscle and endurance. Lifting weights, Upper body and Lower body resistant equipment in the Oasis are strengthening exercises. Noodles and barbells in the water and water walking use resistance to strengthen arms and legs. When exercising, a little soreness is normal, but constant or a sudden sharp pain for more than two hours following exercise may mean “you over did it.” Always begin a new program gradually using lighter weights for a shorter period of time. On the bike or Nustep set the resistance on a lower number for 10-15 minutes. Each week add a few more minutes and increase resistance slightly. 

Woman listening to music while exercising

Exercise classes provide a balanced program for cardio, strength and stretch. Gentle stretching with deep breathing before and after an exercise session restores muscles and helps blood flow to muscles and joints to remove waste products (lactic acid) and bring Oxygen and nutrients to replenish muscle cells. Stretching and a tall glass of water may help prevent muscle cramps. Here is a quick review of the classes we offer here and how they can help keep you fit. Water aerobics and Cardio Move classes provide Cardio, Strength and Stretch. Chair Yoga and Yoga Stretch help with strengthening, stretch, and range of motion (reach and flexibility) 

Always drink water before, during and after exercising. 

Check with your medical doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Begin exercise sessions with 15 minutes three times per week. Gradually work up to 30 minutes five times per week. That is 150 minutes of moderately strenuous exercise each week which is recognized by the Arthritis Foundation, American Heart Association, and Centers for Disease Control for Cardiovascular health and healthy Joints. Visit the Oasis or join a class this week and experience that “good” feeling that comes with exercise.