Get Ready… Get Wet… And Go!!!

The Oasis at Kirby Pines

Almost everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can benefit from aquatic exercise. Even if you don’t know how to swim! Just being in the water has inherent benefits. From improvements in circulation to relieving joint pain, the rewards of aquatic exercise are numerous. Many physicians and therapists recommend aquatic therapy because it can advance individuals to a higher level of muscle fitness and mobility, sooner offering advantages over land-based exercise and therapy:

Buoyancy provided by the water allows you to move more easily with decreased stress on muscles, joints, and bones while increasing flexibility and balance. In chest-deep water, you take 70% of your body weight off your joints. The “support” your body receives makes exercising easier and less painful, allowing you to exercise longer without increased effort or joint and muscle pain.

  • Exercises performed in the water allow the heart to work more efficiently, making it a great cardiovascular workout.
  • The pressure of the water on your joints and muscles comforts your body while you exercise, leaving you feeling less fatigued.
  • Support provided by the water reduces the fear of falling.Resistance of the water provides 12 times the resistance of air, so as you walk, you’re really strengthening and building muscle and allowing for higher workout intensities with less impact on your body.

Water walking: If you are new to exercise or can’t swim, don’t worry. Aquatic walking is designed for anyone, including non-swimmers.

How it works: You’ll stand about waist-to-chest deep in water. Walk through the water the same way you would on the ground. Try walking backward and sideways to tone other muscles.

Try it: Stand upright, with shoulders back, chest lifted and arms bent slightly at your sides. Slowly stride forward, placing your whole foot on the bottom of the pool (instead of just your tiptoes), with your heel coming down first, then the ball of your foot. Avoid straining your back by keeping your core (stomach and back) muscles engaged as you walk.

Add intensity: Lifting your knees higher helps boost your workout. You also can do interval training – pumping arms and legs faster for a brief period, then returning to your normal pace, repeating the process several times.

We offer three types of Water aerobic classes. On Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 is a higher impact /intensity class and on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 is a Men Only Class and at 9:30 is the Arthritis Foundation Water Aerobics Class (Women and Men) which emphasizes range of motion for every joint. All the classes help with balance and strengthening and stretching. The pool is open 7am to 7pm for water walking/jogging or your own routines. Never use the
pool alone. Have someone nearby just in case you need help.

The Oasis has two nice changing rooms with showers and lockers. Towels are provided.

Celebrating Easter at Kirby Pines

There is nothing quite like springtime at Kirby Pines. The grounds seem to change overnight from the dulls of winter, to the beautifully landscaped 60-acre campus we know and love. Director of Landcaping, Mike Rayder, and his crew work diligently throughout the year providing pops of color, but come April those pops turn to fireworks. Flowers and trees in full bloom that include every color in the spectrum, with a surprise at every turn. If you’ve never been to Kirby Pines, now is the time to see – simply stunning.

Easter at Kirby Pines
Dale Jones with Addie Thompson checking out the treats in their Easter baskets

One opportunity during April to come visit is our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. This year it falls on Saturday, April 20th at 10:00 am. It’s a chance for generations of family, young and old, to get outside, enjoy the beautiful sunshine and have some fun (see page 16 for more information).

Which brings us to our front cover featuring resident, Dale Jones coloring Easter eggs with Emmie and Addie Thompson. The girls came to visit Kirby with their mother, Trisha Thompson, who works for our management company, RCA. Our back cover has you try and guess who the Easter Bunny is. One is an employee, another is a male resident and the third a female resident. If you can’t figure it out, see our Facebook page or Lobby TV!

Spring Has Arrived at Kirby Pines

Spring is the perfect time to start thinking about exercise and outdoor activities, and living at Kirby Pines provides you with many opportunities to enjoy both. If walking outdoors is a favorite past time of yours, you’ll enjoy a comfortable stroll around the lake or into our very own nature preserve. In fact, at this time of the year, while walking along the path you will see daffodils, redbud and dogwood trees blooming. Kirby’s sixty acres make for a very scenic walk that other retirement communities cannot boast about.

If you prefer walking indoors, you can do so in place on one of the treadmills in the Oasis or in the shallow end of the indoor pool. Of course, there are always the stairwells and hallways to walk too. Mary Hand is available to assist you set up an individual training program using the equipment in the Oasis as well.

If being adventuresome is more to your liking, then join the Travel Club and head towards their latest spot for some enjoyment.

The Pinecone provides you a list of their adventures, as well the Lunch Bunch’s next restaurant to enjoy a meal.

Later in the month Kirby will be honoring those residents who volunteer each year with a special luncheon. If you haven’t yet turned in your volunteer hours to Cheryl, be sure to do so before this exciting program and recognition luncheon.

Then and Now

The Last Supper

Have you ever wished you had been one of Jesus’ original disciples? Ever thought about what it was like in those days when Christ walked and talked with His close circle of followers? If we knew what the early beginnings were we might come to different conclusions.

Jesus called four fishermen—Peter, Andrew, James and John. He called two brothers—James and John. He called a corrupt government employee—Matthew. He called a political zealot— Simon. It didn’t seem like such a grand group.

Peter Marshall, renowned Minister and Chaplain of the Senate, said: “Thomas was a dogged unbeliever until the last minute. Judas sought redemption through revolution instead of revolution through redemption. James and John wanted to get rid of people who differed with them, instead of getting rid of the differences so they could get the people.”

When we look 50 years after Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and return to Heaven we can see not only the outcome of those early Christians but the deep cost of their discipleship. Someone has written:

  1. John died of extreme old age exiled to the island of Patmos.
  2. Judas Iscariot, after betraying his Lord, hanged himself.
  3. Peter was crucified, head downward, during the persecution of Nero.
  4. Andrew died on a cross at Patrae, a Grecian Colony.
  5. James, the younger, son of Alphaeus, was thrown from a
  6. pinnacle of the Temple, and then beaten to death with a club.
  7. Bartholomew was flayed (skin removed) alive in Albanopolis, Armenia.
  8. James, the older son of Zebedee, was beheaded in Jerusalem.
  9. Thomas, the doubter, was run through the body with a lance
  10. at Coromandel, in the East Indies.
  11. Philip was hanged against a pillar at Heropolis.
  12. Thaddeus was shot to death with arrows.
  13. Simon died on a cross in Persia (what we now call Iran).
  14. Matthew was first stoned and then beheaded.
  15. Paul was killed after imprisonment in Rome by Emperor Nero.

Could we stand challenges like they did? Could we pay such a high cost to follow Christ? This was not only needed 20 Centuries ago, it is required today! Will we embrace the loving and perhaps deadly commitment the original Christians had?

2 Timothy 3:12, “…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

I say “yes” to this call for commitment. What will you say… today?

Till next time, Don Johnson, KP Chaplain

Resident Spotlight: Larry McKenzie

Larry McKenzie

A Man With A Mission

The telephone rings at 8:30 pm. It is someone in need of prayer and comfort. Larry McKenzie redresses and goes to the hospital. This is the kind of day it has been for Larry since arising at 6:00 that morning. His calendar for each day, he says, “comes from God”. On arising each morning, Larry quotes scripture from Psalms: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”. He then asks God, “Lord what would you have me do today?” His answer comes from phone calls, emails and conversations with others.

Anyone acquainted with Larry McKenzie recognizes that he is a godly and humble man who lives to serve others. At a service honoring Larry on his 35th anniversary at Highland Street Church of Christ, it was acknowledged that Larry’s work “covered a larger spectrum than most in his position-from being the resident expert on every piece of equipment in their building, and also one who knows exactly how to word a prayer in a hospital room, or say the right thing at a funeral. He counsels with troubled individuals, teaches searchers about the Gospel, visits those with special needs and additionally supervises staff and custodial personnel”.

Recently, the leadership and congregants of Highland Church of Christ honored Larry for his fifty(50) years of association with them. What an unusual feat! He has not kept records but estimates that he has conducted at least 400 funerals, many weddings and hundreds of counseling sessions for members of his church thus far. He said he thought preaching a funeral would get easier as he got older, but he says “that is not the case. It has gotten more difficult. You try to make each service special to honor the person”.

Since moving to Kirby Pines in December of 2014, Larry has endeared himself to the residents. His warm smile radiates from a happy, positive countenance that invites friendship. His reason for moving to Kirby Pines is because of the health guarantee. “I do not want to be a burden to any of my family”. A frequent comment one hears from other residents living at Kirby Pines! “Not having to cook and wash dishes” are what he likes best about living here.

In addition to his usual work schedule, Larry is now serving as President of the Resident’s Association at Kirby Pines. He says that the responsibilities of that job are more challenging than he had anticipated. His goal as President is to be a communication conduit to the residents and to help every new resident of Kirby Pines feel welcomed and become involved in some of the activities at Kirby Pines. He visits local hospitals most days to pray with those members of his church and residents of Kirby Pines who are hospitalized.

Larry’s story has a beginning. He was born on June 23, 1933, in Van Zandt County, Texas. He was the middle child, having 2 older brothers, then twin sisters born 22 months afterward.

From childhood, Larry said all he ever wanted to be was a farmer and a preacher. He actually began his “preacher life” early. At age 5 he baptized his 2 younger sisters in ditch water. They were covered in mud and with “hair all stringy” when they got home. One can only imagine how his mother responded.

To paraphrase a familiar saying “you can take the boy out of Texas but you can’t take Texas out of the boy”. This is pretty obvious when you see Larry in his cowboy boots (he says they are “Sunday attire”) and his occasional visits to Texas. Larry lived his entire life in Van until entering Abilene Christian College in Abilene, Texas in 1951. He met his future wife, Nelda Joe there. He graduated in January 1956 and they were married May 19, 1956.

After graduation, Larry took his first position as pulpit minister at a church in Omak, Washington, making $300 a month. There he got his wish to be a farmer. He worked in an apple orchard to supplement his income and participated in all work necessary for a successful apple business. However, Larry stopped work when temperatures reached 20 degrees!

His oldest daughter, Patricia, was born in Omak, but the family moved to Spokane, Washington, for another pulpit position when she was 2 weeks old. From Spokane, the family moved back to Abilene, Texas, for Larry to attend graduate school at Abilene Christian College. While attending school, he was also on the staff of College Church of Christ and made his first missionary trip to Perth, Australia. His second daughter, Robin was born in Abilene.

Then, in January 1969, Larry moved his family to Memphis where he began his ministry at Highland Street Church of Christ. Throughout his ministry, Larry has made numerous missionary journeys. He says he has had the privilege of visiting 32 countries and all but 5 states in the U.S. His missions have included 10 trips to Papua, New Guinea and 10 to Ukraine, to name only a few. He was part of Mission/1000 at Highland church for 19 sessions, teaching a seminar on prayer. He intends to continue missionary work as long as possible.

In addition to his 2 daughters, Patricia and Robin, Larry has an older brother and one sister still living. He has 2 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. His wife Nelda Joe passed away from complications of Alzheimer’s in 2010.

Certainly, Larry has a strong spiritual and serious side, but he also has a definite sense of humor. He is known by his friends for “the Larry McKenzie’isms”, such as “it ain’t braggin’ if you done it’. When asked how he would like to be remembered, Larry responded immediately, “that I was a blessing to someone when no one else could be”. He also acknowledges the support and mentoring he has received in all the places he has been employed, especially at Highland Church of Christ. “without this and the love from members of the congregation, I would not be where or who I am today”.

Our good fortune as residents of Kirby Pines is that Larry McKenzie chose to live among us. Let us fold our arms around him, as he is doing for us and pray for his continued service and a STRONG FINISH!

Written by resident, Joan Dodson

Exercise for Enegry

Increase your energy levels at Kirby PinesDo you often feel like you are tired or just don’t have the energy to do something you would like to? You are not alone. Many people report experiencing this issue, especially as they age, or with changes in the weather. The good news is, there are some things that can be done to increase your energy levels.

There are many potential causes of low energy levels. Some possible causes include hormone changes, medications, fitness levels, depression, Vitamin B 12 deficiency, and diet. Speak with your doctor about what the cause might be and discuss how you would like to treat it. One of the best treatment options to combat low energy is exercise. Exercise helps your body use calories efficiently, builds muscle mass, increases the amount of energy your body has available and has many other health benefits. In addition, exercise releases endorphins that naturally make you feel better. Exercise can also help to better regulate blood sugar spikes, which can impact things like diabetes and reduce your risk of pre-diabetes. Simple exercises, such as walking, lifting weights, yoga, and water aerobics are all great ways to get started. If needed, please feel free to contact Mary Hand in the Oasis here at Kirby Pines for additional information for the water aerobics classes and other group classes that the wellness programs here at Kirby Pines offer. There are also group exercise classes held regularly in the PAC. Please be sure to check out the calendar of events like these here in this edition of the Pinecone.

Increase your energy levels at Kirby PinesIf you feel your lack of energy is causing you to be unbalanced or if you feel it prevents you from doing your daily tasks safely, therapy is another great option for you. Therapists can help you work toward more normal levels of energy while making sure you are safe and progressing toward your goals.

Don’t let low energy levels hold you back. Take control of your health today and let’s begin to get you the energy you need to live the life you want to live!

Please join us March 20th at 1:30 pm in the PAC for our Smart Moves presentation on this topic.

Jack LaLanne | Live Young Forever

Jack LaLanneJack LaLanne born in 1914 was a nationally acclaimed innovator of exercise and nutrition. At first doctors thought he was a charlatan, but “Time has proven that what I was doing was scientifically correct; starting with a healthy diet followed by systematic exercise and today everyone knows it.” He was the first to include weight training for athletes, women, and seniors. LaLanne radically changed sports training. He had the first televised exercise program long before Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons. Jack also combined good nutrition with exercise, and his famous juicer was an important feature in his exercise program. Jack motivated millions throughout his 70-year career to improve their lives by improving their health. As an expert on exercise and nutrition, Jack promoted living long through a healthy lifestyle, by “helping people to help themselves feel better, look better, and live longer.” His last book, LIVE YOUNG FOREVER – is critically acclaimed as his best book.

“My top priority in life is my workout each day.” To the day he died Jack LaLanne lived by what he said to others, and did so for over 75 years.

Jack LaLanneWith more than 12 exercise classes offered each week for the residents and the Oasis open 24 hours with its exercise equipment to build strength and endurance, every resident should be able to find an exercise program to meet their abilities and needs. Mary Hand is available Monday through Thursday to assist you with developing a program right for you. Jason Sparrow and the Physical Therapy Department are available for consultation and physical therapy for anyone who has a question about where they should begin. Of course, consulting with your primary care doctor is important for individuals new to exercise.

Remember Jack Lalanne’s gospel message:”Get out of your seat and onto your feet.” Join one of our classes or visit the Oasis real soon.

Improving Health at Kirby Pines

As we slowly move into spring, now is an excellent time to start thinking about little things you can do to improve your overall health. While the Oasis easily comes to mind as the place to go to improve your health, there are other ways as well. Below are a few tips for you to consider.

Stay socially involved – research shows that people who have an active social life are less likely to experience a decline in the ability to reason and remember. So look at the activities listed each month in the Pinecone and make a commitment to get involved.

Eat chocolate – an ounce a day is now determined to be as good as or better, than an apple a day. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids which help the body’s cells resist damage. In addition to their antioxidant properties, flavonoids also help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and raise good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating chocolate at Kirby is easy. All you need to do is stop by the Blossom Shop for a chocolate bar, or ask for chocolate ice cream in the dining room.

If you’re a coffee drinker, like I am, scientists have good news for us. Drinking coffee seems to lower the risk of heart disease and dying from chronic illnesses such as diabetes or pneumonia. Other research concludes that caffeinated coffee may protect against skin cancers, Parkinson’s and even delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. So if coffee doesn’t keep you awake at night, enjoy a cup from the Bistro with fellow residents.

Living a long and healthy life has a lot to do with living an enjoyable life and research has determined that music helps to make everyday living more enjoyable. Listening to your favorite music may be good for your heart, as emotions aroused by joyful music cause tissue in the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow. Music also brings on sound sleep, boosts mood and reduces anxiety. So take a close look at this months’ calendar and make plans now to improve your health.

Valentine’s – A Day of Love


Can you imagine 144 million cards given out on or before Valentine’s Day in America? It has become the second leading day in the entire year for such expression. Alfred Tennyson wrote, “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever!” What an amazing expression! It’s something many of us should say today.

But perhaps the greatest illustration of what this day is all about comes from a mid-nineteenth century English poet named Elizabeth Barrett Browning. She wrote a book in 1853 known as The Sonnets From The Portuguese in which she included a special love poem known as Sonnet 43. Andrew Spacey presents this amazing story the following way.

It was dedicated to her husband, poet Robert Browning.

The inspiration behind the work was Elizabeth’s love for the man who had, for all intents and purposes, rescued her from a quietly desperate, reclusive lifestyle she led in London, following the accidental death of her closest brother.

Dominated by her possessive father, Elizabeth spent most of her time alone in an upstairs room. She was a frail, sick woman who needed opium and laudanum in an effort to cure her pain.

Her only consolation was poetry and at this she was very successful. When Robert Browning read her work he was so impressed he wrote asking to meet her. The two eventually fell in love and decided to secretly elope to Italy in 1846, despite the father’s resistance and anger. He ended up disinheriting his daughter.

Elizabeth and Robert exchanged hundreds of love-letters over the two years from 1845-46. In them you get a clear idea of just how much they adored one another. Take this excerpt from Elizabeth in 1846, near the time of their elopement:

‘For I have none in the world who will hold me to make me live in it, except only you – I have come back for you alone…at your voice…and because you have use for me! I have come back to live a little for you. I love you – I bless God for you – you are too good for me, always I knew.’

Elizabeth was close to 40 years of age when she broke free from the control of her father. You can imagine her pent up strength of feeling and sense of relief. She went on to give birth to a son and was happily married for sixteen years, until her death in 1861.

Here is the classic love poem Elizabeth wrote to Robert:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I love thee to the level of every day’s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use In my old greifs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

I wish I could have written that! Don’t you? It’s such a deep and beautiful way words can express what we feel but so often find hard to say. Let’s say these thoughts today. Let’s present to the one we love how deeply they had touched us and how broadly they have changed our lives!

In a spiritual dimension consider this: “What would it be like to love a Being absolutely lovely – to be able to give our whole existence, every thought, every act, every desire to that Adored One – to know that He accepts it all, and loves us in return as God alone can love?” (F.P. Cobb) Jesus Christ is that Being absolutely lovely. He is worthy and accepting of our response to His love for us. “We love Him because He first loved us.”(I John 4:19)

In every way may this day be the best you’ve ever experienced!

Till next time, Don Johnson, KP Chaplain

A Memphis Tradition… Dinstuhl’s


The Dinstuhl Family has been making quality candies in Memphis for five generations beginning with Charles Martin Dinstuhl, Sr. in 1902. In the early 20’s, Charles Martin Dinstuhl, Jr. joined his father as they worked together to provide Memphians with the Finest Candies. One of the signature recipes which have been passed from generation to generation is the famous Chocolate Pecan Fudge. When Charles Martin, Sr. retired, his grandson, Edward Eugene Dinstuhl, then a young teen began learning the recipes. He joined his father to help continue the business during WWII.

Several years later, Gene received personal instruction from two prominent New York Candy Makers. It was at this time he added new and exciting recipes to his grandfather’s collection including Cashew Crunch and Chocolate Covered Strawberries. These two recipes created a new era of tradition for the company. In 1970, the young fourth-generation Gary Eugene joined his father and grandfather in perfecting the art of Candy Making. During the late 1970’s, Charles Martin, Jr. retired leaving Gene and Gary to lead the company into a tremendous time of growth.


Dinstuhl’s has moved from its meager beginning in a 400 square foot shop to the existing 11,000 square foot candy kitchen. With this expanded manufacturing facility, Dinstuhl’s has been able to meet the higher demand for their candies while still maintaining the traditional high quality.

In 2003, the Moss family of Memphis bought the historic company to assure that the quality and traditions will be enjoyed for many generations to come. Today, Rebecca Dinstuhl is at the helm and is focused on maintaining the quality that has made them successful for over 100 years, and also plans to expand the market place beyond Memphis with selected items on regional and national levels. Andrew Dinstuhl, a 5th generation candy maker, is in the kitchen creating their delicious recipes, while Marissa Moss manages their Operations making Dinstuhl’s truly a family business.

Dinstuhl’s prides itself on using fresh ingredients such as butter, cream, brown sugar, and rich chocolate. Each unique formula is blended in small batches by hand just as it was in 1902. Their commitment to quality is further demonstrated in the kosher certification by the Vaad Hakehilloth of Memphis.

Dinstuhl’s has been called upon for many years to make custom products for special events and celebrities such as Elvis, Super Bowl XL, the Kentucky Derby, the NBA Finals and the Breeder’s Cup as well as Graceland and QVC. The ranking of “Best Candy Store in the South” as well as the “#1 Fudge in America” reflects that this “sweet taste of the South” is appreciated by many.