Kirby Pines began a walking program in April with a little competition to see who gets out the most to walk. Participants were encouraged to walk outside in teams with safe distancing. The Rolling Walkers Team went out almost every day in their electric-powered chairs. People are walking everywhere from the lakes to the garden, gazebo and trails through the garden homes. Our 17 teams have put in more than 500 walking sessions in 5 weeks. Way to Go!!!! Here are a few of our teams of the week that were chosen randomly. Here are a few of our walking teams:
The Lucy Lopers
The Chippers
The Maxwell Ramblers
This has been so much fun that we have decided to go for a second round. We will start on Monday, June 8 and end Sunday, July 26. Outside temperatures may be in the 90’s, so plan to walk early morning or late in the day or enjoy the air-conditioned halls of Kirby Pines. Remember to use sunscreen, wear a hat, sunglasses, and like I always say, DRINK MORE WATER.
Residents at Kirby Pines have the security of knowing that they are taken care of in all stages of life, because of the comprehensive life care agreement that is unique to Kirby Pines. However, the life care agreement is only one of many security features unique to living here.
The electronic key system at Kirby Pines – Cliq Key – is designed to record each key put into any lock. A print out of a particular lock, will show whose individual key was put into the lock, and whether that key granted or denied access to that lock. In some locations, we have installed locks that only a handful of individuals have been granted access to, and if a key is inserted into one of those locks, that individual key is “killed” simply by placing into the wrong lock, forcing that individual to come to the administrative offices to have their key reprogrammed. Our key system provides the added security of being able to track the time, date and person using the key.
One of the newest security features at Kirby Pines, is the recent installation of Mobotix Thermal Cameras. These cameras take the temperature of individuals and things passing by them, such as an iPhone, or the battery of a motorized chair, or a simple cup of coffee. These cameras then send an alert message, along with a series of four photos in time sequences, to preselected desk top computers and iPhones. Two images are sent simultaneously, one is a thermal image with a pin point indicator of where the elevated temperature is located; and the other is a clear photograph of who or what triggered the elevated alert on the Mobotix Thermal Camera. Thereby allowing us to act to stop someone who might have an elevated temperature, which is one of the symptoms related to Covid-19.
These enhanced technological devices add to our overall security, but the best sense of security, remains living among friends at Kirby Pines.
Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines
The National Day of Prayer is an annual day of observance held on the first Thursday in May, designated by the US Congress to encourage people to turn to God in prayer and meditation.
This year the date of Prayer is scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2020. We will be having a prayer service that evening for Vespers to be led by Dr. Jimmy Latimer, Chairman of Psalms Board of Directors.
Make plans to come early at 6:15 pm to spend a time in prayer before the service begins.
The theme for this year is “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth”.
Thursday, May 7, 2020, America will celebrate it’s annual National Day of Prayer. We need to join in this wonderful commemoration of our need for God. And let’s recall the following: Prayer of the Year
Prayer of the Year
Father, thank You, especially for letting me fly this flight. Thank You for the privilege of being able to be in this position; to be up in this wondrous place, seeing all these many startling, wonderful things that You have created.
Help guide and direct all of us that we may shape our lives to be much better Christians, trying to help one another, and work with one another rather than fighting and bickering.
Help us to complete this mission successfully. Help us in our future space endeavors that we may show the world that a democracy really can compete…
Be with all our families. Give them guidance and encouragement and let them know that everything will be okay.
We ask in Thy name. Amen.
May 15-16, 1963, Major Gordan Cooper, USAF, stirred the world with his 22 orbit in space. To Major Cooper the experience was more than scientific. As he circled the earth he composed the following prayer, which he later read before a joint session of Congress. This Week Magazine, then the National Sunday Magazine with a circulation of over 14 ½ million, printed the words of Cooper on December 29, 1963, as “Prayer of the Year”
What a wonderful way to express God’s greatness and man’s need for clinging to the Creator wherever we might be. This could be the prayer for us today. The Lord is still here though trouble is everywhere. Truly Psalm 19:1 rings true: “The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament shows His handiwork.”
We asked residents what they were doing to enjoy themselves while social distancing. Here’s what they said!
I have always been a Plan A, B, or C person when making plans, but was disappointed to have to cancel a reunion with four college friends in April, but when saving lives becomes more important, these were minor inconveniences”.
– Jean Mauney
I have read more books since our “confinement“ thank you to the Kirby library. I exercise in my room by watching Mary Hand on TV and I can still go to the Oasis. Talk to my children daily. And most of all we can still have Church services in our room via TV. Thanks to Kirby pines I can stay busy!”
– Billie Ratliff
Playing cards with friends. Getting a massage (for medical
purposes) from my daughter!”
– Jeannie Hutchinson
It has been my joy to diligently work on a project which has been rolling around in my mind for 8 months. With the help and skills of Jean Saunders getting me on track we are about to see the beginning of the end of the work.”
– Janice Wall
Sending Texts and Emails to family and friends, checking on them. Writing notes and cards to encourage me and others. Struggling to stay 6 feet apart, playing mahjong with friends Working in Blossom Shop. Ordering groceries for some shut-ins. Determining to stay positive, patient and depending on God to take care of us. Being thankful for Kirby Pines and the staff and all who work here to keep us safe.”
– Sydney Wagner
I decided this was a good time to change my closet from winter clothes to Spring and Summer. Now all my blouses, pants and jackets are hanging neatly and color-coordinated. After that it was time to rearrange and donate all those things in my storage unit that I thought I couldn’t live without. LOL!”
– Joyce Read
I have been working from home rather than going to the office. I am exercising with Mary Hand’s exercise class on Channel 10 on Tuesday and Thursday. We are watching movies on Channel 10. Am thankful to be able to hear Don Johnson’s Uplift Messages and Brian Odhiambo on the piano. What a blessing! If you will stop and think, believe you will agree there are more pluses than minuses in staying in.”
– Donna & Doug Paine
Just because we are social distancing doesn’t mean we still can’t have our dessert and coffee time with our neighbor, we just have to keep our distance!”
– Suzanne & Mike Hufnagel
I am truly enjoying the exercise classes (which I never attend at the big house) having them on my TV so I can do them regularly. That is such fun and something I never would do if I had to go up there. I just wish more people would stay in their apartments and take advantage of the wonderful in-house television service we have!! Thank you for this lovely privilege.”
– Sylvia Statham
We have found relief from the boredom by walking, in the morning, afternoon, and after dinner. Wonderful way to get away but remain on the property. Lots of opportunities to share thoughts and feelings. And as relatively new residents, provides chances to make new acquaintances. Have created lots of memories by taking photos around the grounds as Spring has arrived.”
-Jeanette & Steve Martin
Bob watches more TV than usual but also works at his computer. He does all the bookkeeping for us. I still have my regular chores, plus I have picked up my art again. I practice music on several instruments; as well connecting with old friends either by email or phone. I write a blog once a month and do my daily bible study. I am never bored.”
– Barbara & Bob Hyland
I started a group text to my eleven grandchildren and their families. It has been a wonderful experience!”
– Barbara Lipsey
I am rediscovering my extensive movie library.”
– Caroline Thomas
I am reading, watching more movies on TV, calling out of town family-staying inside Kirby.”
– Estelle Horn
I play the piano, read until I “fall off the page”, read emails, and occasionally do a Spotlight article for the Pinecone. I enjoy walking outside and admiring the beautiful grounds. I am getting increasingly lazier and the apartment is getting increasingly dirtier. However, I have plenty of time to focus on our singing group, The Entertainers in planning future programs. How I miss our singing together each week!”
– Joan Dodson
Today’s heroes are the nurses, doctors and associates who are on the front line to keep us alive and well. Appropriately, May is the month in which nurses are honored each year with May 6th through 12th designated as National Nurses’ Week, the 12th being the birthday of Florence Nightingale. Nightingale, the “mother of modern nursing” was the first nurse to recognize and institute the practice of cleanliness and hygiene as essential to wellness, healing and recovery from illness.
Currently, there are 20 retired nurses who live at Kirby Pines. Each in her own way has been on the front line during war time or times of high contagion. Kirby nurses remember caring for tuberculosis and polio patients. Many volunteered to help in massive immunization programs such as the polio vaccine of the late 50’s.
So, it is appropriate to recognize one of Kirby’s nurses, Gail Waldrop, who, at age 40, chose nursing as a third career. Her story is not the typical story but one which is inspiring and revealing.
Gail Dodson was born on a farm in Winfield, Alabama, the oldest of nine children. Her nurturing instincts came in to play early as it became her role to be a “second mother” to her siblings. The family moved to Wyandotte, Michigan when she was 14 years old. Her mother was a homemaker and her father was a welder. Following graduation from high school, Gail took a giant step and left her family in Michigan to attend David Lipscomb College in Nashville. She graduated with a B.A. in English and was elected to the honor society, Sigma Tau Delta. Following graduation, Gail chose to be close to family members and moved to Mobile, Alabama for a teaching position. A faithful Christian, Gail met her future husband, Gene, at church. He was a Mississippi State engineering student and was spending the summer working at Brookley Air Force Base. Following his senior year, he “persisted in the pursuit” and he and Gail married on August 29, 1959. They moved to Birmingham, Alabama where he was employed by Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. Gail taught school until their first daughter, Melissa was born. This began Gail’s second career as homemaker. Julie, their second daughter, was born four years later.
During her time as homemaker, Gail’s husband was transferred frequently. They lived in many states, but Gail’s favorite place was the four years they spent in London, England. While there, the family traveled extensively in UK and to most European countries and Russia. In 1976, Gene was transferred to Memphis and the family resided in Germantown. It was during this time that Gail recognized a need to be “useful to society” again. She enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing Program at Memphis State University. She graduated in 1980 and began her third career. She worked at St. Francis Hospital on the oncology unit until Gene was once again transferred-this time to Birmingham, Alabama where Gail worked in oncology and hospice care. She soon began to feel the burden of so much sadness and opted for a job with BlueCross/Blue Shield in rehabilitation care. During the 10 years Gail worked for BCBS, she enrolled in the RN to BSN program at University of Alabama. On graduation, Gail was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, a national honorary society of nurses. She also passed the national test for Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurses. Gail’s mother questioned, “Gail, are you ever going to quit going to school?”
Finally, retired from BCBS, but because of her expertise in rehabilitation, Gail was employed part-time by Medicare, working on special projects in conjunction with doctors in all fields of medicine. She was active in the community, serving on the Literacy Council and as docent at Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Birmingham Museum of Art.
Wedding Day 1959
When husband, Gene retired, Gail and Gene moved to Collierville to be near family, especially grandchildren. In addition to the two daughters, Gail and Gene were grandparents to four and great-grandparents to one. They became active members of Germantown Church of Christ. Gail also became involved in several community activities, serving as docent at Brooks Museum of Art as well as church activities.
Gail and Gene moved to Kirby Pines in July, 2015. This was the SIXTEENTH home or apartment Gail has lived in. Sadly after nearly 57 years of marriage, Gene passed away on May 20, 2016 from complications of surgery.
Gail Waldrop indeed has a legacy of service. Her 20 years as a nurse met her needs to be of value to mankind as well as meeting the needs of special areas in the nursing arena of care. Gail says, “I have had a wonderful life. I am glad to be at Kirby Pines. It is where I need to be at this stage of my life.”
A special thanks to all the nurses who have contributed to our well-being. Thanks to all the Kirby nurses for the role you have played in making our city and country THE BEST health care system in the world.
Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.
A state resulting from a stress: especially: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.
It can feel like one is out of balance or overwhelmed. Too many things to do and not enough time!
Stress is a part of life; it is HOW we deal with it that is most important!
Consequences of Stress:
When we are under stress our body responds by releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones serve a purpose if we need to get away from a dangerous situation. This is known as the “fight or flight” response.
Research is clear that long-term stress plays a role in many illnesses. It is a contributor to high blood pressure, which has been linked to heart attack and stroke.
Over the long-term stress also lowers our immune system making us more vulnerable to colds/flu.
Common Causes of Stress:
The stressors that many of us face today are things like time pressures, a change to our health status, loss of a loved one, work demands, family demands, relationship issues, financial issues.
There are many different ways that we can cope with stress. Some of those ways are healthier than others.
Negative coping strategies:
It is easy to get into negative habits when we are dealing with a stressful period in our lives.
Excessive TV Watching
Positive coping strategies:
There are many different “healthy” ways to deal with stress. These are a few of the more common tools that people find useful when managing stress.
Deep Breathing
Guided Imagery-Visualization
Yoga/Tai Chi
There are also many “quick and easy” ways to deal with stress. Some everyday things that one can do to alleviate stress are:
Taking a walk in nature
Talking with a good friend
Playing with a pet
A warm bubble bath
A good book
A funny movie
Reading poetry
The key is to be aware of the things that cause stress in your life and develop a plan or activity that can help you relieve stress so does not become a chronic issue that takes its toll on your health and well being.
The goal of stress management is to come back to a state of balance, physically and emotionally.
Are you bored with those 4 walls? Get some pep in your step. Start your own stay-at-home exercise program. Moving your muscles and joints will improve your attitude. A hormone called endorphins is released in your body naturally when you exercise. Endorphins actually cheer you up and lift your spirits. Bodies in motion are stronger, more flexible, experience less pain, burn unwanted calories, and maintain better balance for fall prevention and more endurance.
Safety is the utmost concern in your exercise program. If you are new to exercise, start slow, limit your first week to about 15 minutes at a time whether you are walking or following an exercise program. If you feel short of breathe slow down or stop altogether to restore your normal breath rate. You know if you are working hard enough if you are breathing a little faster but can still carry a normal conversation. If you feel light-headed or dizzy, sit down immediately. If you experience chest pain, or other sharp pain different from the usual ache, dizziness lasting more than fifteen minutes, difficulty breathing or other serious symptoms, get assistance immediately. Keep a phone nearby for emergencies.
A little soreness is normal after exercising but if you are feeling pain more than two hours after you exercise, that is a sign that you have done too much. Next exercise session be a little easier on yourself and don’t push yourself too hard.
When exercising with Live TV Channel 10 classes, gather your equipment before the class starts. Use a sturdy chair, like a wooden dining room chair, not a desk chair with wheels or a flexible back and definitely not a “lazy-boy.”
Wear comfortable clothes that do not bind and sturdy shoes to give your feet good support (no sandals or flip-flops or high heels). When doing standing exercises, be sure the floor is not slippery and you are within an arm’s length to the back of the chair. A hand on the back of the chair can be useful for balance support for any standing exercise. On days you cannot trust your balance stay seated in the chair to exercise. Keep a bottle or glass of water nearby to stay hydrated through your class. If it hurts don’t do it or at least modify it to make it comfortable for you.
Yoga Stretch is offered on Monday and Wednesday at 12:45 pm and Sit and Stand class is at 11:00 am on Tuesday and Thursdays. Give those classes a try or go by the Oasis and pick up a sheet of safe and easy exercises you can do at home. The Oasis is still open and equipment is deep cleaned twice daily. Use of Disinfecting wipes before and after you use the equipment as recommended.
For more safe exercise ideas check with Mary Hand in the Oasis.
National Nurses Week was first observed in October 1954, the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s mission to Crimea. The English nurse became known as the founder of professional nursing, because of her pioneering work during the Crimean War (1853-1856).
Due to her habit of making rounds at night, Nightingale became known as “The Lady with the Lamp”. May 6 was introduced as the official date for the observance in 1982.
May 12, the final day of National Nurses Week, is the birthday of Florence Nightingale (1820-1910).
Well we are about to start another month in the midst of Covid-19 and we have all learned how valuable real friends are during this pandemic.
So many friends came to our aide in volunteering to open the Blossom Shop, and to make hundreds of cloth masks for the community. Others did grocery shopping for their neighbors, or delivered packages to them; while others sent cards to fellow residents in healthcare. Cheryl and her team developed a new walking club and started off with sixteen teams; plus they added movies to our in-house television station as well as live performances. Don Johnson devoted time to providing staff with a morning prayer over our Nortel system and delivering words of comfort to residents on live TV. The fact is everyone at Kirby Pines is a true friend to one another.
In May, we traditionally hold our huge picnic in celebration of Mother’s Day, but as I write this article, we still don’t know if Covid-19 will delay this event as it has with so many others. However, I do remember my mother giving me all the things I needed to know to survive this pandemic. I bet your mother did too.
Lessons learned like, “wash your hands, you’ve been playing with the dog” and “wash your hands, it’s time to eat” and “I don’t care if you washed your hands just a little while ago, go wash them again!”. And remember, “Don’t get too close to those strangers” and “cover your mouth when you cough” and of course, “wash your hands, you just coughed into them when you covered your mouth”.
Happy Mother’s Day mom, and thanks for just being you. After using my keyboard to type this article, I’m off to – you guessed it – wash my hands.
Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines
A Nobel Prize winner, an old pastor and a boy scout were flying across the Atlantic when the pilot came bursting through the door and announced: “We’ve lost both engines, and there are only three parachutes on the plane. I only received my pilot’s license last month and I still have to serve a lot of people; I simply have to live.” With that he grabbed a parachute and jumped.
The Nobel Prize winner said: “Just last week I received the prize for being the smartest man on earth. I have a lot of work to do for mankind, sorry, I also have to live.” He grabbed what he thought was a parachute on the airplane floor and jumped.
The pastor turned to the boy and said; “Son, I have lived a long life; I have put my faith in what Jesus has done for me and I know for certain that when I die I will go to heaven. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. You take the last parachute and jump.”
“Not to worry sir,” the boy replied, “there’s still two chutes left; the smartest man in the world just jumped out with my backpack.”
What a story!!! It illustrates something truer than we might think, “Look before you leap.” Sometimes we think we know more than everyone else. We consider ourselves smarter than all the rest. We may have even won outstanding awards. But when trouble comes how does it work out?
Many have grabbed the closest thing at hand. We have taken whatever is close and assumed it was what we needed and what we thought it was. But mistakes can be made and they can be great!
Scripture describes those who didn’t look and leaped too soon. “These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:8-9) It’s a paraphrase of Isaiah 29:13. We must not let this describe us!
Jumping out of a crashing airplane is one thing. But jumping out of Life into Eternity is quite another. Be sure you have the parachute God has provided through the Messiah. Don’t trust your words. Be sure you have a personal God relationship that will give you sufficiency and security.
Kirby Pines, a sister community of The Farms at Bailey Station, is part of the family of LifeCare Communities of Retirement Companies of America. For more information, visit