A Memphis Tradition… Dinstuhl’s


The Dinstuhl Family has been making quality candies in Memphis for five generations beginning with Charles Martin Dinstuhl, Sr. in 1902. In the early 20’s, Charles Martin Dinstuhl, Jr. joined his father as they worked together to provide Memphians with the Finest Candies. One of the signature recipes which have been passed from generation to generation is the famous Chocolate Pecan Fudge. When Charles Martin, Sr. retired, his grandson, Edward Eugene Dinstuhl, then a young teen began learning the recipes. He joined his father to help continue the business during WWII.

Several years later, Gene received personal instruction from two prominent New York Candy Makers. It was at this time he added new and exciting recipes to his grandfather’s collection including Cashew Crunch and Chocolate Covered Strawberries. These two recipes created a new era of tradition for the company. In 1970, the young fourth-generation Gary Eugene joined his father and grandfather in perfecting the art of Candy Making. During the late 1970’s, Charles Martin, Jr. retired leaving Gene and Gary to lead the company into a tremendous time of growth.


Dinstuhl’s has moved from its meager beginning in a 400 square foot shop to the existing 11,000 square foot candy kitchen. With this expanded manufacturing facility, Dinstuhl’s has been able to meet the higher demand for their candies while still maintaining the traditional high quality.

In 2003, the Moss family of Memphis bought the historic company to assure that the quality and traditions will be enjoyed for many generations to come. Today, Rebecca Dinstuhl is at the helm and is focused on maintaining the quality that has made them successful for over 100 years, and also plans to expand the market place beyond Memphis with selected items on regional and national levels. Andrew Dinstuhl, a 5th generation candy maker, is in the kitchen creating their delicious recipes, while Marissa Moss manages their Operations making Dinstuhl’s truly a family business.

Dinstuhl’s prides itself on using fresh ingredients such as butter, cream, brown sugar, and rich chocolate. Each unique formula is blended in small batches by hand just as it was in 1902. Their commitment to quality is further demonstrated in the kosher certification by the Vaad Hakehilloth of Memphis.

Dinstuhl’s has been called upon for many years to make custom products for special events and celebrities such as Elvis, Super Bowl XL, the Kentucky Derby, the NBA Finals and the Breeder’s Cup as well as Graceland and QVC. The ranking of “Best Candy Store in the South” as well as the “#1 Fudge in America” reflects that this “sweet taste of the South” is appreciated by many.

Resident Spotlight: Ken & Carolin Thomason


Cupid, the little chubby cherub who does amazing things with his bow and arrow, is thought to be especially active during the month of February. He took aim and shot a final bow into the hearts of Carolin Wolfe and Ken Thomason on February 14, 2010, as they were married before a host of family and friends in the Chapel at White Station Church of Christ. They will celebrate 9 happy years together this coming Valentine’s Day.

Their love story is special because neither was looking or expecting to find another love. Both had been married previously but had lost their spouses to death, Carolin in 2002 and Ken in 2006. Their lives continued as singles until that fateful day they met at church. A friend had connected them on Facebook, but, they had never met until the day Ken recognized Carolin and asked her to help him with his computer. A likely story, Ken!

Their courtship did begin in fact with Carolin helping Ken with his computer. That led to lunch, later a movie, another work session on the computer, dinner, etc. “We fell in love with each other! Neither of us expected this to happen, but happen it did!”, exclaims Carolin. Carolin says she fell in love with Ken because his kindness and compassion made it easy to love him. “He was exactly the man I was NOT looking for – but, I’m so glad I found him!”. Ken loves to be involved in so many things at Kirby Pines such as the Garden Club and exercise classes. Carolin especially likes the fact that he loves to cook and that he is a wonderful Christian man. How lucky can you be?

The Thomason Family

Ken says he fell in love with Carolin because “She is a lovable, patient and joyful person. She is kind and good to everyone, a faithful Christian and very generous with her time with others”. Carolin also has become a volunteer at The Blossom Shop and is involved in the Entertainers Chorus and the Kirby Pines Photo Club.

Both Carolin and Ken agree” “We enjoy so many things together and we have fun together. Perhaps the most fun we’ve had was keeping our friends and families guessing about our relationship after we met. They were always anticipating and asking questions”. Looking for and selecting their wedding rings was also a very special time. Finally, they “let the cat out of the bag” and began deciding a date for the wedding – Valentine’s Day was perfect. So, on a Sunday afternoon, February 14, 2010 they were married with Leon Sanderson officiating. Every member of the immediate family of both Carolin and Ken was present at the wedding. A joyful time for friends and family and the joining of two families together.

Ken was born and grew up on a farm in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. Prior to completing high school at the age of 17, Ken enlisted in the Navy. On leaving the Navy, he returned to complete high school and tried commercial and residential painting. Deciding that profession was not for him, Ken enrolled in Barber College, eventually establishing his own business for 56. He was President of the Federal Hair Cutters Credit Union for 12 years and for 24 years, he served as an Elder of the White Station Church of Christ. From his first marriage, he has 2 daughters, 5 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren with another on the way.

Carolin was born in Ohio but moved to West Virginia at an early age. She was the oldest of 4 children, 2 girls, and 2 boys. She changed schools 6 times because of her father’s work in construction. Following graduation from high school, she completed 2 years at Freed-Hardeman in Henderson, Tennessee, then went to Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, completing her BS Degree in 1963. She married soon after graduation and moved to Memphis, Tennessee. From this marriage, she had 1 daughter, 2 sons and 8 grandchildren. Carolin obtained a Master’s Degree from Memphis State in 1973 and spent 45 years at Harding Academy as a teacher or principal, retiring in 2009. From her demeanor and personality, one can deduct what a wonderful kindergarten and first grade teacher she was!

So, back to the love story. Although during their short marriage they have had some sadness, their love has increased as well as their family members. Their favorite place to visit is Gatlinburg and they have visited there many times during their marriage. It was the place they selected for their honeymoon. They made the decision to become residents of Kirby Pines in August of 2016, and Carolin says, “We love living at Kirby Pines and participating in all the activities”.

Being devout Christians, both Carolin and Ken felt that 2 scriptures have guided their lives and asked they be included in their story. From Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand”. And from Isaiah 46:4: “I will be your God throughout your lifetime until your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.”

Chances are, if you see a couple walking along holding hands, it is very likely to be Ken and Carolin. Many couples living at Kirby Pines, are in second and even third marriages. So, if you are single and wish to remain that way, you better watch out because Cupid is alive and well and keeping an eye on Kirby Pines!

Written by resident, Joan Dodson


Sticking With: Life’s Simple 7

Do better at Kirby Pines

How many times in your life have you stopped, looked at the life choices you were making and thought, “I need to do better.” Maybe you thought you should change your diet, exercise more, stop smoking or be more careful about blood pressure or cholesterol.

Research shows those who can reach cardiovascular wellness goals by age 50 can expect to live another 40 years free from heart disease and stroke. What are those wellness goals? Let’s take a look at Life’s Simple Seven, developed by the American Heart Association.

Managing Blood Pressure.

Managing Blood PressureHypertension, or high blood pressure, is the single most significant risk factor for heart disease. It’s sometimes called “the silent killer” because it has no symptoms. One in three American adults has high blood pressure, yet about 21% don’t even know they have it. Of those with high blood pressure, 69% are receiving treatment, but only 45% have their blood pressure controlled.

Get Active.

Get ActiveThe evidence is clear: people who exercise have better health than those who do not. A recent American Heart Association survey shows that fewer than two out of every ten Americans get the recommended 150 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each week.

Eat Better.

Eat BetterEating for good health means choosing lots of fruits and vegetables, whole-grain carbohydrates, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. You might have to train yourself to avoid foods and drinks with high sodium or added sugar. Another perhaps surprising part of healthy eating is to regularly include fish rich in Omega-3’s. It’s great for your heart and your brain.

Control Cholesterol.

Control CholesterolEveryone has cholesterol. It’s the waxy substance in your bloodstream and cells. Some cholesterol is important for good health, but too much cholesterol in your blood puts you at major risk for heart disease and stroke. When too much LDL (or bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up inside the walls of your arteries that feed your heart and brain. Cholesterol particles combine with other substances in your blood to form plaque. This can narrow the arteries and make them less flexible, putting you at major risk for heart disease and stroke.

Lose Weight.

Lose Weight

If you’re overweight, don’t waste your energy feeling guilty or bad about it. Instead, do something positive. BMI is the key. BMI is a height-to-weight comparison that helps you identify the healthy weight target for your height. If your BMI is higher than 25, you need to bring that number down. Losing weight means changing the balance of calories in to calories out.

Reduce Blood Sugar.

Reduce Blood SugarYour digestion turns all carbohydrates into sugar or glucose which is then carried throughout your bloodstream to give you energy. Complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat breads and grains, and fruits and vegetables take longer to digest, helping to keep your energy supply steady. But simple sugars, like sweets, donuts, and white bread are very quickly converted into glucose, which can cause your body to call for extra surges of a hormone, insulin, to help regulate the energy supply. If your blood sugar is high, as often happens when you maintain a diet with too many simple carbohydrates, there will be a growth of plaque in your arteries. Diabetes is treatable but very dangerous and can often lead to heart disease and stroke. Even if you don’t have diabetes, you need to know your blood sugar level. Be sure to get a blood sugar level test after fasting at least every three years, because controlling glucose is an important part of stopping heart disease before it starts.

Don’t Smoke.

Don't SmokeEven if you’ve smoked for years, your body can start the repair process as soon as you stop. If you’re ready to start your plan for smoke-free health, it’s a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider. Medication can be helpful for some people during the kick-the-habit phase and research shows combining medical and behavioral therapies can increase success rates.

Remember, Life’s Simple Seven work together to help you build a better and stronger life, so by investing in improving in one area, like your blood sugar levels, you are likely to improve your weight and nutrition, too. However, without a plan, you’ll be at an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and other illnesses and disabilities. You may see an increased need for surgeries and other medical treatments, and you’ll almost certainly face a diminished quality of life.

Please join us February 20th at 1:30 pm in the PAC for our Smart Moves presentation on this topic.

Exercise for a Healthier Heart

Staying healthy at Kirby Pines

Valentines and Hearts are everywhere this season. February is the American Heart Month reminding us to keep our heart healthy by diet, rest, and exercise. Remember your heart is a muscle and exercising makes it stronger and healthier. Research shows that people who do not exercise have a greater risk of heart disease than active people. Like all exercise programs, check with your physician before beginning any new regimen. So, “What exercise works best for my heart?”

Here are a few basic pointers:
Include Aerobic or cardio exercise like walking, swimming, or biking. You should move fast enough to raise your heart rate and breathe a little harder, but not so fast that you cannot catch your breath or be able to carry a conversation. Three to five times a week for 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise is recommended by the CDC. Ten or fifteen-minute sessions work just as well as 30 to 60 minutes. Our water aerobics and the sit and stand exercise classes will get your heart rate up without wearing you out. Also, the Nustep, treadmill and recumbent bike can raise your heart rate and monitor your heart rate, too.

Stretching is also important. Be sure to stretch after warming up for a few minutes and after each exercise session to keep your body more flexible. Stretch gently (no pain) and hold your stretch for at least 30 seconds. We offer Tai Chi and Yoga classes to provide full body stretching as well as water aerobics and sit and stand classes that finish with stretching.

Strength training uses weights and resistance like with stretch bands or in water, and even your own body weight (yoga). Do strength exercises 2 or 3 times a week resting a day between sessions. The Oasis has weight resistance equipment for upper and lower body work. Resistance levels can be increased on the Nustep and the bike.

It is never too late to begin an exercise habit. Start gradually 10 – 15 minutes at a time and increase slowly… If you experience pain or pressure in your chest or trouble breathing, stop immediately and get medical assistance. A little soreness, in the beginning, is normal, but if the pain lasts more than 2 hours after exercise it may mean you have overdone it. After a few weeks, you can increase your workouts for longer sessions and add more resistance gradually. Exercise is a key to a healthier heart. Check out the schedule of exercise classes or make an afternoon appointment with Mary Hand if you want to learn more about the equipment in the Oasis. Remember an active life leads to a healthy heart.

– Mary

Love and Happiness at Kirby Pines

In February, we can celebrate by welcoming in the Chinese Lunar New Year 4716 – the Year of the Pig. Unlike western calendars, the Chinese calendar has names that are repeated every 60 years. 2019 is the year of the Golden Earth Pig. It is a year to make peace and enjoy life. A year for harmony and fellowship when kind actions are rewarded. As a Gold year, money is spent on luxuries such as sumptuous meals and fine clothing – so beware of ignoring the bills that accumulate during the Pig year.

A Pig is characterized as being optimistic and sensitive. It is said that a Pig person has a heart of gold and is naturally a kind, generous and gentle soul. Pigs are honest and peaceful in nature. They dislike arguments and conflicts; are fun-loving, and don’t hide their emotions. Because of their capacity for giving and forgiving, Pig people make the greatest of friends.

Some of the more famous people born under the Pig are Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan, Duke Ellington and Elton John, Ernest Hemingway, and Magic Johnson. If you were born in: 1924 you are a Grey Water Pig; if you were born in 1936 you are a Blue Wood Pig; born in 1948 you are a Purple Fire Pig and if you were born in 1960 you are a Gold Earth Pig.

In February we also celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you have not bought your Valentine cards, you still have time to do so in the Blossom Shop. Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate your one true love and the love you have for friends and family. Also, it is one of the few days when you can eat all the chocolate candy you want, and no one will say anything about it! So with these two celebrations happening in the same month, you may want to check the Kirby Facebook Page for the unexpected concert, trip or social dining event you can participate in. Wishing you happiness, prosperity, and a Happy Valentine’s Day. “Gung Hay Fat Choy”!

What If?

Messy room

When I was in my teens I came across some thoughts by Lois Kendall Blanchard that powerfully presented God moving into our hearts and lives and being exposed to all our plans and actions.

Here’s what she said:

“If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two—
If He came unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do.
Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room to such an honored Guest,
And all the food you’d serve to Him would be the very best,
And you would keep assuring Him you’re glad to have Him there—
That serving Him in your own home is joy beyond compare.

But—when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly Visitor?
Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in?
Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they’d been?
Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn’t heard?
And wish you hadn’t uttered that last, loud, hasty word?

Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out?
Could you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about?
And I wonder—if the Savior spent a day or two with you,
Would you go right on saying the things you always say?
Would life for you continue as it does from day to day?

Would your family conversation keep at its usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing, and read the books you read,
And let Him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you’d planned to go?
Or would you, maybe, change you plans for just a day or so?

Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends?
Or would you hope they’d stay away until His visit ends?
Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know the things that you would do
If Jesus Christ in person came to spend some time with you”.
– Lois Kendall Blanchard

This too often describes us. God would not be comfortable with
most of our everyday experiences? Major changes would have to
come both on the inside and outside? He probably would not want
to stay on and on.

Robert Boyd Munger wrote a classic story about this titled, My
Heart, Christ’s Home. He divided the house of his heart into distinct
rooms: the Study, the Dining Room, the Living Room, the Work
Room, the Rec Room, and the Hall Closet. As he walked through
each room separately he noticed they all needed to be carefully
evaluated, changed and given to the Lord for His control. Munger
had given God the deed to the house of his heart, but then realized he
had not surrendered possession of each room specifically. When he
did that the Lord became not only a Guest in his heart but the Master
of his life.

In light of the “ifs” of our lives, we must meticulously commit
everything to Him. He has promised to always be with us (Hebrews
13:5). Personally, powerfully and daily He gives strength, insight, and
wisdom so each step is in His path (Proverbs 3:5-6). He continues
to ask us to give Him not most but all. This really makes all the
difference in the world.

Till next time, Don Johnson, KP Chaplain

Seeing Clearly: Healthy Eyes

Eye Exams

Eye examinations are an important part of health maintenance for everyone. Adults should have their eyes tested to keep their prescriptions current and to check for early signs of eye disease. Doctors check your eyes for signs of eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together, and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of overall health.

There are some symptoms that are considered “normal” when aging. Those would include dry eyes, cataracts, loss of peripheral vision, as well as spots and floaters. 75% of those over 65 experience dry eyes due to the lessened production of tears. Cataracts are also frequent among older adults. Cataracts can cause blurry, hazy vision that worsens over time. Also, oversensitivity to light are signs that an opaque spot on the lens of the eye may be growing and obscuring vision.

Eye ExamsSerious eye conditions that are seen with aging are glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Glaucoma refers to diseases that cause optic nerve damage, some of which are related to an increase in intraocular pressure, which cause progressive vision loss. Symptoms are very few until diminished vision is noticed. Conventional treatments can be pretty drastic but research is showing that vigorous exercise may reduce the intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among Americans over the age of 65. Dry macular degeneration causes gradual central vision loss and results from aging and thinning of tissues in the macula or deposit of pigment. Wet macular degeneration arises from the body’s attempt to make up for lack of nutrients by building extra blood vessels beneath the retina, but the new blood vessels leak fluid which causes permanent damage to the retinal cells. Studies are showing that AMD is a nutritional and lifestyle responsive eye disease. Diabetic retinopathy is vision-threatening damage to the retina caused by diabetes. Blindness is largely preventable if the patient and doctor work together for proper use of medications, blood sugar testing, and proper diet and lifestyle.

Here are some of the easy steps to keep your eyes healthy. Having a healthy lifestyle, you want to have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. There are certain nutrients and vitamins that help ward off age-related vision problems. Your eyes need good blood circulation and oxygen intake, and both are stimulated by regular exercise. You want to be sure to wear sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Too much UV exposure can boost your chances of cataracts and macular degeneration. Keep these simple steps in mind to help protect your sight and see your best.

Please join us January 16th at 1:30 pm in the PAC for our Smart Moves presentation on Eye Health.

Walk Across America

Walk Across America with Kirby PinesKeep your New Year’s resolution and sign up for the Walk across America Program that The Oasis is offering. Registration begins January 2, 2019. The program will run from January 14 through March 11 lasting 8 weeks. We will keep track of how many miles each participant walks or completes on the Nu-Step or treadmill. You may want to use a pedometer, your Fitbit or your smartphone Pedometer App to record your steps. Turn in your mileage/steps each Monday. Everyone’s mileage will be kept up individually and as a group total to see how far we can walk; pointing out interesting landmarks along the way. Last year, 45 participants walked Route 66 and accumulated over 2694 miles. This year we will follow The Great River Road along the mighty Mississippi River from Itasca, Minnesota, through Memphis, to New Orleans, Louisiana. We’ll have photos along the hike and follow our progress on a map. If we have enough participants, we could make it all the way- almost 3000 miles. We’ll have helpful tips each week, awards and surprises for everyone, as well as the reward of beginning and continuing a great exercise habit of walking for strength and endurance. We will have weekly door prizes and a Grand Prize of Dinner for Two at the Exquisite Cuisine for the most miles recorded. Sign up in The Oasis or the Life Enhancement Office. I can’t wait to get our hiking shoes on again.

Be More Flexible: Stretch

Be More Flexible at Kirby Pines

Stretching helps ease joint pain and muscle aches and also improves mobility, flexibility, coordination, and circulation. On top of the physical benefits, it also reduces stress and boosts mood. Chair exercises like stretching are perfect for seniors because they can be adapted for physical limitations, minimize the risk of injury due to falls, and still give health benefits. The only equipment needed is a sturdy, non-slip chair. The Sit and Stand classes on Tuesday/ Thursday at 11:00 am and the Yoga Stretch class on Wednesday at 10:30 am use a variety of stretches.

Gaining flexibility takes time. Go slowly, and listen to your body. One stretch doesn’t fit everyone, but there are many variations. For example, if you can’t sit on the floor to stretch your thighs, try a standing thigh exercise. As you improve flexibility, you’ll be able to reach farther with the same stretch—or try different stretches for the same muscle.

Other tips to keep in mind:

  • Warm up by walking in place for five minutes. This will prepare your heart, muscles, and joints for activity.
  • Never force a stretch. Don’t bounce or jerk to get deeper into a stretch. Smooth, gentle movements are safer.
  • Don’t lock your joints. Your arms and legs can be straight while stretching, but they shouldn’t be stiff. If it’s more comfortable, bend your elbows and knees slightly.
  • Keep breathing. Like your movements, your breath should be slow and steady. Hold your stretch for 30-45 seconds.
  • Aim to stretch every day. Try it for 10 to 15 minutes a day, at least three days a week. Stretch each muscle group three to five times each session.

Ultimately, flexibility is about enjoying your life. By increasing your range of motion, you’ll be less prone to injury while exercising, traveling, or playing with your grandkids. You’ll feel less stiff and more comfortable going about everyday activities like walking, lifting, bending, and even driving. You’ll improve your posture, circulation, and balance while relieving pain and stress.

A Brand New Year at Kirby Pines

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know you have heard these familiar words before, so perhaps a better way to begin the year 2019 is to take a moment to thank you for another wonderful year at Kirby Pines. It doesn’t seem possible that I will begin my 17th year of service to you and Kirby Pines this January.

The year 2018 was a great year for Kirby Pines. We ended the year by completing the new Kirby Boulevard and installing test LED lighting for our parking lots to our main entrance. We welcomed dozen of new residents and sadly said goodbye to far too many members of our Kirby family.

I read once that Thomas Edison discovered more than 1000 ways, to not invent a bulb of light, but eventually, through determination, he found the solution to get it just right. If he had stopped at nine hundred ninety-nine, we might still be reading by candlelight. It’s that understanding of persistence that can help us all develop more patience as we sit waiting for new and improved things to finalize.

So with that in mind, know that in 2019 we are diligently working on creating a better internet service and cable television system for Kirby Pines; along with improving our work order system and emergency response service. And by the end of the year, hopefully you will discover that we have been moving much closer to our goals. It won’t happen January first, but with faith, hope and action, we will get the job done.

The year will go by quickly, so make the time to enjoy it. Take care of yourself.

Appreciate your life at Kirby Pines, don’t take it for granted. Keep your eyes focused on the good things and let God be your guide. Happy New Year everyone!

Michael Escamilla,

Executive Director, Kirby Pines