5 Walking Strategies For Fitness Success

Are you ready to start walking for fitness? Follow these fitness tips to help you be successful. Walking is good medicine for any age, especially folks with arthritis. Walking has been proven to help with weight loss, stress control, increasing strength, and balance, as well as reducing pain. To improve your chances of success, try these five walking strategies. 

1. Find a walking buddy. 

To maintain your program find someone to walk with. A walking buddy adds accountability and safety. 

  • Make a walking date with your spouse. It could even be your four-legged best friend. 
  • Join a walking group. (Walk with Ease program starts here at Kirby Pines in September). 
  • Schedule your walks like you would a doctor’s appointment on your busy calendar. 

2. Add variety to your walk. 

Don’t let it become routine. Take a different route at a different time of day. Pay attention to the wildlife and flowers. Walk with music to keep in step. 

3. Get good shoes. 

The only equipment you really need for walking is the right pair of shoes. Look for deep and wide shoe forms made of cloth or smooth leather that are not so tight as to not rub your skin. A good quality running shoe is best. (You can walk in running shoes, but you can’t run in walking shoes). Select shoes without thick treads to prevent catching the bottom of your foot. Make sure shoes are proper width and roomy. Wear high-top athletic shoes for weak ankles. Flexible shoes help reduce stress on the knee while walking.

4. Keep a record. 

Record your accomplishments in a journal or calendar. Keeping track of how far, long, when and where you walk can be a real motivator. Begin with an attainable goal like 10 minutes for 3 days each week, then add 5 minutes to each walk the next week, and change your goals as you meet them. A pedometer or walking app on your phone or ”fit bit” can be a real motivator. Post your accomplishments where you can see them and remember to reward yourself when you meet your goals with a purchase or event. (Avoid using food as a reward) .

5. Throw out the excuses. 

The first excuse for not exercising is lack of time. If walking is made a priority, people can find the time. Other barriers like bad weather can be solved by walking the halls of Kirby or using the treadmill in the Oasis. If tiredness or achy joints are the problem, be determined to walk; just walk a shorter easier route. Even a 5 minute walk is better than no walk and may even give you energy to go longer. Have a backup plan, if you can’t walk on your usual schedule, make a plan B and reschedule. The more you walk, the more energy and strength you have and feel like walking. 

Great Work(out) Benefits

Retired persons may leave their jobs, but they don’t have to leave the things they loved about their work. One thing I love about working is having a routine to get out of the house for a job I love where I feel welcomed and encouraged. Our exercise programs can become a wonderful routine with benefits that improve strength, balance, and endurance. In our classes you are always learning a new skill and experiencing new challenges, some physically demanding and even some mental. It is an opportunity to put out your best effort (whatever that may be). When you finish, you get that feeling of satisfaction that you accomplished something that day. Several residents have picked up new skills learning to use free weights properly and developing routines on the Nu-Step machine and the other weight bearing resistance equipment. In our group classes, you will gain not only strength and improved balance, but also encouragement and a team spirit as you work out together. Put us on your schedule and come to work out with us. The benefits
will profit your health and well-being.

Exercise is a key to a strong and healthy lifestyle boosting energy levels, lifting spirits, improving balance, enhancing immune system and aiding weight loss programs.

It’s Time to Join the Walk About Australia Part 2 Program

couple walking outdoors

Participants may register in the Oasis or online with Mhand@nullkirbypines.com. The program will run from September 1 through October 31. Every week, we will track how many miles each participant walks, or completes on the Nu-Step, or treadmill. Get credit for 1 mile for each exercise class you participate in. Everyone’s mileage will be kept up individually and as a group total to see how far we can walk; pointing out interesting landmarks along Australia’s coastline which runs for 9395 miles. We have already traveled 3400 miles; that’s over 8 million steps. We’ll send postcards along the way and follow our progress on a map with helpful tips, awards and surprises for everyone along the way. Weekly door prizes and a Grand Prize at the end will be awarded for the most miles. We are dedicating this walk in memory of Gene Wainscott who was one of our biggest supporters. Make plans to join our Walk About Australia Program this fall.

Drink More Water for Better Health

Did you know water makes up about 50 to 60% of your body? True, water is essential to life. Staying hydrated is important for our general health, too. Dehydration can be the result of exercise, certain medications, diarrhea, excessive sweating, breathing, and diseases such as diabetes. With the warm summer days ahead, it is easy to become dehydrated which can cause dry mouth, weakness, dizziness, headaches, heart pounding, cramping, confusion, low blood pressure, rapid but weak pulse and fainting. 

Everyone knows—but many people seem to forget—that water is what sustains life. Here are just two of the benefits of being hydrated: Drinking at least five 8-ounce glasses of water daily reduces the risk of fatal coronary heart disease among older adults. Being sufficiently hydrated reduces the discomfort of constipation, improves balance and kidney function (reducing the risk of urinary tract infections). Water helps energize muscles. Cells that don’t maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. 

How much water is enough? A good formula for how much water is needed every day is to take one-third of the person’s body weight in pounds and drink the equivalent number of ounces of water daily. For example, a 150-pound woman would need 50 ounces of water daily, or about 6 8-ounce glasses of water.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to start drinking water: As we age, we are less aware of our thirst and our ability to regulate our body’s fluid balance via kidneys decreases. If you think you may need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of drinking water:

  • Start your day with a glass of water before breakfast.
  • Have a beverage with every snack and meal.
  • Choose beverages you enjoy; you’re likely to drink more liquids. If you’re watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables especially melons. Their high water content will add to your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods.
  • Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag or walker.

So drink up and stay hydrated and stay well. Don’t forget we have a cool water dispenser in the Oasis when you come to exercise.


Many Thanks to everyone who helped make our fundraiser and Arthritis Awareness Month so successful. I very much appreciate the support for our Walk to Cure with more than 43 walkers and two pups. We are still receiving donations for The Arthritis Foundation but as of this writing we have received over $1,100 in donations which will be used to support research, education, and assistance to people of all ages who live with the pain of Arthritis. We really appreciate your generosity. Way to go Kirby Pines!

May is Arthritis Awareness Month at Kirby Pines

Arthritis simply means inflammation of the joint and refers to more than 100 types of joint diseases that affect 54 million adults in the U.S. Usually you picture someone with gray hair and retired as a person with arthritis, but today arthritis impacts the whole family when a child develops Juvenile arthritis (more than 300,000 children nationwide). While no cure for arthritis has been developed yet, with much research, medical science has improved its understanding for the causes of arthritis and better treatments including new medications for pain and inflammation relief and experimental restoration treatments. Exercise has an important role in the improvement and continuing function of daily activities. The Arthritis Foundation sponsors research, educational programs, exercise programs, public awareness and advocacy efforts in Congress. Through their bimonthly magazine Arthritis Today, they keep people informed on new products, diet, exercise and medications. Online you can sign up for weekly tips for living successfully with arthritis.

On Wednesday May 19th at 10:30 am we will begin gathering in the Lobby for our Annual Kirby Pines Arthritis Walk to Cure. This walk will be outdoors around the lake if weather permits or indoors through the halls. Pre-register with Mary Hand in the Oasis or sign up on the day of the walk. We want to show our support for the Arthritis Foundation. We’ll have a few door prizes and light refreshments for those who register. This year our goal is to raise $1300 for the Arthritis Foundation. The funds that are raised will go towards research, education for public awareness about arthritis, and sponsoring exercise programs for people of all ages especially seniors. Here at Kirby Pines We have two types of exercises classes (water aerobics, and sit and stand) that were made possible through the Arthritis Foundation. We are grateful for the role the Arthritis Foundation plays at Kirby Pines. Let’s show our support physically and financially.

How can you help? Here is what we need:

  • Participants to walk on May 19th
  • Contributors and Supporters
  • Volunteers to help with registration for the walk

Take a Ride on The Nustep

Have you visited the Oasis recently? Exercise has been proven to improve physical and emotional health for people of all ages.

The most popular piece of equipment in the Oasis is called NuStep; the sitting position minimizes joint stress and lower back pain. This equipment promotes a natural walking motion while eliminating impact and stress on joints. Easy to operate and adjust to your specific height, weight, and level of endurance. You can keep track of your time while it automatically calculates your steps and calories burned. The newest model even checks your pulse. The NuStep is great for helping you lose weight or improve your strength and endurance in your arms and legs. We have three NuSteps available.

We make appointments with the doctors, our hairdresser and lunch with friends. Why not schedule a visit to the Oasis 2-3 times a week. This is a great place to start an exercise routine. Prove to yourself that moderate exercise improves your health and well being. Schedule an appointment with Mary Hand, who is in the Oasis Monday through Thursday to assist you with the equipment and help you with your exercise program.

How to Treat Cabin Fever

Retired couple running through the snow

Cabin Fever has become a new source of stress. It is easy to sit around nibbling on your favorite treat, watching TV, and doing puzzles. But enough is enough; your body is craving some endorphins as well as chocolates. What is an endorphin? You can’t find it on the Candy Aisle at Kroger or at Dinstuhl’s. Endorphins are the “feel-good” chemicals released by the brain during physical activity that help improve mood, energy levels and even sleep. If you have been inactive since the start of the Covid lockdown, here are some ideas to help you get moving again:

  1. Check with your doctor first.
  2. Start monitoring from the start; Keep a journal, mark your calendar, or use an activity tracker on your phone or Fitbit. Every little step counts.
  3. Start slow. Begin with a warm-up and gentle stretch. Practice sitting and standing using a sturdy chair. Keep your feet on the floor (no bouncing). This strengthens the quadriceps muscles which work together to help you stand, walk, and move around.
  4. Choose the best exercises for you. A balanced exercise routine should include:
    • Aerobics: walking, or water aerobics or water walking if you have pain in joints
    • Strength Exercise: freehand weights and exercise equipment in the Oasis
    • Balance: Yoga and SitnStand classes on Channel 10.
  5. Here are some tips to create the right routine:
    • Alternate days between aerobic and strength exercises.
    • Find activities you enjoy. For example: walking, bicycling, dancing or yoga or the pool. Try walking indoors for 10-15 minutes or outside when the weather is good. Gradually add time and increase intensity with a goal of 30 minutes a day for 5 days or 150 minutes weekly.
    • Exercise is more fun with a friend and helps you stay committed. When someone is counting on you to walk with them, you are motivated to make the extra effort. Often when left on our own, it’s easy to let our exercise plans slide.
    • Strength train using free weights or resistance bands, slowly add weight as you’re able to do more repetitions. Check with Mary in the Oasis for pointers.
    • Work on balance every day. Simply stand at your kitchen counter on one foot and then the other helps improve balance. Yoga is a good choice for people who want to improve balance and flexibility.
  6. Check your progress to see if you are working out effectively. Can you carry a conversation when your heart rate is up without gasping for air? A little soreness in the first 24 hours is normal but if it lasts longer, you may have overdone it. This is your program, if you are having difficulty, don’t force it or cause yourself pain. Just do as much as you can comfortably.
  7. Remember to hydrate by keeping a bottle of water nearby.
  8. Finish your exercise time with a gentle stretch.

Whatever you plan, Remember the first step is always the hardest. Go ahead, take it. Exercise will break that cabin fever.

This is Dedicated to the One I Love

Retired folks enjoying the snow
Retired folks enjoying the snow

Remember that old love song from the 60’s. Taking care of yourself for the one you love may be just the motivation you need to begin a healthier you. 

Care giving for a loved one can be one of life’s most draining experiences: affecting mind, body and soul. To counter this, set personal health goals. For example, set a goal to find time to be physically active on most days of the week, or set a goal for getting a good night’s sleep. It’s also crucial to eat a healthy diet. When caregivers understand that, there can be a tremendous sense of relief that allows them to set more realistic goals. In addition, to keep depression at bay: 

  • Maintain a life outside of care giving. Stay connected to friends. Don’t give up your daily routines.
  • Maintain your health. Get regular check-ups, eat a balanced diet, and exercise.
  • Exercise. It un-kinks tense muscles, revs up the cardiovascular system, and floods the brain with feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins.
  • Use simple de-stressing techniques: deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, and self-massage. And laugh. “People don’t think of humor as a way to cope with stress, but they should,”
  • Join a support group. In support groups, you validate your role as caregiver, voice your fears, vent your frustrations, and learn coping strategies and techniques

“Exercise is an antidote to aging,” says Barry A. Franklin, PhD, director of the cardiac
rehabilitation and exercise labs at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, MI. A well-rounded routine,
as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help you avoid things like falls, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Experts say many of the conditions people think are due to getting older have more to do with not
moving enough. At any age, these are the types of exercise you want to get:

Aerobic: good for your heart and lungs. It’s also good for your blood pressure, blood sugar,
cholesterol, sleep, and memory. What to do: You can walk briskly, walk in the water, or do any
other activity that gets your heart rate up.

Strength training: good for your muscles and bones. It’s the principle of “use it or lose it.”
What to do: Start with 2-pound hand weights or resistance stretch bands.

Flexibility and balance: helps prevent falls by stretching your muscles and keep them from
stiffening up. What to do: Yoga is good for both. You can also learn balance exercises in Kirby’s
Sit and Stand class or from Rehab Therapy.

We have everything you need right here at Kirby Pines. Check out the Oasis for exercise equipment
or join one of our exercise classes, Setting healthy goals for yourself can be “Dedicated to the
ones you love.”

Walk Around Australia in 2021!

Remember to sign up in the Oasis for the Walk Around Australia Program we will be offering this month. Last year we walked across Canada and this year we will walk around the continent of Australia…

Participants may begin registering January 4th. The program will run from January 11 through March 7 for 8 weeks. Every week, we will track how many miles each participant walks, or completes on the Nu-Step, or treadmill. (Get credit for 1 mile for each exercise class you participate in). If you use your pedometer, on average, 2000 steps equals one mile. Everyone’s mileage will be kept up individually and as a group total to see how far we can walk; pointing out interesting landmarks along Australia’s coastline which runs for 9395 miles. We’ll send postcards along the way and follow our progress on a map.

Kangaroo and Kookaburra

Helpful tips, awards and surprises for everyone will be handed out along the Route. Weekly door prizes and a Grand Prize at the end will be awarded for the most miles.

Make plans to join our Walk around Australia Program in 2021.

Check out worldwalking.org and search team “kirby pines“ for more details about our walk.

Happy New Year!

Retired woman lifting weights

The Oasis is a great place to begin your new year’s resolution to feel better. Diet, rest, and exercise are keys to better health. Kirby Pines offers many opportunities to improve strength, endurance, balance and cardio-vascular health. We have exercise classes supported by the Arthritis Foundation include Arthritis Exercise (Stand and Sit) on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 on Channel 10 and Water Aerobics. These classes are tailored to your needs and having arthritis is not a requirement to take a class. Yoga Stretch is on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:45 on Channel 10 and a resident-led class meets three times a week. (See class schedule in The Pinecone)

If group exercise is not to your preference, the Oasis room at Kirby Pines has an amazing variety of equipment for a small gym to exercise and strengthen upper body, lower body and improve cardiovascular functions. The equipment is disinfected daily and facemasks are required in the gym area. The Oasis is open 7 days a week.

Give Thanks

Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays: a time of celebration with Friends, Family, and Feasting!! 

We don’t want to worry with our weight or dieting. Yet on the other hand, overindulging can make us very uncomfortable, especially if we forget to wear those pants with the stretchy waistband. This event can set the pattern for six weeks of holiday overeating and dare I mention weight gain. A 2014 study found that particularly heavy meals also can quadruple the risk of a heart attack, especially those with elevated risk factors. 

Here are some TIPS to enjoy a more balanced and healthier holiday: 

1. GET OUT FOR A WALK. Starting the day with a walk or a turkey trot is a great way to get the metabolism going before the feast. Studies suggest that exercising within 12 hours before a meal can prevent one of the most damaging effects–a post-meal spike in a type of fat called triglycerides. If you can’t do a morning outing, fitting a walk in between dinner and dessert is also great – it will also help boost digestion. If you can’t get out for a walk after the meal – at least get up and do dishes. Not only will your hosts appreciate it, you will burn some calories (60 calories per half hour), and standing also aids digestion. Research shows that the person who does the dishes in the house tends to be less likely to gain weight. Anything is better for your digestion than lying on the couch! 

2. HYDRATE. Thirst can sometimes be confused as hunger. When we are drinking enough water, we feel better and digest our food better. An 8 oz glass of water before a big meal can help to prevent overeating. Large amounts of fluids during a meal may dilute much needed digestive acids, interfering with proper digestion. 

3. SKIP THE SECONDS. Serve yourself a small amount of everything that you like, and don’t go back for seconds – you won’t feel deprived, but will reduce the total amount of food that your body needs to digest. You won’t feel super bloated at the end of the evening, and it can lessen the load on your heart. 

4. CHOOSE YOUR DESSERT WISELY. Even if you didn’t go overboard on the Thanksgiving dinner, the dessert can really send you off the deep end. Pecan pie is perhaps the worst of all Thanksgiving finales – just 1 slice has more than 500 calories, 9 teaspoons of added sugars, and 21 grams of fat. While Apple pie weighs in at 400 calories a slice and the winner for “Healthy Desserts “is Pumpkin Pie at 300 calories and lots of Vitamin A. Of course, whipped cream and ice cream toppers all contribute to the calorie tally. 

5. PRACTICE GRATITUDE. The sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberry, and pumpkin pie is not the only part of Thanksgiving that I love. At the beginning of our little feast, everyone takes a turn sharing what we are most thankful for. The children and adults get excited as they express their gratitude. Scientists have found that “habitually focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of life is associated with well-being.” I call it an Attitude of Gratitude. 

Thanksgiving dinner prepared with love and sharing with friends and family all that we are thankful for is all we really need to celebrate Thanksgiving. (Well, maybe have some digestive enzymes on hand – just in case) 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever”. 
Psalm 136:1

That’s what Thanksgiving is after all!! 

– Mary Hand, Oasis Coordinator