Benefits of Exercise

If you have a medical problem or you are an older adult, you may be at risk of falling or tripping. This can result in broken bones or even more serious injuries.

Exercising can help prevent falls because it can:

  • Make your muscles stronger and more flexible
  • Improve your balance
  • Increase how long you can be active

You can do the following exercises anytime and almost anywhere. As you get stronger, try to hold each position longer or add light weights to your ankles. This will increase how effective the exercise is.

Try to exercise 150 minutes a week. Perform muscle strengthening exercises 2 or more days a week. Start off slowly and check with your health care provider to make sure you are doing the right type of exercises for you. You may want to exercise on your own or join a group.

When you exercise, always make sure you breathe slowly and easily. DO NOT hold your breath.

Toe Stand

To make your calves and ankle muscles stronger:

  • Hold on to a solid support for balance, like the back of a chair
  • Stand with your back straight and slightly bend both knees
  • Push up onto your tiptoes as high as possible
  • Slowly lower your heels to the floor
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times

Knee Curl

To make your buttocks and lower back muscles stronger:

  • Hold on to a solid support for balance, like the back of a chair
  • Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder width apart, and slightly bend both knees
  • Lift one leg straight back behind you, then bend your knee and bring your heel toward your buttock
  • Slowly lower your leg back to a standing position
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times with each leg

Leg Extension

To make your thigh muscles stronger and help decrease knee pain:

  • Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet on the floor
  • Straighten one leg out in front of you as much as possible
  • Slowly lower your leg back down
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times with each leg

Stretching the Back of Your Leg

To make it easier for you to move around:

  • Sit in a straight-back chair
  • Put one foot on a low stool in front of you
  • Straighten your leg that is on the stool and reach your hand toward this foot
  • Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Then sit back up
  • Repeat 5 times with each leg

Other Activities

  • Walking is a great way to improve your strength, balance, and endurance
  • Use a walking stick or walker as needed for support
  • Tai Chi is a good exercise for healthy adults to help develop balance
  • Simple movements and exercises in a swimming pool can help improve balance and build strength

Benefits of Being Outdoors

Improvements in Mental Health

Seniors who spend time outdoors may experience less depression and anxiety. Individuals who run, bike or walk in natural settings have a reduced risk of mental health problems compared to people who do their exercise inside.

Participating in nature walks with others is linked to more positive feelings and better mental health, along with lower levels of depression and stress. Seniors who are unable to exercise can benefit from getting outdoors by enjoying the change of scenery, smelling freshly cut grass and seeing beautiful, natural vistas.

Experts advise that seniors should try to spend time in natural areas like parks on a regular basis. The relaxation that nature provides can improve mood and increase overall feelings of happiness.

Retired couple dancing outside

Abundant Energy

Being outside in nature makes you feel more alive and provides a greater sense of energy and vitality, which can help make you more resilient to illness.

Spending time outdoors may boost your memory. One study found a 20-percent improvement in attention span and memory after spending just one hour in a natural environment. More time spent outdoors resulted in even greater gains in memory, and it may improve creativity as well.

Better Overall Health

Being outside can help increase levels of Vitamin D, which often is low among seniors. Low levels of this important nutrient are 

linked to pain in muscles and bones, inflammation, higher risk of Type 1 diabetes and several types of cancer.

Getting sufficient Vitamin D can help reduce your risk of a number of physical ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and heart attack. By spending just 15 minutes outside in the sunshine each day, you help your body receive the recommended dose of Vitamin D.

Being outside may also improve your overall immunity by boosting your count of white blood cells, and the improvements may last for a week or more. In addition, time in nature may help you recover more quickly from an injury or illness.

Many Ways to Get Outside

If you enjoy aerobic exercise like walking, heading outdoors for your workout can provide additional benefits. 

Gardening is another great way to interact with nature and get some exercise at the same time. Consider creating a natural area with native species that can become routes for butterfly and bird migration. You might consider joining a group for nature-oriented activities like birdwatching.

No matter the activity, research tells us that simply being outside and enjoying nature can provide a variety of benefits for your energy, creativity, and mental and physical well-being.

Promoting Good Posture

Retired woman practicing yoga.

“Improving posture can be done with time and focus.”

For most adults, posture is typically an afterthought at both work and home. But as we age, retaining good posture actually becomes even more important to our physical health and wellness. 

What Causes Poor Posture for Seniors? 

Avoiding a wholly sedentary lifestyle is the key to good posture for people of all ages. However, it is unfortunately common for seniors, especially those with pre-existing health complications like arthritis, to take up inactive lifestyles. This can also lead to poor posture. 

Seniors who are recovering from a recent injury or surgical procedure may also encounter similar difficulties staying fit and sitting right. Families and caregivers must encourage their aging loved ones to correct poor posture. Performing a minimum amount of daily exercise to improve balance and muscle strength will help this. 

Good Posture Prevents Falls for Seniors 

Did you know that seniors who are mindful about their postures are more likely avoid injuries and even falls? According to the National Institute for Fitness and Sport, “when you have good posture, your body will work the way it is supposed to, keeping your muscles balanced.” 

When you sit or stand with proper posture, you are doing your body a favor by not overexerting yourself. Overexertion can cause unnecessary strain on weaker muscles. Additionally, being mindful of your posture is great for balance. 

Steps for Improving Posture 

  1. Don’t give up; Improving posture can be done with time and focus. 
  2. Discuss your current weight with a doctor or caregiver. The conversation should reveal expectations of an acceptable weight for your age, sex, and body type, as well as a plan for how to stay there. 
  3. Take up a regular schedule of exercise, if you haven’t already. There is evidence that group nature walks can provide mental benefits for seniors, beyond just delivering a dose of physical activity. 
  4. Evaluate the lumbar support of the chairs and other seating options in your home. If necessary, consider purchasing a new chair that encourages better posture. 

It is important to correct poor posture as soon as possible to avoid further health complications, like neck and back pain. Keeping our bodies in motion is essential to avoid the consequences of living an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. 

Keeping Hydrated

Retired man drinking water

As the July month comes our way so will the hot and humid weather. It is extremely crucial to be safe and maintain your hydration levels. Hydration is maintaining a proper balance throughout the body. Water makes up 75% of the human body and can be extracted in many various ways. If you don’t replace the water that you have lost dehydration is likely to occur. Some warning signs to be cautious of when becoming dehydrated are dry mouth, extreme thirst, headache, confusion, and dizziness. Don’t wait until you notice the symptoms before taking action.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help prevent dehydration. It has been recommended to consume 6-8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water alone is not the only way to achieve proper hydration. There are many different types of fruits and vegetables which have an adequate amount of water content. Watermelon has 90% water, which ranks as one of the highest, but oranges, melons, and grapefruit are also great contenders. Spinach, celery and broccoli are also good substitutes for vegetables.

Retired woman and granddaughter drinking waterTips for Staying Hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of liquids
  • Watch the heat index
  • Wear appropriate clothing
  • Have a glass of water with each meal
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks
  • Urine color should be a pale yellow

Top 20 Hydrating Foods

  1. Cucumber – 96.73% Water
  2. Iceberg Lettuce – 95.64% Water
  3. Celery – 95.43% Water
  4. Tomatoes – 94.52% Water
  5. Romaine Lettuce – 93.47% Water
  6. Zucchini – 92.73% Water
  7. Watermelon – 91.45% Water
  8. Spinach – 91.4% Water
  9. Strawberries – 90.95% Water
  10. Skim Milk – 90.84% Water
  11. Soy Milk – 90.36% Water
  12. Cantaloupe – 90.15% Water
  13. Honeydew – 89.82% Water
  14. Kale – 89.63% Water
  15. Broccoli – 89.33% Water
  16. Peaches – 88.87% Water
  17. Carrots – 88.29% Water
  18. Oranges – 86.75% Water
  19. Pineapple – 86% Water
  20. Apples – 85.56% Water

Staying Active and Social During Isolation


During this challenging time, you may find yourself spending most of your time at home alone. While it may be necessary for your health, it can also have negative impacts on your mental health and physical activity. Loneliness and isolation are associated with increased rates of depression, a weakened immune system, heart disease, and dementia. We know how important staying active and social is, especially during these times, so let’s talk about home alternatives to help everyone stay healthy in both mind and body!

retired woman lifing weights

Staying Physically Active

Regular physical activity benefits both the mind and body. It can improve mental health, reduce the risk for depression, cognitive decline, and delay the onset of dementia.

What can you do?

  1. Home Exercise Programs – Talk with your Wellness Coordinator or Therapy Team about exercises that are safe to do in the privacy of your own home. Learn the best exercises for you based on your current fitness levels.
  2. Virtual Workouts – There are a ton of resources and streaming services that offer video workouts. Try searching YouTube or other health and fitness apps to find a workout that is best for you. Please consult with your Wellness Coordinator or Therapy Team prior to participating in an online workout. We want to make sure you choose videos that are safe and appropriate for your fitness level!
  3. Set up a Routine – Even though you are not getting out and about like you used to, it may be helpful to set a schedule and include physical activity. By carving out a specific time each day to exercise, you are more likely to stick to it!
  4. “Partner” Workouts – Think of different ways you can a friend can work out “together” without actually being in the same room. For example, you can open your doorway and exercise with your neighbor from across the hall. Or, you can FaceTime or Skype a friend and complete a workout together.
  5. Reduce Time Spent Sitting – Take short 3-5 minute breaks every 20-30 minutes. Whether you are working, watching TV, or reading a book, set a timer and get up and stretch periodically. If you are able, take a quick walk around your house or outside.

Retired man on tablet

Staying Socially Active

Spending days or weeks at home can take a toll on someone’s mental health. When people are asked to stay home, they are likely cut off from their regular routines. This can cause stress due to a drop in meaningful activities, social engagement, and a lack of common coping strategies likely going to an exercise class or attending religious services.

During isolation, it is common to experience:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Boredom
  • Anger
  • Frustration or Irritability

How to Cope:

  1. Stay Virtually Connected – Use phone calls, text messages, video chat or social media to connect with family, friends and loved ones.
  2. Virtual Gatherings – Take your video chats one step further and plan a “game night” or a “family meal” with your loved ones. Gather around the table virtually and share stories, memories, and laughs.
  3. Reach Out to Old Friends – This is the perfect time to catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  4. Support Others – Supporting others can be beneficial to the people you are supporting, but also to you. Some examples of this might be dropping off food or care packages to a friend in need, providing information or advice to a concerned family member, or providing emotional support to someone.
  5. Read a Book – Read a book over the phone or through video chat to a grandchild or family friend.
  6. “Neighbor” Chats – Sit in the doorway and chat across the hall with a friend (just make sure you are 6 feet apart or more!).

How to Manage Stress

Worried retired woman


Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.

A state resulting from a stress: especially: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.

It can feel like one is out of balance or overwhelmed. Too many things to do and not enough time!

Stress is a part of life; it is HOW we deal with it that is most important!

Consequences of Stress:

When we are under stress our body responds by releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones serve a purpose if we need to get away from a dangerous situation. This is known as the “fight or flight” response.

Research is clear that long-term stress plays a role in many illnesses. It is a contributor to high blood pressure, which has been linked to heart attack and stroke.

Over the long-term stress also lowers our immune system making us more vulnerable to colds/flu.

Common Causes of Stress:

The stressors that many of us face today are things like time pressures, a change to our health status, loss of a loved one, work demands, family demands, relationship issues, financial issues.

There are many different ways that we can cope with stress. Some of those ways are healthier than others.

Negative coping strategies:

It is easy to get into negative habits when we are dealing with a stressful period in our lives.

  • Alcohol/Drugs
  • Isolation
  • Over-eating
  • Excessive TV Watching

Positive coping strategies:

Retired man doing YogaThere are many different “healthy” ways to deal with stress. These are a few of the more common tools that people find useful when managing stress.

  • Deep Breathing
  • Guided Imagery-Visualization
  • Yoga/Tai Chi
  • Exercise
  • Meditation

There are also many “quick and easy” ways to deal with stress. Some everyday things that one can do to alleviate stress are:

  • Taking a walk in nature
  • Talking with a good friend
  • Playing with a pet
  • A warm bubble bath
  • A good book
  • A funny movie
  • Reading poetry

The key is to be aware of the things that cause stress in your life and develop a plan or activity that can help you relieve stress so does not become a chronic issue that takes its toll on your health and well being.

The goal of stress management is to come back to a state of balance, physically and emotionally.

The Benefits of Walking for Seniors

Experts have said that walking could be the best exercise for seniors; it’s an effective way to reduce the risk for chronic conditions and improve your overall health. Some of the benefits of walking for seniors include:

Improves heart health. For seniors, walking offers numerous heart health benefits. Getting your heart rate up daily leads to a reduction in the risk for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and even coronary heart disease.

Lowers blood sugar. After eating, taking a 15-minute walk has been shown to reduce the after-eating spike in blood sugar some seniors can experience. Your body is using blood sugar more effectively to strengthen muscles, and insulin works better, too.

Retired woman on treadmill

Reduces pain. Studies have shown that walking helps reduce some pain due to chronic conditions like arthritis. Some seniors experience lower back pain, and walking even just three times a week for around 20 minutes can help strengthen abdominal and back muscles to decrease chronic back pain.

Low participation cost. After you’ve invested in a good, sturdy pair of shoes, you can walk basically anywhere- for free! When the weather permits, head to the park for a stroll on the path or simply walk around your neighborhood. If it’s too cold or rainy to go outside, head to a shopping mall instead.

Retired folks walking

Promotes social engagement. Walking offers an easy way for seniors to meet up with others, whether you join a walking group with friends or simply engage with neighbors while out on your daily walk. You can meet new people and enjoy your environment each day.

Retired woman walking with her grandchildren

Boosts mental health. A daily walk can help you feel more positive about life. The endorphins released during physical activity create a sense of well-being, reduce anxiety and boost your mood.


How Are You Sleeping?


Retired woman waking up and yawning

An average of 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep each night is considered healthy for most adults. Seniors are often unable to sleep this much due to a variety of sleep-related problems. During sleep awareness month, learn what can be done to help seniors establish healthy sleep patterns.

How Aging Affects Sleep

Unfortunately, changes in sleep patterns are a normal part of aging. Many seniors have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. In some cases, the challenge is due to a sleeping disorder or the side effect of a medication. However, sleep disturbance in the aging is often just the result of reduced REM sleep. In other words, seniors tend to be lighter sleepers. They wake up more often due to noise, aches, movement, the need to use the bathroom, etc.

Common Sleep Illnesses Seniors Face

For those seniors whose difficulties with sleep result from medical conditions, it is important to receive medical treatment. Encourage sleep-deprived seniors to see the doctor if they experience:

  1. Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome
  2. Sleep Apnea
  3. Restless Leg Syndrome
  4. Insomnia
  5. Sleep-related side effects of medication
  6. Sleep-related side effects of underlying diseases

Issues like these are often addressed through lifestyle changes or medications. Seniors can consult with their doctor to learn about the best treatment options for their particular problem.

Sleep Awareness Tips for the Aging

These simple tips will help you or the Senior you love make the most out of their sleep routine.

  1. Be Mindful
    Stress, worry, and negative thought patterns can disrupt sleep— even if seniors try to “think positively” right before bed. Since sleep deprivation affects mental health and vice versa, it is important to encourage seniors to develop a healthy response to stress at all hours.
  2. Exercise Regularly
    Physical activity can help the body sleep. Regular exercise also offers health benefits that positively impact sleep, like lower blood pressure, stress relief, and improved breathing.
  3. Form a Bedtime RoutineVintage alarm clock
    Many habits can influence sleep for better or for worse. Lying in bed during the day can disrupt sleep patterns. Watching television or screen time on the phone at night can also delay sleep. Encourage seniors to establish a bedtime routine that includes doing something quiet and relaxing for an hour.
  4. Eat and Drink for Better Sleep
    Sometimes seniors drink alcohol before bed because it makes them sleepy. However, alcohol tends to wake people up in the middle of the night and reduce REM sleep cycles. Food does the same. Seniors should avoid eating food or drinking alcohol for 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Retired man waking up and stretching

Cardiovascular Wellness

Love Your Heart
How many times in your life have you stopped, looked at the life choices you were making and thought, “I need to do better.” Maybe you thought you should change your diet, exercise more, stop smoking, or be more careful about blood pressure or cholesterol.

Research shows those who can reach cardiovascular wellness goals by age 50 can expect to live another 40 years free from heart disease and stroke. What are those wellness goals? Let’s take a look at Life’s Simple Seven, developed by the American Heart Association.

  1. Managing Blood Pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the single most significant risk factor for heart disease. It’s sometimes called “the silent killer” because it has no symptoms. One in three American adults has high blood pressure, yet about 21% don’t even know they have it. Of those with high blood pressure, 69% are receiving treatment, but only 45% have their blood pressure controlled.
  2. Get Active. The evidence is clear: people who exercise have better health than those who do not. A recent American Heart Association survey shows that fewer than two out of every ten Americans get the recommended 150 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each week.
  3. Control Cholesterol. Everyone has cholesterol. It’s the waxy substance in your bloodstream and cells. Some cholesterol is important for good health, but too much cholesterol in your blood puts you at major risk for heart disease and stroke. When too much LDL (or bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up inside the walls of your arteries that feed your heart and brain. Cholesterol particles combine with other substances in your blood to form plaque. This can narrow the arteries and make them less flexible, putting you at major risk for heart disease and stroke.
  4. Eat Better. Eating for good health means choosing lots of fruits and vegetables, whole-grain carbohydrates, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. You might have to train yourself to avoid foods and drinks with high sodium or added sugar. Another perhaps surprising part of healthy eating is to regularly include fish rich in Omega-3’s. It’s great for your heart and your brain.
  5. Lose Weight. If you’re overweight, don’t waste your energy feeling guilty or bad about it. Instead, do something positive. BMI is the key. BMI is a height-to-weight comparison that helps you identify the healthy weight target for your height. If your BMI is higher than 25, you need to bring that number down. Losing weight means changing the balance of calories into calories out.
  6. Don’t Smoke. Even if you’ve smoked for years, your body can start the repair process as soon as you stop. If you’re ready to start your plan for smoke-free health, it’s a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider. Medication can be helpful for some people during the kick-the-habit phase and research shows combining medical and behavioral therapies can increase success rates.
  7. Reduce Blood Sugar. Your digestion turns all carbohydrates into sugar or glucose which is then carried throughout your bloodstream to give you energy. Complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat breads and grains, and fruits and vegetables take longer to digest, helping to keep your energy supply steady. But simple sugars, like sweets, donuts, and white bread are very quickly converted into glucose, which can cause your body to call for extra surges of a hormone, insulin, to help regulate the energy supply. If your blood sugar is high, as often happens when you maintain a diet with too many simple carbohydrates, there will be a growth of plaque in your arteries. Diabetes is treatable but very dangerous and can often lead to heart disease and stroke. Even if you don’t have diabetes, you need to know your blood sugar level. Be sure to get a blood sugar level test after fasting at least every three years, because controlling glucose is an important part of stopping heart disease before it starts.
  8. Remember, Life’s Simple Seven work together to help you build a better and stronger life, so by investing in improving in one area, like your blood sugar levels, you are likely to improve your weight and nutrition, too. However, without a plan, you’ll be at an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and other illnesses and disabilities. You may see an increased need for surgeries and other medical treatments, and you’ll almost certainly face a diminished quality of life.

Quality of Life

7 Dimensions of Wellness

  1. The Intellectual Dimension
    The Intellectual dimension focuses on activities that stimulate and challenge your brain, helping keep the mind alert and engaged. Examples could include painting, journaling, solving puzzles and games or even enrolling in a college course!
  2. The Spiritual Dimension
    The Spiritual dimension involves finding purpose and meaning in life. This can be achieved through meditation, faith-based activities, yoga/tai chi or just experiencing nature.
  3. The Physical Dimension
    The Physical dimension of wellness emphasizes strengthening and caring for the body in order to stay as independent as possible. Implementing this dimension includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and regularly scheduled doctor’s appointments.
  4. The Social Dimension
    The Social dimension emphasizes the importance of social interactions—spending time with family and friends, or joining clubs or group activities.
  5. The Emptional Dimension
    The Emotional dimension focuses on our ability to cope with challenges and deal with feelings in a respectful way. This can be achieved through counseling, stress management or support groups.
  6. The Professional/Vocational Dimension
    The Professional/Vocational dimension focuses on utilizing your skills—harnessing your passions and strengths to help others. Examples might be tutoring or mentoring, volunteering, or even caregiving.
  7. The Environmental Dimension
    The Environmental dimension demonstrates respect for our natural resources by choosing “green” processes including recycling and reusing goods. Another aspect is a human connection to the environment through outdoor walks, meditation or even planing a garden.