Keep Your Cool

Retired man wiping the sweat off his head during a game of pickleball

Weather in Memphis went from unseasonably cool to dangerously hot with high heat indexes. The Heat Index (HI) is a number that tells people how warm it actually feels. The body doesn’t release heat through the evaporation of sweat as effectively and especially dangerous for seniors (or anyone else) exercising outdoors in a high heat index. Even a mild activity, such as walking can cause problems. 

“Seniors are much more vulnerable to the harmful effects of heat, as their bodies do not adjust as well to sudden changes in temperature,” shares Dr. Lubna Javed of HealthCare Partners Medical Group. “Some chronic medical conditions and prescription medications can impair the body’s ability to react efficiently to rising temperature.” 

Know the Risks of Hyperthermia. Heat stroke is an advanced form of hyperthermia that can be life-threatening. Learn these warning signs and get medical attention immediately if you are experiencing these symptoms: 

Body temperature greater than 103 degrees; Change in behavior, such as confusion or agitation; Dry, flushed skin; Nausea and vomiting; Fatigue and weakness, headache; Heavy breathing or a rapid pulse; Not sweating, even if it’s hot out; Fainting. Muscle cramps and heavy sweating may occur with heat exhaustion. 

If symptoms occur go to a cooler environment immediately and lower the body temperature by using cool water (a pool, cool tub, cool shower or washcloth wipe-down. Drink chilled, but not icy cold water. Heat exhaustion can be a life- threatening emergency, so call for emergency medical personnel) or 911 (if on-site help is not available) immediately. 

Avoid a Heat Emergency. Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion to keep seniors safe in hot weather. Many seniors with memory issues don’t recognize changes in temperature immediately, stay alert for symptoms, prompt for re-hydration, and remind loved ones to remove extra clothing layers outdoors. 

Stay Hydrated. As we age we lose our ability to conserve water and become less aware of our thirst. Drink plenty of cool water throughout the day and avoid alcohol and caffeine. Pack extra water for outings. But if taking water pills or other medication, check with your doctor to find out exactly how much water you should be drinking on warm days. Drink sweat replacement products (that contain salt and potassium) to replace water lost by perspiration. Eat cooling snacks like popsicles or slightly frozen grapes or watermelon, and light, cold meals like chicken or pasta salad instead of heavy, hot dishes like pot roast. 

Place a cool washcloth on the back of the neck and a pan of cool water close by to periodically re-cool the towel…Sit with feet in a pan of cool (but not too cold) water. Keep the house as cool as possible by keeping shades closed during the hottest part of the day. 

Stay in Touch. High temperatures can be life-threatening, so let friends and family know if you’ll be spending an extended period of time outdoors, even if you’re only gardening. 

Wear the Right Stuff. Dress for the weather. Natural fabrics (such as cotton) are cooler than synthetic fibers. Light-colored and loose-fitting clothes feel cooler and more comfortable. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and sunscreen when outdoors. Hats are also a great idea, especially for those with light colored hair and those with only distant memories of a full head of hair. 

Exercise Smart. If you enjoy outdoor activities such as walking or gardening, keep track of time. Don’t’ stay out for long periods and make sure to drink even more water than usual when exercising. Exercise outside earlier in the morning or later in the evening when the sun is not at its peak. 

Find indoor activities like that exercise class you were thinking of joining or learn to use the equipment in the Oasis or take a refreshing dip in the pool. At Kirby Pines we have many indoor exercise options with a variety of exercise classes. Check out the Sit and Stand Exercise class at 11:00 Live streaming on Channel 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays or the Yoga class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:45 on channel 10. Enjoy exercising in the cool of your home. The Pool is open for water walking and exercise (Team up with a workout buddy so you are not alone in the water). The Oasis has free weights and 10 different machines to build strength and endurance. Mary Hand will be glad to show you how to use the equipment and start your own exercise program. 

The summertime is a time of fun and relaxation for most people. But for seniors, the heat and sun can be dangerous if the proper precautions aren’t taken. If you follow these tips, you can have an enjoyable and fun-filled summer — no matter how old you are. 

Enjoying Our Success at Kirby Pines

The thirty-seventh anniversary of Kirby Pines, is just a month away and this year our celebration, “Lighting of the Lake”, will not be like those of past years due to Covid-19. Just the same we will celebrate all that is Kirby Pines, and we can kick the celebration off with our most recent city-wide recognition. In July, the Memphis Business Journal named Kirby Pines the number one Memphis Area Multi-Level Care Community. Kirby Pines is currently in the running to be voted by the readers of the Commercial Appeal for the Memphis Most Award – a recognition that Kirby Pines has won for thirteen consecutive years.

Our success is due to residents that know that Kirby Pines is the place to relax and enjoy their retirement years. It’s due to the families of residents who share their beliefs that their love ones have chosen the right place to live while offering them peace of mind. And it’s due to our employees, who amidst this pandemic, have still chosen to work and serve residents and co-workers daily.

Regardless of how long you have been a resident, or have been contemplating a move to Kirby Pines, our upcoming thirty-seventh anniversary is possible because of the trust you and so many in the Memphis community have in us. On behalf of all employees, thank you for your cooperative spirits throughout the years, and may I suggest you take some time to relax away from the hot August sun. 

Michael Escamilla

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines

We Still Need Heroes

race track through a field

“The year was 490 B.C. On the open plains near the small town of Marathon, the ancient Greeks met the invading Persian army in a strategic battle. Against impossible odds, the Greeks charged into the Persian camp, catching their enemy by surprise, and defeated the Persians, thus saving the Greek Empire from sure defeat.

A Greek soldier—Pheidippedes—was then dispatched to run to headquarters in Athens, twenty-two miles away, with the good news of victory. With determination and resolve, Pheidippedes ran through the night all the way from Marathon to Athens.

Upon entering the city of Athens, he sprinted to his superiors. ‘Rejoice,’ Pheidippedes gasped, ‘we have conquered!’ As he delivered the message, he fell to the ground. Dead.

Pheidippedes became a Greek hero. A symbol of endurance and determination. As a tribute to this faithful soldier who ran so bravely through the night, the ‘matathon’ race was born. Runners in the Greek Empire would soon attempt to duplicate his courageous feat, calling up the same endurance.

The precise distance of the marathon was not fixed until recently. The distance Pheidippedes ran from Marathon to Athens was slightly more than twenty-two miles. In 1908 the Olympics were held in London, and the marathon was extended to twenty-six miles, 385 yards. Why such an unusual distance? That year, the race would begin at Windsor Castle and end at the new White City Stadium because an English princess wanted to watch the start of the race from her castle and then view the finish from her seat in the stadium. To meet the request of royalty the race would have to be extended. And it was.”

The new distance, set to please Her Highness, was measured to be exactly twenty-six miles, 385 yards. This became the standard distance for all marathons, even to this day.” Steve Lawson, Men Who Win, (pp, 150-151)

What can we learn from this point in history?

Victories can be won by smaller forces over much larger ones. Great distance may lie between the battle and home. Getting the message of success to those who need to hear it is a challenge that may seem impossible.

Sometimes we are called to travel a greater distance that we’ve gone before. We may have to do this in dark hours beyond normal. We can’t just start…we must stretch to the limit. The finish line must be reached. Why do we obediently follow orders? It is because we have a message to deliver. This may be very costly, but everything worthwhile always is.

At times the rules are changed. The finish line is moved, either arbitrarily or selfishly. We may be forced to go far beyond what was originally planned. But our reach must always exceed our grasp.

II Timothy 2:5 says “…if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” It’s that way in every area of life. Whether we like the rules or not we must faithfully follow them.

Could we become a Pheidippedes today? Yes! The world needs and is still looking for a hero. Let’s not keep it waiting!

Till next time, Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain

Resident Spotlight: Rose Stange

Rose Strange

Our Beautiful Rose

The word “rose” has several meanings. It is often used as a name in a song or a poem, or, a category of flower. Generally, when we hear the name, we think of something pretty, sweet, or, romantic. To know Rose Strange is to sense the essence of sweetness, kindness and beauty of soul. No doubt her happy childhood, successful marriage of 60 years and the rearing of three wonderful children defined “the Rose” we know today-“Our Rose of Kirby Pines”.

Rose Strange (nee Scott) was born at Methodist Hospital on November 15, 1928 and spent most of her life in Memphis. The family moved to Marked Tree, Arkansas, when Rose was in the second grade and lived there for 6-7 years. Small town living and school life was different but very enjoyable. Rose sums up her childhood this way: “I had a wonderful family with a great sister and brother and a Mom and Dad who loved each other for 60 years. Our family life was always peaceful, fun and loving.

At age 5, Rose was diagnosed with polio and the family was quarantined for a period of time. Fortunately, Rose had the attention of the well-respected pediatrician, Dr. Tom Mitchell, who came to their home and taught her father how to exercise and massage the affected leg. Rose recovered fully after her father dutifully followed the instructions.

School Photo 1938-39
School Photo 1938-39

Rose graduated from Bellevue Jr. High and Central High School, then enrolled at Memphis State University. There, during her sophomore year, she met her future husband, Ralph Strange. They were married on February 25, 1949. Their first child, Diane, was followed by another daughter, Julie and a son, Ralph III. The family lived in Whitehaven for many years and according to Rose, “the children seemed to think that Southland Mall was built for them! There was always a yard full of children playing”. Her husband Ralph traveled in his work but found time to build a water fountain for them. Rose and her husband were active in the National Iris Society and were recognized for their hybridized irises. Their garden was so outstanding that visitors from the National Iris Society visited by busloads when the convention was in Memphis. They also raised and showed German Shepherd dogs. The iris gardens and the dog shows were always a family endeavor. They required “lots of hard work but were also lots of fun”.

The family moved to Arlington, Texas, for a few years and was there when President Kennedy was killed. They also lived outside Batesville, Mississippi at one time and enjoyed the country living. There, their iris garden was also a tour site for the Iris Society. However, collectively, the family lived in Memphis the majority of time. One of the most favorite things for the family to do while living in Memphis was to fish in Sardis Lake.

Rose moved to Kirby Pines in 2010, following the death of her husband Ralph in 2009. Rose said that on her first visit she knew that Kirby was her new home. The first thing Rose appreciated at Kirby Pines was the peace and quiet after a tumultuous period of medical emergencies with her husband’s illness. She says of Kirby Pines, “I love the staff and there is always something to do”.

Wedding Day February 1949
Wedding Day February 1949

Music has always been important to Rose. She took piano lessons for several years and has shared her talent by playing for Vespers and piano duets on several occasions. Also, since moving to Kirby Pines, Rose has been a member of the singing group, The Entertainers. She has this to say about the experience: “The Entertainers have been an important part of my life here. The hard work and love of music by this group always results in a good program. There is nothing like the anticipation as the curtain opens and you see the large, appreciative audience waiting.

Soon after moving to Kirby, Rose was introduced to a card game “Joker”. Thus began weekly meetings “with a great group of people and which took place no matter what!” Rose also enjoys Bingo, and other card games, reading and watching her favorite soap operas and Masterpiece Theater on WKNO.

Rose feels fortunate to have among her family, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Rose has always been active in the Methodist Church, formerly involved in the Women’s Missionary Circle and teaching young people. She is currently a member of Emmanuel Methodist Church but considers Chaplain Don and Cheryl Johnson’s ministry at Kirby Pines “close to my heart”.

To know Rose Strange is to love her. The only unkind thing to be said of her is that she, reportedly, can “be quite mean” when playing cards! When asked what the future holds for her, she replied, “I want to continue to enjoy my friends and the fun I have at Kirby Pines, but I also have a date with DeDe Scott to go fishing when we meet in Heaven”. Way to plan, Rose!

An unknown author has said, “Someone with inner beauty will live forever, like the essence of a rose”.

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines

Keeping Hydrated

Retired man drinking water

As the July month comes our way so will the hot and humid weather. It is extremely crucial to be safe and maintain your hydration levels. Hydration is maintaining a proper balance throughout the body. Water makes up 75% of the human body and can be extracted in many various ways. If you don’t replace the water that you have lost dehydration is likely to occur. Some warning signs to be cautious of when becoming dehydrated are dry mouth, extreme thirst, headache, confusion, and dizziness. Don’t wait until you notice the symptoms before taking action.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help prevent dehydration. It has been recommended to consume 6-8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water alone is not the only way to achieve proper hydration. There are many different types of fruits and vegetables which have an adequate amount of water content. Watermelon has 90% water, which ranks as one of the highest, but oranges, melons, and grapefruit are also great contenders. Spinach, celery and broccoli are also good substitutes for vegetables.

Retired woman and granddaughter drinking waterTips for Staying Hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of liquids
  • Watch the heat index
  • Wear appropriate clothing
  • Have a glass of water with each meal
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks
  • Urine color should be a pale yellow

Top 20 Hydrating Foods

  1. Cucumber – 96.73% Water
  2. Iceberg Lettuce – 95.64% Water
  3. Celery – 95.43% Water
  4. Tomatoes – 94.52% Water
  5. Romaine Lettuce – 93.47% Water
  6. Zucchini – 92.73% Water
  7. Watermelon – 91.45% Water
  8. Spinach – 91.4% Water
  9. Strawberries – 90.95% Water
  10. Skim Milk – 90.84% Water
  11. Soy Milk – 90.36% Water
  12. Cantaloupe – 90.15% Water
  13. Honeydew – 89.82% Water
  14. Kale – 89.63% Water
  15. Broccoli – 89.33% Water
  16. Peaches – 88.87% Water
  17. Carrots – 88.29% Water
  18. Oranges – 86.75% Water
  19. Pineapple – 86% Water
  20. Apples – 85.56% Water

ATTENTION: Bored Couch Potatoes!

Retired man watching television

Have you noticed lately that as the Stay In Place orders lag on and the summer days begin to heat up that you are spending more time on the couch or in your chair enjoying the air conditioning? Have you ever wondered why exercise has to be so exerting or sweaty? Exercise may be on the bottom of your to do list, if it makes the list at all. In this health column written by Doctor K (Komaroff), he gave several good exercises for a “couch potato.” His information was from a physical therapist Kailyn Collins who gave him these suggestions:

While lying flat on your back on the couch or bed, lift one leg 8-12 times
concentrating on using your thigh muscles. Repeat with the other leg.

Turn to your side and lift your leg up 8-12 times using your thigh muscles
(imagine a half “Jumping Jack”). Roll to the other side and repeat.

Lying on your back again, lift both legs while you tighten your stomach muscles.
Hold for ten seconds. Don’t forget to breathe.
Relax for 10 seconds and repeat every commercial break.

Sitting upright with your feet flat on the floor, practice standing up. Repeat 10 times. Another variation is to almost stand just raising your bottom off the chair and sit again. Make sure your chair is sturdy and not a rocker.

This exercise can be repeated in reverse where you begin standing and squat
like you are almost sitting and repeat 10 times. When you are ready to sit
make sure your chair is under your bottom (gently sit without a plop).

Move your wrists by rotating; waving up and down; Open and close your fists; Twiddle your thumbs and each finger one at a time.

Rotate your ankles and flex each foot.

Shoulder rolls; Raise one arm and then the other;
Extend arms out to the side to expand chest and take a deep breath.

These are just a few simple exercises that you can do while sitting on the couch. If you take the dare and give these a try, you may be pleasantly surprised that energy, strength, and balance will improve. If you like these, I have many more exercises you may find useful. Check out the Sit and Stand Exercise class at 11:00 Live streaming on Channel 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays or the Yoga class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:45 on channel 10.

Retired woman stretching

Saluting America at Kirby Pines

Summer is officially here! Although it sneaked in towards the end of June, the unofficial hotter, dryer weather arrived sometime during spring. Luckily for us all, our large trees and park-like acreage, provides us with plenty of areas where we can step outside to stroll under the shade of numerous majestic trees. This summer will of course be different during the current Coivd-19 pandemic, but try not to let the hotter temperature nor the daily news bring you down.

The current Covid-19 crisis continues to have a significant impact not only on visits with your families but also on unemployment, the economy and people’s lives in general. Remember in every crisis, doubt or confusion – it is important to take the higher path. The path of compassion, courage, understanding and love for one another.

This July, when we gather to celebrate the birth of our nation, we will also be ending a month of mourning in recognition of all we have lost during this pandemic. However, we must also remember the American patriots of past centuries, who gave their lives so that we could enjoy the fruits of a better country. This July, join me in saluting all past, current and future Americans as we bask in the warmth of their actions and the season. Yes, summer is officially here.

Michael EscamillaMichael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines

If I Were the Devil



Paul Harvey was a Nationally Syndicated radio broadcaster of the latter half of the 20th Century. He rendered daily news on over 1600 stations and sent columns to 300 newspapers across America, 24 million listeners tuned him in. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005 for his contributions to the nation.

One broadcast originally given in 1964 was updated several times as in this version of 1996. In Paul Harvey’s own words, here is what he said he would do, if he “were the devil.”

“If I were the prince of darkness, I would want to engulf the whole world in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of it population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree—thee. So, I would set about however necessary to take over the United States of America.

“I’d subvert the churches first, and I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’

“To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince the children that man created God instead of the other way around. I’d confide that what’s bad is good and what’s good is square. And the old, I would teach to pray after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington …’

“Then, I’d get organized, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

“If I were the devil, I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves until each, in its turn, was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.

“If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellect but neglect to discipline emotions. I’d tell teachers to let those students run wild. And before you knew it, you’d have drug-sniffing

Radio Host, Paul Harvey

dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. With a decade, I’d have prisons overflowing and judges promoting pornography. Soon, I would evict God from the courthouse and the schoolhouse and then from the houses of Congress. In his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I’d lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.

“If I were the devil, I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. What’ll you bet I couldn’t get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich?

“I’d convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun and that what you see on television is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public and lure you into bed with diseases for which there are no cures.

“In other words, if I were the devil, I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.”

Paul Harvey was so right! Do we believe him? What changes can we begin to make!

Till next time, Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain

Staying Active and Social During Isolation


During this challenging time, you may find yourself spending most of your time at home alone. While it may be necessary for your health, it can also have negative impacts on your mental health and physical activity. Loneliness and isolation are associated with increased rates of depression, a weakened immune system, heart disease, and dementia. We know how important staying active and social is, especially during these times, so let’s talk about home alternatives to help everyone stay healthy in both mind and body!

retired woman lifing weights

Staying Physically Active

Regular physical activity benefits both the mind and body. It can improve mental health, reduce the risk for depression, cognitive decline, and delay the onset of dementia.

What can you do?

  1. Home Exercise Programs – Talk with your Wellness Coordinator or Therapy Team about exercises that are safe to do in the privacy of your own home. Learn the best exercises for you based on your current fitness levels.
  2. Virtual Workouts – There are a ton of resources and streaming services that offer video workouts. Try searching YouTube or other health and fitness apps to find a workout that is best for you. Please consult with your Wellness Coordinator or Therapy Team prior to participating in an online workout. We want to make sure you choose videos that are safe and appropriate for your fitness level!
  3. Set up a Routine – Even though you are not getting out and about like you used to, it may be helpful to set a schedule and include physical activity. By carving out a specific time each day to exercise, you are more likely to stick to it!
  4. “Partner” Workouts – Think of different ways you can a friend can work out “together” without actually being in the same room. For example, you can open your doorway and exercise with your neighbor from across the hall. Or, you can FaceTime or Skype a friend and complete a workout together.
  5. Reduce Time Spent Sitting – Take short 3-5 minute breaks every 20-30 minutes. Whether you are working, watching TV, or reading a book, set a timer and get up and stretch periodically. If you are able, take a quick walk around your house or outside.

Retired man on tablet

Staying Socially Active

Spending days or weeks at home can take a toll on someone’s mental health. When people are asked to stay home, they are likely cut off from their regular routines. This can cause stress due to a drop in meaningful activities, social engagement, and a lack of common coping strategies likely going to an exercise class or attending religious services.

During isolation, it is common to experience:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Boredom
  • Anger
  • Frustration or Irritability

How to Cope:

  1. Stay Virtually Connected – Use phone calls, text messages, video chat or social media to connect with family, friends and loved ones.
  2. Virtual Gatherings – Take your video chats one step further and plan a “game night” or a “family meal” with your loved ones. Gather around the table virtually and share stories, memories, and laughs.
  3. Reach Out to Old Friends – This is the perfect time to catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  4. Support Others – Supporting others can be beneficial to the people you are supporting, but also to you. Some examples of this might be dropping off food or care packages to a friend in need, providing information or advice to a concerned family member, or providing emotional support to someone.
  5. Read a Book – Read a book over the phone or through video chat to a grandchild or family friend.
  6. “Neighbor” Chats – Sit in the doorway and chat across the hall with a friend (just make sure you are 6 feet apart or more!).

Resident Spotlight: Dale and Peter Jones


Dale and Peter Jones at Kirby Pines

A Lifetime of Adventure

Imagine that you have traveled to 7 continents and in excess of 70 countries. Imagine a successful marriage, profession and the rearing of 3 children. Such are the experiences of Dale and Peter Jones. Their life together chronicles so many adventures and experiences it is difficult to condense. Here are only the highlights of their lives:

Dale (nee McBride) was born in Alexandria, Louisiana in 1944. Her high education studies began by attending Texas Women’s University in Denton, TX. Although TWU only accepted women students at that time, Dale was invited by the U.S. Marine Corps to join and “become a leader of men”. She was tempted to accept the offer! Returning home after 2 years, Dale enrolled in Louisiana Tech, graduating Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Food and Nutrition. She then began a dietetic internship at Duke University. While there, fate stepped in and on a blind date, met the one to become her life partner, Peter Jones. Following a year of courtship, they were married in September, 1967.

Peter Jones was born in Palmerston North, New Zealand in 1940. Following high school, he began his studies in chemistry at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Following the awarding of both a B.S. and an M.S. in chemistry, Peter was awarded a Fulbright- Hays scholarship for graduate studies at Duke University, eventually earning a PhD in Biochemistry.

During Peter’s academic climb, Dale worked as a dietitian at Duke University. Following graduation, they moved to Tucson, Arizona where Peter had accepted a post-graduate fellowship at the U of Arizona College of Medicine. Dale worked as a clinical dietitian. 18 months later they traveled on a 3 week voyage to Wellington, New Zealand where Peter had accepted a position at his alma mater. While there, Dale gave birth to their first child, Stephen. An interesting story in itself, Dale gave birth in the Salvation Army Home for Unwed Mothers. Fortunately, they accommodated private patients in a special section of the home.

In 1972, Dale and Peter returned to the U.S. and Memphis, TN. Peter had accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at UTCHS. At UT, he was actively involved in curriculum development for the College of Medicine and served for many years on the Admissions Committee. Peter became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. in 2006 and after 35 years at UT, retired as Professor of Molecular Science in 2007.

Dale and Peter became parents to 2 other children, Katherine and Phillip, after moving to Memphis. Dale’s career moved from being a full-time mother to being a pre-school teacher and eventually moving back into a clinical dietitian position until retirement. She was involved in church activities as well as the Cub and Girl Scouts. When the children became old enough to travel, frequent trips were made to New Zealand to visit grandparents and family members. However, following retirement, most of Dale and Peter’s travels occurred. How exotic are visits to countries like Mongolia, Tibet, Antarctica and a safari in Kenya? One of their favorite trips was celebrating their 45th anniversary, on the actual date of their anniversary, in an authentic village of Old Believers near Ulan-Ude in Siberia. Dale and Peter performed in a simulated Siberian ceremony acting as bride and groom and wearing authentic Costumes.

Dale and Peter Jones
45th Anniversary in Siberia

Peter has had an interest in Rugby (New Zealand’s National sport) since early childhood. Thus began an almost 70 year involvement in the sport, from player to becoming one of the top 5 referees in the U.S. He was recently inducted into the Memphis Rugby Hall of Fame. Dale and Peter now have 4 grandchildren, all of whom lived in Colorado at the time they began looking at retirement communities. They didn’t like the idea of cold winters and finding a Garden Home that met all of their needs, they moved into Kirby Pines in early 2019.

Since moving to Kirby, Dale and Peter have been involved in many activities. Peter says “yes” to almost anything asked to do. They enjoy the Book Baggers, Saturday Trivia, the Travelers Group and walking around the campus. Peter walks 4 to 5 miles daily, sometimes in the Oasis. Dale participates in water aerobics, Arthritis Sit & Stand, Needle Arts Group and Line Dancing.

Dale and Peter are members of Woodland Presbyterian Church where Peter serves as one of the trustees and Dale gives the Bible study in the monthly Women of the Church Circle.

Both Peter and Dale state that the proudest accomplishment for them is raising and educating 3 talented children, all of whom are gainfully employed in chosen professions and who are now raising and educating their own,. Peter adds, “I am very fortunate that I’ve been married for almost 53 years to the same wonderful lady”. Dale says, “I’m blessed that I am married to a delightful, steady, faithful, never boring man who led me to places I never would have gone and introduced me to an outside world I never dreamed was there.” To meet and engage in conversation with this wonderful couple is a joyful experience. Their willingness to participate and serve in various activities has made them a welcomed addition to Kirby Pines.

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines