Resident Spotlight: John Davis

Loyal and Faithful

John Davis is an icon for the qualities of loyalty and faithfulness to his country, having served eight years in the Army. Also, he has recently devoted his life to caring for his wife, JoAnn, who is now a resident of The Manor at Kirby Pines. Until the Covid-19 virus changed policy, John spent many hours of his day in the Manor with JoAnn. 

John Davis wears many titles. Not only is he a veteran, husband and father, he is a singer, a Colonel Sanders “look-a-like, and a “teller of tall tales”. You can spot him nightly with a group who gather around the Post Office area after dinner. John refers to this group as “The Liars Club”. When asked if he would be offended by the title of “good ol’ boy”, he said, “No, I’ve been called much worse”. 

John Davis could rightfully be called a “good ol’ boy” as the term is positively used to compliment someone who not only has a Southern background but is considered dependable and loyal to a fault. These are John’s words describing his early life: 

“I was born and raised in the ‘big town’ of Bandana, Kentucky, population 200. If you don’t know where Bandana is, it is located between Paducah and Monkey’s Eyebrow. It was a good place to grow up. I was an unexpected surprise to my parents who were forty-two and forty-four when I was born. I had two older sisters, fourteen and sixteen years older, so, as you might guess, I was a ‘spoiled brat’. We lived on an eighty-five acre farm with a big red barn and a windmill sixty to seventy feet tall. My dad had a trucking business for many years, hauling milk and livestock from three counties to areas as far away as East St. Louis. He let me ride along with him and the saddest day of my life was when school started and I could not go with him. My Dad raised beef cattle and when I was nine years old, he gave me a calf to raise. By the time I went to college, I had a small herd of my own”.

JoAnn and John’s Wedding Day 1957

Following graduation from high school in 1952, John entered Murray State College in Murray, Kentucky. He graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration in 1956. John says, “Murray was a great college but I was not a great student”. During his sophomore year, John was invited to go on a blind date with another couple. The girl for John, of course, turned out to be JoAnn. They dated for three years and married on August 25, 1957. Their first son, Rich was born in 1965 followed by another son, Chuck in 1969. They now have three granddaughters. 

After graduating from Murray State, John volunteered for active duty in the Army rather than be drafted. He had joined the Army Reserves during his freshman year in college and achieved the rank of Sergeant. Following basic training, John was assigned to Nike Missile School in Ft. Bliss, Texas. Being newly married, he was happy to remain in the states. However, as luck would have it, his battalion was the first to be sent oversees to Wiesbaden Air Force Base in Germany. Since there was no housing for Army personnel, he and JoAnn made the difficult decision to be separated for the twenty months of the assignment. The trip to and from Germany was on a WWII Victory ship which, according to John, “was nothing more than a big floating bathtub, nothing like the modern ships. I was sick nine days over and twelve days coming back. When we docked in New York, I kissed the ground and promised the good Lord that I would never leave our shores again. These were words I would ‘eat’ almost forty years later”.

Following his discharge from the Army in 1959, John and JoAnn moved to Memphis. John’s first job was with General Electric Corporation. After a year in an apartment, they bought a house in East Memphis. They joined and were active in Mullins Methodist Church. According to John, “We had wonderful neighbors and made a lot of life-long friends with our neighbors and at church”. 

John decided his real interest was in sales and through a friend, became employed with Ortho Diagnostics selling blood typing products to blood banks and hospital laboratories. He would later work for two more companies, Nuclear Medical Labs in Dallas and Hybritech in San Diego. “I had a ball!”, says John. “I loved every minute of it. Because of the travel involved, JoAnn, the boys, and I got to see all but three states. We visited many countries of the world, including trips to Spain and England which JoAnn won by selling encyclopedias. For a school teacher, she was a ‘heck’ of a sales lady. I often wonder how a ‘green’ country boy and a ‘sharp-eyed’ little girl from Kentucky ever got to all of those places”. 

John & JoAnn 2019

John and JoAnn moved to Kirby Pines in August, 2012 when JoAnn’s arthritis worsened. “Thank God we came when we did! We have been blessed”, says John.

Since moving to Kirby Pines, John has found time to sing with The Entertainer’s Chorus and is frequently a soloist. “I really love singing with the Chorus”, states John. He is also a member of the Men’s Fellowship Group and is currently a Wing Leader. 

To know John Davis is to admire him for his strength and steadfastness. He is truly a “good ol’ boy”. THANK YOU JOHN AND ALL VETERANS FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines

Improving Your Flexibility

Flexibility: refers to the range of movement in a joint or series of joints. 

  • Length in muscles that cross the joints to induce a bending movement or motion. 

How can you Improve Flexibility? 

  • To improve flexibility, it is important to stretch
  • Stretching- is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed or stretched to improve flexibility and range of motion. 

What are the Benefits of Stretching? 

  • Improve range of motion 
  • Improve performance in physical activities 
  • Decrease risk of injury 
  • Enable your muscles to work most efficiently 
  • Decrease pain and soreness after exercises 
  • Improve posture 
  • Improve circulation of blood flow throughout the muscles 
  • Prevents tightness of muscles 

Types of Stretching 

Dynamic Stretching 

  • Low intensity form of stretching that utilizes movement to stretch your muscles 
  • Increases circulation and nutrient flow throughout the body Ex: arm swings, shoulder circles, lunges, leg swings, etc. 

Static Stretching 

  • Stretching muscles while the body is at rest 
  • It is composed of various techniques that gradually lengthen a muscle to an elongated position (to the point of discomfort) and hold that position for at least 30 seconds 

Stretching Essentials 

  • Target major muscle groups 
    Calves, thighs, hips, back, neck, shoulders, arms, etc. 
  • Warm up first 
  • Hold stretch for at least 30 seconds 
  • Don’t bounce 
  • Focus on pain-free stretches 
  • Relax and breathe freely 

Fit Stretching into your Schedule 

  • • Do stretches after your morning shower or bath 
  • • Stretch before getting out of bed 
  • • Stretch after exercise 

Keep up with Stretching 

  • It can be time consuming! 
  • You can achieve the most benefits by stretching regularly at least 2-3 times a week 
  • If stretching helped you increase your range of motion, it may decrease again if you stop stretching 

Approach with Caution 

  • If you have a chronic condition or injury, you may need to adjust your techniques 
  • Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about the most appropriate way to stretch if you have any health concerns.

Give Thanks

Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays: a time of celebration with Friends, Family, and Feasting!! 

We don’t want to worry with our weight or dieting. Yet on the other hand, overindulging can make us very uncomfortable, especially if we forget to wear those pants with the stretchy waistband. This event can set the pattern for six weeks of holiday overeating and dare I mention weight gain. A 2014 study found that particularly heavy meals also can quadruple the risk of a heart attack, especially those with elevated risk factors. 

Here are some TIPS to enjoy a more balanced and healthier holiday: 

1. GET OUT FOR A WALK. Starting the day with a walk or a turkey trot is a great way to get the metabolism going before the feast. Studies suggest that exercising within 12 hours before a meal can prevent one of the most damaging effects–a post-meal spike in a type of fat called triglycerides. If you can’t do a morning outing, fitting a walk in between dinner and dessert is also great – it will also help boost digestion. If you can’t get out for a walk after the meal – at least get up and do dishes. Not only will your hosts appreciate it, you will burn some calories (60 calories per half hour), and standing also aids digestion. Research shows that the person who does the dishes in the house tends to be less likely to gain weight. Anything is better for your digestion than lying on the couch! 

2. HYDRATE. Thirst can sometimes be confused as hunger. When we are drinking enough water, we feel better and digest our food better. An 8 oz glass of water before a big meal can help to prevent overeating. Large amounts of fluids during a meal may dilute much needed digestive acids, interfering with proper digestion. 

3. SKIP THE SECONDS. Serve yourself a small amount of everything that you like, and don’t go back for seconds – you won’t feel deprived, but will reduce the total amount of food that your body needs to digest. You won’t feel super bloated at the end of the evening, and it can lessen the load on your heart. 

4. CHOOSE YOUR DESSERT WISELY. Even if you didn’t go overboard on the Thanksgiving dinner, the dessert can really send you off the deep end. Pecan pie is perhaps the worst of all Thanksgiving finales – just 1 slice has more than 500 calories, 9 teaspoons of added sugars, and 21 grams of fat. While Apple pie weighs in at 400 calories a slice and the winner for “Healthy Desserts “is Pumpkin Pie at 300 calories and lots of Vitamin A. Of course, whipped cream and ice cream toppers all contribute to the calorie tally. 

5. PRACTICE GRATITUDE. The sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberry, and pumpkin pie is not the only part of Thanksgiving that I love. At the beginning of our little feast, everyone takes a turn sharing what we are most thankful for. The children and adults get excited as they express their gratitude. Scientists have found that “habitually focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of life is associated with well-being.” I call it an Attitude of Gratitude. 

Thanksgiving dinner prepared with love and sharing with friends and family all that we are thankful for is all we really need to celebrate Thanksgiving. (Well, maybe have some digestive enzymes on hand – just in case) 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever”. 
Psalm 136:1

That’s what Thanksgiving is after all!! 

– Mary Hand, Oasis Coordinator 

Kirby Pines Is Thankful for Our Veterans

November is here and it appears the last of the warm weather is behind us. The leaves are turning beautifully, making our views change every day, giving us something new to enjoy and to be thankful for.

Johnnie Haley
From Our Cover,
Resident, Johnnie Haley, served in the Navy, Army and the
Air Force.

Being thankful is different for everyone, but often similar. Most of us are thankful for family, friends and faith, but everyone has their own reasons to give thanks. We asked residents what made them grateful and you can see some of their responses on page 8. We were happily overwhelmed with participation, and want you to know that all of the quotes will be available for the entire community to see this month.

Another reason to be thankful during the month of November is the day we celebrate those who faithfully served our country. Veteran’s Day falls on Wednesday, November 11th, however, we will have a special Resident Association Meeting on Thursday the 12th to honor our veterans here at Kirby Pines.

Our front cover features one of our newer veterans to the community, but one who deserves our thanks and recognition. Johnnie Haley served in three major branches of the military over 21 years. 

The back cover pays homage to many of our other veterans who have served in both times of war and peace. From WWII to Vietnam, we could not be more proud to have them at Kirby Pines. Again, we got so many amazing photos submitted, that we could not use them all here, but they will be available for everyone to enjoy this month.

So THANK YOU to all of our residents, who always go out of their way to help us out with The Pinecone magazine. We really, truly could not do it without you!

Time to Be Grateful at Kirby Pines

Celebrating Thanksgiving this year will certainly be different than in the years past. Like so many other holidays throughout 2020, the holiday and the pandemic will be on everyone’s mind. Normally we would be thinking about who we were inviting to dinner here at Kirby Pines or where we might be traveling to meet family and with whom we might be celebrating with in our homes. However, this year we may experience how “un-celebratory” this holiday may feel, so we all need to be mindful of the many blessing we have to be thankful for.

When Thanksgiving was first celebrated, it was customary to be thankful for our blessings and to say a thankful prayer as part of that ritual. As our world has evolved, that tradition continues, despite the movies that depict a more stressful family gathering or an over humorous family gathering. True, there can be stressful factors, whether it’s traveling, family conflicts, or cooking that didn’t meet everyone’s expectation, but the act of engaging in the tradition of gratitude changes those experiences from a negative to a positive.

Regardless of the potential for stress, most people would agree that a holiday centered around food and loved ones, is a great way to spend the day. The bonding that comes from either cooking for others, or sharing a meal with others, is another blessing we can all be thankful for. Mark Simpson and his culinary team plan on providing a wonderful traditional feast for you and Kirby employees this Thanksgiving. Together we can celebrate the bonds of friendship that have developed over the years; the blessings we share by living and working in a community filled with love; and the gratitude we gain from just being good to one another.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Michael Escamilla

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Anna Warner and her sister, Susan, lived near West Point Military Academy and regularly led Bible studies for the cadets. Susan became a best selling novelist. In 1860 she wrote Say and Seal, a story about a dying child being helped by his teacher and her boyfriend. Anna, who also wrote novels and poems, wrote a special poem for Say and Seal. It was sung to the dying boy even though it was just a poem without music. Composer William Bradbury read the poem in the novel and composed the simple yet profound melody. It has become the best children’s hymns of all time. We know it as “Jesus Loves Me.” It still inspires children of all ages.

There’s a story of a Church in Atlanta honoring one of its senior pastors who had been retired many years. Following his introduction the 92 year old pastor rose from his high back chair and slowly walked to the podium. He placed both hands on the pulpit to steady himself and then quietly began to speak. 

“When I was asked to come here today and talk to you, I was asked to tell you the greatest lesson I ever learned in my 50 odd years of preaching. I thought about it for a few days and decided there was just one thing that made the most difference in my life and sustained me through all my trials. The one thing that I could always rely on when tears and heart break and pain and fear and sorrow paralyzed me……the only thing that would comfort was this verse.”

“Jesus loves me this I know.
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong,
We are weak but he is strong…..
Yes, Jesus loves me…
The Bible tells me so.”

God’s love so beautifully expressed by this pastor and by so many others does not just apply to children or young people. It relates to us all through life and becomes especially encouraging in our later years. Someone has even come up with a Senior Adult version of the song. It says,

Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in Him.

Though my steps are oh, so slow,
With my hand in His I’ll go
On through life, let come what may,
He’ll be there to lead the way.

Though I am no longer young,
I have much which He’s begun.
Let me serve Christ with a smile,
Go with others the extra mile.

When the nights are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear,
“Have no fear, for I am near.”

When my work on earth is done,
And life’s victories have been won.
He will take me home above,
Then I’ll understand His love


To love God is no extraordinary thing. All that we know of Him shows He is lovely, loveable and loving. The reverse is what’s extraordinary. That God could love us is almost incomprehensible. We are often unlovely but He did not let us go unloved. How could we ever adequately express our gratitude and thanks for His personal and unconditional love? The eternal miracle is that God loves us. From John 3:16 to I John 4:9-10, 19 and many other passages we can see this powerfully described. It’s like He is saying to us, “I love you, is that alright?” Let’s joyfully reply, “Yes, Lord, that’s alright.”

Till next time, Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain

Resident Spotlight: Alma Crone

A Monumental Life

To know Alma Crone is to sense the essence of a peaceful mind and an optimistic future. Alma’s smile and friendly disposition are transparent of a life that has been full and rewarding. Alma says, “My life has been simple but very different. It was always full of laughter and good times”. Another analysis might be that Alma’s life could be described as “monumental” because her life includes: birth into a “healthy” family, a happy childhood, a college education, marriage into an iconic Memphis family, having healthy and productive children, world travel, community service and now, living a contented and busy life at Kirby Pines.

A native Memphian, Alma was welcomed into the Barnes family on June 12, 1938. A sister and a brother would come later. Her father was General Manager of the Brittling Cafeterias and her mother, a homemaker, was “the best cook in the world!” According to Alma, “I had a typical ‘50’s life’ with slumber parties, etc. Friends were always welcomed and everything took place at my house, even through college. Homecoming floats were always made in our front yard”.

Alma attended Peabody Elementary School and graduated from Messick High School in 1956. She completed studies at Memphis State University in 1960. Alma laughingly admits, “I was very much involved in fun and ‘studying for my MRS degree’ while in college”. She pledged Sigma Kappa and met her future husband, George Crone at a Pi KA Rush Party in the fall of 1956. “He was the handsomest guy at MSU”, declares Alma. They married in August, 1958 and have three children, Kelley, Luanne and George “Tad”, III. There are four grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Alma’s life revolved around her children, her husband’s business and church life at Buntyn Presbyterian Church. George was an Elder and Alma was an officer of the Women of the Church for the many years they worshiped there. The family went to Destin, Florida every year. 

Alma’s story would be incomplete without including the business and social aspects of her life with husband, George. George Crone became a fifth generational Memphian when born into the Crone family which had owned Crone Monument Company since the early 1920’s. The Company made cemetery memorials, bronze historical monuments and statutes, not only for Memphians, but all over the mid-South. Those in Memphis include the statue at St. Francis Hospital, bronze plaques at University of Memphis, University of Tennessee and the Orpheum Theater. George’s work as a sculptor and memorialist assured him membership in the prestigious organization, The American Institute of Commemorative Arts, which allows only one member from each state. George served as a Director and as President for two terms. His membership resulted in long lasting friendships with artisans all over the world. George and Alma traveled the world, including being passengers on the QE 2 on the last sailing from the American shores. Perhaps the most “awesome” trip was visiting Italy and visiting the quarry where the white marble used for Michelangelo’s David was mined. “We also visited quarries all over the U.S. If you like ROCKS, ask me about them”, offers Alma. 

George was also known for his involvement in local activities. He was President of the Memphis State University Alumni Association for two years and he and Alma were able to travel to all the University’s sporting events. George would later be named “Alumni of the Year” by the University. Also, for several years, George was President of the Elmwood Association. 

When the children were no longer at home, Alma became involved in other projects. However, to achieve that “empty nest”, Alma was faced with planning the weddings of both daughters and sending her son to college, all in one year. Alma became a member of the LeBonheur Club and Subsidium which worked primarily with Memphis Oral School for the Deaf. However, for twenty years, her Thursdays were reserved for Bible study fellowship, then later a community Bible study. 

George & Alma’s Wedding Day 1958

In addition to her travels with George, Alma made several trips to England and the British Isles. Two trips to England were with her sister, Martha. Both Alma and Martha had attended seminars in Williamsburg, Charleston and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts in Winston-Salem to learn the appraising of antiques. The trips with Martha resulted in “wonderful buys” for members of their family who owned antique stores. “It’s a family joke”, says Alma, “that the collection gene was inherited by all the girls in the family”. Martha remains a respected appraiser in this field. 

George became increasingly ill with Parkinson’s, which had been diagnosed in his late sixty’s. In 2013, the decision was made to move to Kirby Pines. Alma realized she could not bring all her antique collections with her, but, she did bring the most interesting ones. “Ask me about them” volunteers Alma. After two years in their apartment it became necessary to move George to the Manor. “He had the wonderful care of the staff there”, states Alma. George passed away in 2016. “When the family gets together now, our thoughts always go to George and they bring laughter, remembering the joy he brought into our lives”, adds Alma. 

Alma remains active at Kirby Pines. She says, “The chapter I’m in now is different but as happy. I have my family to enjoy. My new friends and I have such good times together with lots of laughs. There is peace here knowing that we are taken such good care of—and guess what? THE BEST IS YET TO COME!”

Written by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines

Benefits of Exercise

If you have a medical problem or you are an older adult, you may be at risk of falling or tripping. This can result in broken bones or even more serious injuries.

Exercising can help prevent falls because it can:

  • Make your muscles stronger and more flexible
  • Improve your balance
  • Increase how long you can be active

You can do the following exercises anytime and almost anywhere. As you get stronger, try to hold each position longer or add light weights to your ankles. This will increase how effective the exercise is.

Try to exercise 150 minutes a week. Perform muscle strengthening exercises 2 or more days a week. Start off slowly and check with your health care provider to make sure you are doing the right type of exercises for you. You may want to exercise on your own or join a group.

When you exercise, always make sure you breathe slowly and easily. DO NOT hold your breath.

Toe Stand

To make your calves and ankle muscles stronger:

  • Hold on to a solid support for balance, like the back of a chair
  • Stand with your back straight and slightly bend both knees
  • Push up onto your tiptoes as high as possible
  • Slowly lower your heels to the floor
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times

Knee Curl

To make your buttocks and lower back muscles stronger:

  • Hold on to a solid support for balance, like the back of a chair
  • Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder width apart, and slightly bend both knees
  • Lift one leg straight back behind you, then bend your knee and bring your heel toward your buttock
  • Slowly lower your leg back to a standing position
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times with each leg

Leg Extension

To make your thigh muscles stronger and help decrease knee pain:

  • Sit in a straight-back chair with your feet on the floor
  • Straighten one leg out in front of you as much as possible
  • Slowly lower your leg back down
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times with each leg

Stretching the Back of Your Leg

To make it easier for you to move around:

  • Sit in a straight-back chair
  • Put one foot on a low stool in front of you
  • Straighten your leg that is on the stool and reach your hand toward this foot
  • Hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Then sit back up
  • Repeat 5 times with each leg

Other Activities

  • Walking is a great way to improve your strength, balance, and endurance
  • Use a walking stick or walker as needed for support
  • Tai Chi is a good exercise for healthy adults to help develop balance
  • Simple movements and exercises in a swimming pool can help improve balance and build strength

Exercise: Good for You – Good for Your Brain

Retired couple walking on a fall day

Studies are beginning to demonstrate that we need to put down that pencil and stand up and go for a walk. Physical exercise is proven to be better for your brain health than memory quizzes. Studies even suggest that people who are physically active “have lower rates of Alzheimer’s and other age-associated neurodegenerative disorders,” says Arthur F. Kramer, senior vice provost for research and graduate education at Northeastern University in Boston and an expert on exercise and the brain. 

Our brains need the stimulation of aerobic exercise; that is, exercises that raise your heart rate and respiration. Just 30 minutes a day 5 days a week (150 minutes) of moderate intensity exercise can make a difference in mental as well as physical and emotional well-being. That extra blood flow to the brain creates higher levels of BDNF, a protein that stimulates brain cell healing and growth. 

Here at Kirby Pines we have many opportunities for aerobic exercise: walking, water aerobics, sit and stand classes. In the Oasis, we have the recumbent bicycle, Nustep, and treadmill to give you a safe aerobic workout. For strengthening exercises, try the yoga class or free weights and resistance equipment in the Oasis. 

So leave your puzzles behind and step it up to exercise your brain. We are offering Yoga Stretch on Channel 10 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:45 and Sit and Stand at 11:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays or visit the Oasis anytime. It’s not too late to join the walking program. Our first team of the week was “Sam and Sadie”. 

October is Alzheimer Awareness Month. We are so blessed to have an amazing facility like Job’s Way that was specifically designed for people with Memory Issues. We want to show our support to the Alzheimer’s Association through financial donations so they may continue their mission to educate and research to end Alzheimer’s and dementia while enhancing care for those living with the disease. 

We Are Memphis Most at Kirby Pines

In September, we reflected on the past thirty-seven years of Kirby Pines, and expressed our thankfulness for the “unity” provided to make Kirby Pines, what so many refer to as “the best retirement community in Memphis”. In fact, Kirby Pines was once again selected by the readers of the Commercial Appeal as “THE BEST Retirement Community” for the fourteenth consecutive year in the tristate area; and by the Memphis Business Journal as The TOP Multi Service Retirement Community for the eleventh consecutive year. 

Of course, these awards of recognition would not be possible if it weren’t for the individuals who live and work at Kirby Pines. And what better way to begin the month, than by acknowledging the International Day of the Older Person, October 1st. Designated by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1990, all countries are encouraged to enable men and women to age with dignity and to integrate aging issues into everyday life. Kirby Pines is a daily example of doing just this.

This month we also celebrate: October 2nd, National Custodial Worker’s Day – a day when we should all make an effort to thank the men and women in our housekeeping and laundry department for the hard work they do for us each day; October 4-10th is National Health Care Food Service Week, these dedicated employees are an essential part of our integrated services; October 25th-31sth is National Pastoral Care week, and we should all make time to thank our Chaplin, Don Johnson, and the numerous residents that coordinate such activities as our Men’s Bible Study group and Thursday night Vespers.

Please join me in thanking these many individuals for the time they dedicate to make a difference in our life. You can join this amazing group on October 24th, which is Make a Difference Day. After all, we all have the ability to do something small that makes a difference.

Michael Escamilla

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines