I Wish You Enough

passenger jet

Bob Perks tells of seeing a father and his daughter saying goodbye in an airport. The daughter’s flight departure was announced and they hugged each other as she was about to pass through the security gate. Bob heard the father say, “I love you. I wish you enough.” The daughter replied, “Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love has been all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too.”

The father approached Bob and asked, “Did you ever say goodbye to someone knowing it would be forever?” “Yes, I have,” Bob replied. “I remember expressing to my Dad my love and appreciation for all he had done for me. It was my last opportunity to tell him” Bob then asked, “Why is this a forever goodbye?”

The father replied, “I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is, the next trip she makes back will be for my funeral.”

Bob continued by asking the father, “When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough.’ What does that mean?’

The father answered, “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone. When we said, ‘I wish you enough’ we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them.” 

The father then added from memory:

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude right. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough ‘Hello’s’ to get you through your final goodbye.”

The father both smiled and cried as he walked away.

Too often we live with our cup almost empty, even when spiritually we are kings and queens since God has made us His children. We scrimp by on the bare necessities when His divine promises give us for even more than enough.

Think of II Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” And Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…” Gaze upon these words: “all, abound, always, all sufficiency, abundance, exceedingly, abundantly, above all.”

More than ever we must discover that God is not only necessary, He is enough!

Have we ever said to someone, “I wish you enough.”? Such encouragement can lift them beyond their troubles to embrace the blessings that will carry them through the difficult steps in their journey.

Let’s start today! I wish you enough!

Till next time,
-Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain 

Congratulations to Our Employee of the Month: Shandrikka Jones

Shandrikka Jones

Shandrikka Jones 

Line Server / Team Lead 

Describe your family: Family oriented, loving, caring and very supportive. 

Describe yourself in five words: Silly, Loyal, Sassy, Nice and Hardworking. 

What do you do for fun: Go to the movies, cook, hang out with family and friends.

Do you have any hobbies or interests: Cooking.

What is your favorite food: Anything that’s good. Favorite song: Anything by Michael Jackson. 

What is your favorite thing about your job: Getting to laugh and joke with residents and my coworkers. 

What is something you are proud of:  I have come a long way with my attitude and have learned to relax more and enjoy life. 

What would you like people to know about you:  I’m hardworking, dedicated, easy to get a long with and silly. 

Ms. Jones is the very embodiment of what Kirby Pines represents. She is always first to make sure our Residents are taken care of, first to make sure teammates are lifted up and given credit where credit is due, and first to help pitch in and get tasks done when opportunities may arise. 

Mark Simpson, Director of Culinary Services

Kirby Pines Couple Renews Their Vows

couple renews vows

Larry and Karen Anderson along with their Pastor Ricky Cisowski renewed their vows on their wedding anniversary, October 14, 2021. They have been married for 33 years. Mr. Anderson recently moved to Gallery Manor, while Mrs. Anderson will be moving to the Estates in the near future. As a tribute, Larry wrote this poem to commemorate the special occasion and show their love to Kirby Pines, too. 

A Poem by Larry Anderson

As my wife and I were approaching the retirement age, 
we received a book about “Growing Old”. 
We read every page. 
We highlighted the places we considered, 
both of us must agree so no one would be bitter. 
We were determined to have this task done. 
We did not want to leave it for our sons. 
We spent weeks checking out all the places. 
As we looked at the residents and noticed their faces, 
we saw some smiles and some frowns. 
Most of them were upbeat and some were down. 
We did our homework, our research and we were done. 
We selected Kirby Pines as The One. 
With sixty acres of beautiful landscaped grounds, a place 
for picnics and walking, it’s always safe with security around. 
So come and check out Kirby Pines way, 
ease your mind and be ready for that retirement day. 

wedding rings and rose

Resident Spotlight: John Travis Thornton


John Travis Thornton

During the month of November, one day is designated to honor the men and women who served in our Armed Forces. We are blessed and grateful every day for the freedom we enjoy because of their valiant service. One of the many Veterans living at Kirby Pines is John Travis Thornton. In addition to serving his country during war time, Travis devoted his professional life to teaching and leading in various educational positions.

A true Mississippian, Travis was born, educated and employed in Mississippi his entire life. The only exceptions are his service time and since his move to Kirby Pines in 2020. 

Born in Kosciusko, MS in 1933, Travis was the third child in the family with two older brothers. “We had good times and tough times together,” admits Travis. “I was constantly told, ’you’re not old enough-maybe next year’”. Travis says his early school years were uneventful. Because his father was retired from the Marine Corps, he learned geography from large maps his father posted on their walls outlining battle zones during the Second World War. During his junior and senior high school years, Travis played trombone in the band and had the male lead part in the school play “Smarty Pants”.

Following high school, Travis enrolled in pre-pharmacy courses in college. However, he changed his mind when he realized he was required to pass chemistry! He considered dropping out of college, but, the other option was to become part of the family dairy business. He decided to return to college and graduated in 1954 from Delta State University with a B.S. in Education (major: Math). 

Travis’ plan was to teach mathematics in high school. He knew it would be difficult to find a job because of the Korean War, as he was eligible to be drafted at any time. Rather than wait, Travis volunteered to have his name moved to the top of the draft list. He completed college on Friday and reported for induction into the Army on the following Monday. He was offered an opportunity to attend Officers Training School but elected to remain in basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. His advanced training was in Ordinance Supply Parts Identification. Expecting to be sent to Korea, Travis was fortunately assigned to Innsbruck, Austria. This assignment allowed him to see this beautiful country with the snow-capped mountains, a “far cry” from the landscape of Northern Mississippi! He was later transferred to the Technical Staff Office near Pisa, Italy and actually climbed the famous tower there. “It was leaning before I got there”, laughs Travis. Off duty time allowed him to visit many places in Europe while stationed there. Travis was often questioned about why his hometown’s name was of Polish origin. He says he always replied “With other Mississippi names like Hot Coffee, Possum Neck, and Why-Not, it was not that unusual!”

Following his discharge from the Army in 1956, Travis returned to his beloved Mississippi to start his teaching career. From several offers, he chose Leland, Mississippi. According to Travis, “Leland is the greatest small town I have ever known. The students, parents and school were a great experience.” During summers, Travis attended Mississippi College and graduated with a Masters in Administration (Guidance and Counseling) in 1960. Following graduation, he became a Counselor in a Junior High School in Greenville. It was here that a wise Principal helped Travis to create a firm education philosophy. That being, “We are not just educating future doctors, lawyers and engineers, but rather preparing the students to be good citizens.” His progression in jobs continued from Counseling to becoming Principal at various schools, eventually being offered the position of Dean of Student Affairs at Mississippi Delta Community College, a position he held for nineteen years. Of his time there, Travis says that a more appropriate job description for conducting student affairs for the 17 to 21 age group was “wildlife management”!

A position of Dean became available at a branch campus of Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Natchez. Taking on this job had many challenges. There was low enrollment and classes were held in a vacant elementary school. During his six years there, Travis increased the enrollment by 400% and successfully managed to get a new academic building.

While Travis was teaching in Greenville, he fell in love with another teacher, Jenny Smith. They married in 1963 and nine years later, had their only child, Robert. Following his retirement from teaching at the Natchez campus, the family moved to Houston, Mississippi, Jenny’s hometown. Not to be idle, Travis had a wonderful experience helping with tours to parts of Mississippi, including beautiful Natchez. Travis and Jenny lived in Houston twenty-four years until her death in 2020. 

Following Jenny’s death, son Robert encouraged Travis to move to Memphis to be closer to him. After investigating several places, they chose Kirby Pines. “I moved here in July of 2020 to be free of most duties and responsibilities of keeping up a home,” says Travis. He has continued to be active, enjoying bridge, poker, exercise classes, the Poetry Club and walking his neighbor’s dog. He regularly attends the Sunday morning church services. “The most wonderful thing here at Kirby Pines”, says Travis, “is our library. Because of COVID restrictions when I moved in, it was vital to me in making the transition and to feel like Kirby Pines is now my home.” 

Wrtten by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines

Learning to Thrive During the Winter Months

Winter is quickly approaching, and with that comes colder temperatures, the move from outdoor to indoor activities, and the temptation to hibernate until springtime. What if, instead of backsliding on our health and wellness this winter, we THRIVE during these chilly months? Let’s take this opportunity to stay healthy and develop a new habit or two!

Last winter, we were not allowed to do much of anything, thanks to COVID. This winter things are looking a bit more “normal,” but winters still coincide with an increase in other viruses, such as the flu. It’s also a time where we see an increase in depression and a decline in mental health. Let’s look at some ways to keep your health in tip-top shape in the upcoming months. 

1. Wash your hands and sanitize your surroundings.

couple using blender

We have heard this a million times. But sometimes it’s good to have a friendly reminder. Remember to wash your hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds. If you are unable to wash with soap and water, use hand sanitizer.

2. Bulk-up your immune system. 

An important part of staying healthy is keeping your immune system in check. Ways to do this are getting the appropriate vaccinations as needed, eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, getting adequate sleep, and staying active. If you are having a hard time getting enough fruits and vegetables throughout the day, try adding a smoothie! It’s a simple way to pack in a BUNCH of fruits and veggies.

3. Stay Active. 

Staying active will help promote bone and muscle health, improve sleep patterns, and lead to an overall healthier lifestyle. The stronger your body is in general, the stronger it will be to fight off illnesses. You can easily incorporate exercise into your daily routine (if you haven’t done so already) by doing exercises, like chair marches or leg kicks from your chair while you watch your favorite T.V. show.

4. Practice Your Balance! 

It’s important to practice your balance – as they say, “use it or lose it!” Working on your balance daily can help with your ability to catch yourself if you slip on the ice, preventing a potentially serious fall from occurring.

couple reading books

5. Make time to relax. 

This may sound counterintuitive but making time to unwind is just as important as staying active. Being rundown can compromise your immune system and leave you susceptible to viruses and infections. Activities to wind down can include Yoga, meditation, journaling, or reading a book.

6. Make connections. 

This could mean video chatting with your family or having a meal with a loved one. How you spend time and connect with others is up to you, but we are social creatures who NEED those physical connections. In addition, talking to someone else can also help with feelings of loneliness or depression.

three women walking outdoors in autumn

This winter, let’s focus on taking care of ourselves, rather than just “getting by.” Put your mental and physical health first and dive into the colder months head on! 

Brittany Austin, National Director of Health and Wellness, Functional Pathways 

8 Simple Ways to Stay Fit During the Holidays

walking outdoors in the autumn

Don’t wait until January 1. Stay on track during this tempting season with these simple tips. ’Tis the season of staying fit, said no one ever. Busy schedules, holiday parties, and endless culinary temptations combine to make it especially difficult to stick to your fitness routine this time of year. Chances are, you’re going to fall off the workout wagon. That’s okay—we all do. Use these strategies to get right back on. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #1: Remember Why You’re Doing It 

When a client loses his or her motivation, corrective exercise specialist Kendra Fitzgerald prescribes a mental workout. What’s your motivation? To feel better, have more energy, be more productive at work, or age gracefully, it’s easier to commit the time and stick to it once you identify why you are working out.

Stay-Fit Strategy #2: Start Small and Be Realistic 

If your goal is to exercise daily, begin with one or two days a week. Pick days where you can easily fit it in. Add another day as each week goes by. Even if you can’t get to your favorite class or the Oasis, remember that 15 minutes of movement is better than no movement at all. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #3: Picture Your Success 

Write down your goal in a few simple words, and post it where you’ll see it every day. A visual reminder may strengthen your resolve. If you want to get back to your “fighting weight” of five years ago, put up a photo of yourself from that time. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #4: Make It Mandatory 

Time management is important for accomplishing any goal, and fitness is no exception. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, put it on your calendar. Call it your “feel better session,” and make that time nonnegotiable. You’ll boost your mood and health, and it will become a key part of your routine. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #5: Track Your Progress Daily 

Record your achievements daily or weekly: how many steps you walked, number of exercise reps, pounds lost, and so on. A pen and paper and a calendar will work just fine, or you can schedule and log your workouts on a free exercise app Stay-Fit

Strategy #6: Recruit Someone to Hold You Accountable 

Maintaining an ongoing schedule with the same person can help you stay accountable. You’ll want to hold up your part of the bargain. Plus, you can get a great workout while having a great time. Think about it: The more fun your workouts are, the more you’re going to look forward to and be committed to them over the long term. And consistency and longevity are necessary for achieving your goals. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #7: Hold Yourself Accountable Too 

Put your money where your mouth is: Pay a penalty for missing your workouts. Drop a dollar in a money jar, and then donate the dough to a favorite cause. 

Stay-Fit Strategy #8: Savor Every Success 

There’s no better feeling than finishing a challenging workout. Let the feeling of accomplishment wash over you, so that you’ll remember the feeling when it’s time for your next workout. 

And make no mistake: This is a big deal! You’ve just rewarded yourself with better health this winter—and a happier, fuller, and potentially longer life. 

We Are Memphis Most at Kirby Pines

The weather has finally cooled down and the foliage around us is starting to change to brilliant colors of yellow, gold and crimson, reminding us that just a six weeks ago we were celebrating Kirby’s 38th anniversary. Now, in just a few days, we will again be celebrating as we welcome the community to gather and see just why we have been selected for the 15th consecutive year as the Best Retirement Community in the Memphis market. So make your plans now to invite friends and join in the celebration on Thursday, November 4th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Being selected as the “best” did not occur without the votes and hard work of many people. So in this season of Thanksgiving, it is only right to thank our residents, family members, friends and employees who took the time to vote during the Commercial Appeal’s annual Memphis Most contest. Along this vein, we need to stop and thank residents and family member and friends who have been volunteering in various areas of the community as Kirby and the nation slowly walks out of the current pandemic. Additionally, we must thank our workers for the many extra hours they have put in to make everyday life at Kirby Pines continue as smoothly as possible. 

This Thanksgiving, be mindful of the challenges we have all faced during these past months; of our personal family traditions in celebrating the holiday; and of the many individuals who are no longer with us to sit, laugh and dine along side with us on this truly American holiday. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines


In 1933 James Hilton wrote his intriguing novel, “Lost Horizon.” It was a remarkable story about Shangri-la, a legendary place of a mystical lamasery in the Hulan Mountains of Tibet.

In the novel a British diplomat, Hugh Conway, escaping his post in a dangerous part of India, was a passenger on a plane that was hijacked and crashed in the mountains. At the crash a Chinese man named Chang led Conway and three other passengers on a mysterious path through the snow covered mountains to an unbelievable lush and green valley called Shangri-la. Surprised, but delighted, Hugh Conway and his fellow travelers comfortably settled in this remarkable place. In almost every way it was a perfect environment, a Paradise beyond description.

However, a shocking reality was soon discovered. All those in Shangri-la lived long beyond normal age. They aged extremely slowly. It was hard to tell how long the people had been around because they looked so young. There was one strange circumstance to this longevity of life in Shangri-la. If anyone chose to leave this paradise, their real age quickly overwhelmed them and they died soon after their departure.

A French friar, Perrault, who had supposedly come to the place in 1719 and became the head Lama, was now (in 1930) looking for a successor. Conway was the chosen one and was given charge of Shangri-la as its new lama.

One of Conway’s associates, Charles Mallinson, felt this paradise was more a curse than a blessing. He wanted to leave and pushed Hugh to guide him out through the secret mountain passage. Hugh, joined by one of the beautiful, young looking women, Lo-Tsen, agreed to lead Mallinson out. 

Conway was stricken with amnesia and was hospitalized in China. When his memory returned, he told his story to a writer, Rutherford, who gave his manuscript to a narrator and the unbelievable story was told. The writer saw Conway leaving China and believed he was going in search of that special mountain trail that would take him back to Shangri-la. 

In 1937 Frank Capra made a movie of Hilton’s “Lost Horizon” starring Ronald Coleman, Jane Wyatt and Edward Everett Horton. It was filmed, not in the mountains of Tibet, but in Sherwood Forest and Palm Springs, California.

Hilton captured something that many look for. There is a belief and longing for a “Paradise.” Somewhere there must be a place better than the present one of trouble and turmoil. We never stop looking for a solution that will reverse aging and all its attendant issues. Beyond the cold and rugged path there must be a warm, lush valley where all is perfect. 

John 14:1-3 is a biblical description of our coming Paradise. From the mouth of Christ come the words, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. And I go and prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

John speaks of this in Revelation 21, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” 

Paradise was lost through original sin in Eden’s Garden. Paradise was regained in Gethsemane’s Garden 20 Centuries ago as the Lord made His choice of “not my will but Thine be done,” walked up Golgotha’s Hill to be crucified, rose again in validation of His Great Love so we could find our “Lost Horizon.” To many this is the “Lost Horizon.” But it can be found. Change can come. We can take the step today. It can happen now!

Till next time,
-Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain 

Congratulations to Our Employee of the Month: Alan Hill

Alan Hill

Medical Sous Chef

Describe yourself in five words: Get it done or else.

What is something you are proud of: Being a veteran.

Do you have a pet: A cat, Pantaliamon (Pan).

Do you have any hobbies or interests: Collecting fish for my aquarium.

What is your favorite thing about your job: Preparing the food.

What do you like to do for fun: Watch football.

What is your favorite food: Pizza.

What is your favorite song: Forever Mine by The O’Jays.

Describe your family: Six kids and a wife who has gone to live with the Lord.

What would you like people to know about you: I’m a proud American.

Mr. Alan does not know the word “No”. He has repeatedly changed his schedule to cover for others and goes above and beyond on a daily basis to ensure our residents have what they need. When covering in The Bistro, a resident asked for chicken salad, Alan made it special, and now makes it once a week, knowing that resident will be in to order it. Mr. Hill shows that a positive attitude and willingness to help can go a long way and we appreciate everything he does.

Mark Simpson, Director of Culinary Services


Open 7 days a week, pups can play leash-free with other dogs their size. The dog park is perfectly located on campus with an easy access sidewalk just off Pine Circle. The fencing is vinyl coated for safety and includes separate play areas for small and large dogs. It is also equipped with bench seating, pet waste stations and water spigots for drinking and/or washing a muddy paw when needed. Officially opens this month!