How can we top that AMAZING Thanksgiving that we just enjoyed? The entire Culinary Team truly out did themselves! I saw nothing but joy and happiness on that wonderful day. It was one for the “Memories.”
I also wanted to thank all our fellow veterans who participated in our Veterans Day Celebration. What a series of wonderful events! Shout-out to Kayla for making the 11th of November so special!
I love this time of year! Fun and excitement fills the air. Decorating our community with Holiday Splendor. Planning our schedule of Christmas parties and events.
I see nothing but smiling faces everywhere I turn. Today, I want to share the many blessings that have been bestowed on me this past year:
1) I have the opportunity to serve such an amazing group of Residents! Our Residents are truly the most loving, friendly, and caring residents I have ever had the privilege of serving. The amazing thing is, their loving, caring nature attracts “like” new residents. Our population is not just growing. It’s growing with fun-loving, caring great people!
2) I am blessed with a team of highly motivated, dedicated professionals who enjoy working at Kirby Pines. How do I know they love working here? It’s simple. It is proven by their longevity on the job! We have currently 68 employees who have been with us over 5 years! Nationally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the national average tenure is 4.1 years. This is truly a blessing to have such dedication from our staff. It should give us all a real peace of mind and comfort.
3) And lastly, we are blessed to have the leadership, guidance, and consistent vision from the Psalms Board of Directors, as well as RCA. I personally count these and so many more blessings every day I enter our gorgeous campus. I have never been happier!
Now, if we could just get a little snow on the 24th! Merry Christmas Everyone!
Michael J. Brown, Jr. ExecutiveDirector,Kirby Pines
Simone Weil is one of my favorite and challenging “spiritual” writers.. She diagnosed the human predicament in this way: “The danger is not that there is no bread, but that we have convinced ourselves that we are not hungry.”
Read that again, slowly and then sit quietly and reflect.
Is Weil right? How many people do you know who are operating out of a conviction that if they have an abundance of things, take good care of their bodies and satisfy their physical drives, then life is OK. That sort of mind-set easily adopts the motto: “He who dies with the most toys wins.”
But then you come across a person who has a peace and joy that you don’t understand. There is nothing frantic about her, and as you know her, you realize she believes that life is not a matter of quantity, but quality. It’s not a matter of getting, it’s a matter of giving. It’s not a matter of the material, it’s a matter of the spiritual.
Then we realize Simone Weil was right: Are you hungry?
“The danger is not that there is no bread, but that we have convinced ourselves that we are not hungry.”
A Thanksgiving
~John Kendrick Bangs
For summer rains, and winter’s sun, For autumn breezes crisp and sweet; For labors doing, to be done, And labors all complete; or April, May, and lovely June, For bud, and bird, and berried vine; For joys of morning, night, and noon, My thanks, dear Lord, are Thine!
For loving friends on every side; For children full of joyous glee; For all the blessed Heavens wide, And for the sounding sea; For mountains, valleys, forests deep; For maple, oak, and lofty pine; For rivers on their seaward sweep, My thanks, dear Lord, are Thine!
For light and air, for sun and shade, For merry laughter and for cheer; For music and the glad parade Of blessings through the year; For all the fruitful earth’s increase, For home and life, and love divine, For hope, and faith, and perfect peace, My thanks, dear Lord, are Thine!
We are delighted to announce that the Champions for the Month of November are the incredible members of our Environmental Services Department. This recognition is a testament to their hard work and dedication. EVS consistently ensures that Kirby Pines remains a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for everyone.
Special Thanks: Jada and her Team: For their unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and safety.
L.B and Rudy: For their exceptional dedication and efforts that go above and beyond expectations.
All Housekeepers, Floor Techs, and Laundry Attendants: For their outstanding teamwork and relentless pursuit of excellence.
Your contributions are invaluable, and we deeply appreciate the vital role you play in our community. Please join me in celebrating and thanking the Environmental Services Department for their remarkable achievements.
Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day because it marked the one-year anniversary of the temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I. That armistice went into effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
In 1926, Congress passed a resolution to make Veterans Day an annual occurrence, but it didn’t become a federal holiday until 1938.
In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day so it would honor all veterans rather than commemorate the end of a single war.
While Memorial Day honors Americans who died in the line of duty, Veterans Day commemorates all Americans who have served their country honorably, both living and deceased.
No, “Veterans Day” without the apostrophe is not a grammatical error. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the holiday doesn’t belong to veterans (in which case it would be Veterans’ Day) but is, instead, “a day for honoring all veterans.”
The 624-acre Arlington National Cemetery is home to the final resting place of more than 400,000 military service members and their families. As such, it holds an observance on Veterans Day every year at 11 a.m., the time the World War I armistice was signed.
During the Veterans Day commemoration at Arlington National Cemetery, guards lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and veterans organizations hold a parade of colors. The ceremony is free and open to the public; attendees are encouraged to arrive at least an hour early.
Several other countries also mark the end of World War I on November 11th. Canada, Australia, France and Belgium call it Remembrance Day.
Veterans Day honors all American troops who served honorably— regardless of whether they did so during war or peacetime.
Although the nation honors deceased members of the Armed Forces on Veterans Day, the government created the holiday to honor and thank living veterans.
Each year, National Marine Corps Day celebrates its birthday on Nov. 10 with a traditional ball and a cake-cutting ceremony. Given that it’s the day before Veterans Day, it’s not unusual for some members of the Marine Corps to take a 96-hour liberty period to mark the occasion.
The New York City Veterans Day Parade—which takes place along Fifth Avenue—is both the largest and oldest Veterans Day parade in the country. The first one was held in 1919.
The first celebration referred to as Veterans Day was held in Birmingham, Alabama, on Nov. 11, 1947. A World War II veteran named Raymond Weeks, a native of the city, organized the event, which included a parade and other festivities.
Although born in humble circumstances, Lee Todd seemed destined to become a leader. Personal qualities developed during youth were influential in producing those characteristics needed in his varied leadership positions as an adult. The devotion he displays as caregiver to his wife, Merle, indicates a basic quality of empathy and concern for others.
Lee Todd was born in the front bedroom of a white, frame house on a small and “much diversified” farm near Bells, Tennessee. Engulfed by farm work as a child, Lee says, “I spent a lot of time looking at the rear end of a mule, plowing crops; my least favorite work was picking cotton.” However, the farm in Bells continues today to be Lee’s recreation and “golf course.”
In high school, Lee opted to enroll in vocational agriculture as an elective– rather than Latin. This choice would have a profound influence on his future, primarily by leading him to membership in the Future Farmers of America (FFA). During Lee’s junior year, he competed in the FFA’s national public speaking contest before 12,000 delegates at their national convention, placing second! Two years later, he became vice-president of the national FFA which provided him with opportunities to speak to various youth and meet notables of industry and politics, including Raymond Firestone, President Dwight Eisenhower, and Alvin York, the most decorated soldier in WW I.
Following high school, Lee enrolled at the University of Tennessee in Martin, Tennessee with a major in General Agriculture. While there, he served as class president for two years. Due to serving another term as an FFA officer, it was necessary to delay college. However, while waiting to re-enroll, he became involved in a training program offered by the John Deere office in Dallas, Texas. Fatefully, he was introduced by a mutual friend to a student nurse, Merle Rompel. According to Lee, “We met on a ‘very’ blind date; things ‘clicked’ and have been ‘clicking’ for over 62 years!” Merle was born on a Hereford cattle and Angora goat ranch. She grew up with many home and ranch responsibilities which resulted in a strong work ethic. Lee credits Merle as a great factor in the success of their personal lives and careers. Merle fulfilled her dream of becoming a nurse, graduating from Texas Women’s University with a B.S. in Nursing. According to Lee, Merle’s character made her a desired member for future leadership roles in numerous organizations.
Both Lee and Merle completed their college work and became engaged. However, Lee joined the National Guard and spent the next six months on active duty. They married in December 1961, and Lee accepted a job in advertising sales with The Progressive Farmer magazine in Birmingham, Alabama, a job he held for 11 years. During that time, the couple, with the addition of three children, David, Janet, and Robert, moved to Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas before finally returning to Memphis for Lee’s job with a different company. While living in Chicago, Merle worked in a hospital owned by the Chicago Mafia. “She could really tell some stories from that job,” remembers Lee.
The last 20 years of Lee’s career was in Memphis as executive vice-president of the Southern Cotton Ginners Association. This is an association of people who own and operate cotton gins in the five mid-south states. Lee was also completely responsible for their annual show at the Cook Convention Center. The association’s show became the largest indoor farm show in the mid-south. According to Lee, this was the most satisfying job of his career.
Merle and Lee Todd
When Lee retired in 2003, he and Merle fulfilled a lifetime dream of traveling to exotic as well as most European countries. This included such places as Iceland, Nepal, Tibet, China, Vietnam, and Burma. When not traveling, they enjoyed visits with their three children and three grandchildren. Their son, Robert, is the closest as he lives on the family farm. Both Lee and Merle stayed involved in and served as leaders in a number of community agencies. Lee served as president of the Memphis Agricultural Club, the local chapter of the National Marketing Association, and as chairman of Agricenter International. Merle was president of the Memphis Cotton Wives and Germantown Women’s Club.
Because of Lee’s love for his farm, he works on it at least one day a week. Because of his respect of every veteran, each year on Veterans and Memorial Day, Lee goes to Bells and places American flags on each veteran’s grave. He also installed a flag pole and an American flag which flies over the city cemetery.
In 2017, it became apparent that Merle was beginning to have memory problems. Merle had lovingly cared for their three children and home while Lee was required to spend time away from home due to his work. Now, Lee made the commitment to provide the best possible care for Merle. None of their children lived close by, so Lee was Merle’s only caretaker until he became physically unable to care for her. Having made the decision earlier, they moved to Kirby Pines in 2023. Merle was placed in Job’s Way, and Lee spends most of his day with her, taking her for daily wheelchair rides around the beautiful areas of Kirby Pines 70 acres. “I should have moved here two years ago,” states Lee. “I am pleased with our move and that Merle is receiving the care she needs and deserves.”
Routine Doctor’s Appointments. Dental Visits every six months. Trips to the Dermatologist. Annual Eye Exams. Take your car for routine maintenance. What do all these things have in common? They are preventative measures to ensure peak performance! They are (or should be) done at regular intervals, but as we all know, changes can happen between those intervals. How often have you taken your car in before the regularly scheduled maintenance, or go in to the doctor’s outside of your annual exam? What if there was a way to do a “monthly check-in” with yourself to make sure your “check engine” light wasn’t about to go off?
Say “Hello” to the Monthly Wellness Pulse! Each month,there will be a different functional focus – strength and flexibility, gait and balance, cognition, etc. to quickly (and efficiently) learn about the topic and see if there is any room for improvement or areas of opportunity. Imagine if you had a quick check-in with your doctor, just to see if there was anything awry. Imagine how in-tune with your health you could be. This is the purpose of checking your monthly wellness pulse!
Between monthly pulses, you can always utilize the resident self-assessment tool. Not sure what that is? Keep reading!
The Resident Self-Assessment Tool – A quick and simpleway to identify whether completing a Functional Fitness scorecard would be beneficial for you. The Functional Fitness Scorecard identifies your current functional fitness levels and what may benefit you most – therapy, wellness, activities, or a combination of those things. This is a great way to identify changes before they result in a potential fall or hospital stay.
Want to learn more? Please contact your therapy team at Kirby Pines for more information!
I can participate in all wellness activities as usual. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I can complete my daily tasks & activities without assistance,issues, or shortness of breath. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I do not experience dizziness or lightheadedness when gettingup from sitting or lying down. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I have not had a fall or loss of balance in the last 90 days. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I sleep well at night / I wake up feeling rested. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I can make it to the bathroom on time. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
UnsureI am not having concerns with my memory / I do not havetrouble finding my words. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I do not have any new pain or changes in chronic pain. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
I do not have trouble swallowing food / I have not lost weightunexpectedly. TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
My mental AND physical health would be described as “good.” TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
If you answered “FALSE” or “UNSURE”to one or more questions above,the Functional Fitness Scorecardcan help identify which wellness and/ortherapy services are appropriate for you.
Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday: a time of celebration with Friends, Family, and Feasting!!
We don’t want to worry with our weight or dieting. Yet on the other hand, overindulging can make us very uncomfortable, especially if we forget to wear those pants with the stretchy waistband. This event can set the pattern for six weeks of holiday overeating and weight gain. Studies show that particularly heavy meals also can quadruple the risk of a heart attack, especially those with elevated risk factors.
Here are some TIPS to enjoy a more balanced and healthier holiday:
1. GET OUT FOR A WALK. Starting the day with a walk or a turkey trot is a great way to get the metabolism going before the feast. Studies suggest that exercising within 12 hours before a meal can prevent one of the most damaging effects–a post-meal spike in a type of fat called triglycerides. If you can’t do a morning outing, fitting a walk in between dinner and dessert is also great – it will also help boost digestion. If you can’t get out for a walk after the meal – at least get up and do dishes. Not only will your hosts appreciate it, you will burn some calories (60 calories per half hour), and standing also aids digestion. Research shows that the person who does the dishes in the house tends to be less likely to gain weight. Anything is better for your digestion than lying on the couch!
2. HYDRATE. Thirst can sometimes be confused as hunger. When we are drinking enough water, we feel better and digest our food better. An 8 oz glass of water before a big meal can help to prevent overeating. Large amounts of fluids during a meal may dilute much needed digestive acids, interfering with proper digestion.
3. SKIP THE SECONDS. Serve yourself a small amount of everything that you like, and don’t go back for seconds – you won’t feel deprived, but will reduce the total amount of food that your body needs to digest. You won’t feel super bloated at the end of the evening, and it can lessen the load on your heart.
4. CHOOSE YOUR DESSERT WISELY. Even if you didn’t go overboard on the Thanksgiving dinner, the dessert can really send you off the deep end. Pecan pie is perhaps the worst of all Thanksgiving finales – just 1 slice has more than 500 calories, 9 teaspoons of added sugars, and 21 grams of fat. While Apple pie weighs in at 400 calories a slice and the winner for “Healthy Desserts “is Pumpkin Pie at 300 calories and lots of Vitamin A. Of course, whipped cream and ice cream toppers all contribute to the calorie tally.
5. PRACTICE GRATITUDE. The sweet potatoes, turkey, dressing, cranberry, and pumpkin pie is not the only part of Thanksgiving to love. At the beginning of your own feast, everyone should take a turn sharing what they are most thankful for. There is something exciting about expressing gratitude. Scientists have found that “habitually focusing on and appreciating the positive aspects of life is associated with well-being.” One may call it an Attitude of Gratitude.
Thanksgiving dinner prepared with love and sharing what we are thankful for is all we really need to celebrate Thanksgiving. (Well, maybe have an antacid on hand – just in case)
I have so many random thoughts to share with you today, so here it goes, but forgive me for no real central theme!
Just came in from the completion of the “Great Kirby Klean-Up” Part II. Despite temperatures starting in the 40’s, we had an enthusiastic group of 30 residents and staff who tackled our task, working the curb and sidewalk areas from our entrance down to Knight Arnold. Where else will you find young people and Seniors alike having fun picking up trash on a public road? That is Kirby Pride!!!
On a bittersweet note, on October the 18th we said “Goodbye” to Martha Fitzhugh. Martha has been an important part of our team for so many years. She leaves with the great news that her long issue of back pain has an end in sight. Don’t be surprised if you see her “Dancing with the Stars” next season.
Man, Oh Man! Aren’t we blessed to have Chef Harold with Kirby Pines Culinary Team? You will read more about him on future pages. What I can say…..his energy, calmness & leadership are making an impact on his team. Harold’s culinary flair is coming through on his menu. Harold’s first “Exquisite Cuisine” was a big hit! More great news…..The Bistro is back open for business and based on the number of clientele, it is a big hit as well.
Lastly, the spirit of the holidays is upon us. Soon, turkey, football, and family will be uppermost on our minds. Let’s all find a moment to share grace, joy, love, and appreciation for the opportunities that our Lord has presented us with. Thank him, then thank all of those you are surrounded by.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Michael J. Brown, Jr. ExecutiveDirector,Kirby Pines
One of our favorite pastimes is to spend time thinking about how well off other people are and how bad off we are. We have so many sorrows. We think so many bad things have happened to us. Why is it that we suffer? When John and Jane go untouched, why do we deserve to be punished in this fashion?
The Hasidic Jews have a story about the sorrow tree. According to them, on Judgment Day we will be invited to hang all of our own miseries from the tree of sorrows. When we have done that we will be given permission to walk around the tree and survey everyone else’s miseries in order to select a set we like better. According to Hasidic legend, in the end we freely choose our own personal set of sorrows once more. That’s a charming way of saying that when we see the suffering and sorrow of others, more often than not, we are quite happy to keep our own.
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.”
This recognition is a testament to their unwavering dedication, exceptional teamwork and commitment to providing nutritious and delicious meals to our residents. Their efforts have not only met but exceeded our expectations, ensuring that every meal is prepared with care and served with a smile. We commend this group for working seamlessly together to overcome challenges and ensure smooth operations.
Please join me in congratulating all of them for their outstanding performance and dedication. Their hard work and passion are truly inspiring and make a significant impact on our organization. Let’s continue to support and celebrate each other as we strive for excellence in all that we do.
Kirby Pines, a sister community of The Farms at Bailey Station, is part of the family of LifeCare Communities of Retirement Companies of America. For more information, visit