Giving the Gift of Gratitude

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means it’s time to start thinking about giving gifts and spreading kindness. One of the best gifts we can give is that of gratitude. Gratitude, or the quality of being thankful, is something we can give without spending money, and can be just as beneficial for the giver as it is for the receiver, if not more so!

We are all familiar with how we can show gratitude for others – saying “thank you,” paying it forward, showing a random act of kindness – but we often overlook showing gratitude for our own health and well-being. Recent studies show that being grateful can improve our health, relieve depression, and broaden the mind. Experiencing positive emotions, as opposed to negative ones, leads to optimal levels of well-being, emotional wellness, and resilience.

While the “power of positive thinking” may not fix everything, it can certainly help. Acknowledging the good doesn’t mean denying the bad. Expressing gratitude for yourself can help you become more resilient, while also boosting your mood. When you feel good about yourself, others can feed off that. In addition, spreading gratitude into the world is infectious. Think of a smile – when you see someone smiling, you often smile back, don’t you? Put kindness, gratitude, and positivity out there, and you might just get it back!

Fun Fact: World Kindness Day is November 15th! Be kind to yourself and others!

Here are some ways to show gratitude and kindness for your own health and wellness:

Take a mindful walk. Spending time in nature can improve mood and memory, reduce stress, and increase levels of compassion. While on your nature walk, take in all the sights, sounds and smells around you!

Start a gratitude journal. Expressive writing can help process negative events and emotions but can also help focus on the positive ones. Becoming more aware of what you have can make you more resilient to stress and hardships. Start by making a list of the 5 things you are grateful for every day – your health, your family, your surroundings, etc.

Try a new exercise class or activity. Challenging your cognitive and physical wellness is a fantastic way to celebrate and honor yourself. What better way to show gratitude for yourself than to push to new limits? Try taking a new exercise class, learn a new skill or language, or a participate in a new activity such as wood working, gardening, playing cards or painting.

Do something for YOU! It’s easy, especially around the holidays, to get wrapped up in ensuring everyone else’s needs are highlighted. An important way of showing gratitude for yourself: Make sure you are carving out time for YOU!! This might look different for everyone – maybe it’s taking time to practice meditation, read your favorite book, walk outside, or spend time with your loved ones. Whatever it is, make sure you dedicate time for yourself.

Whatever method you choose, expressing gratitude is a win-win for your emotional and physical health and wellness! For more information on how you can improve kindness to your body and mind, contact the Functional Pathways Therapy Team!

Just as water lilies retract when sunlight fades, so do our minds when positivity fades”


A Balanced Exercise Program

Just like your need for a balanced diet of vitamin rich vegetables and fruits, protein, and carbohydrates, your body needs a balanced routine of exercise that includes cardiovascular, strengthening, and flexibility.

Any exercise that raises your heart rate slightly is considered Cardiovascular, such as walking, biking, or swimming. In the Oasis, the Nustep, the treadmill, and the recumbent bike will increase your heart rate. As we age, it is not necessary to push ourselves to the point of being out of breath and heart pounding. Slight perspiration and increased respiration rate is good and still being able to carry a conversation is a sign of exerting enough energy to utilize our hearts and lungs without overdoing it. If you do experience shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness or pain – SLOW DOWN or STOP to rest.

Strengthening exercises build muscle and endurance. Lifting weights, and using Upper body and Lower body resistant equipment in the Oasis are strengthening exercises. Noodles and barbells in the water and water walking use resistance to strengthen arms and legs. When exercising, a little soreness is normal, but constant or a sudden sharp pain for more than two hours following exercise may mean “you overdid it.” Always begin a new program gradually, beginning with using lighter weights for a shorter period of time. On the bike or Nustep set the resistance on a lower number for 10-15 minutes. Each week add a few more minutes and increase resistance slightly.

Exercise classes provide a balanced program for cardio, strength, and stretch. Gentle stretching with deep breathing before and after an exercise session restores muscles and helps blood flow to muscles and joints to remove waste products (lactic acid) and bring oxygen and nutrients to replenish muscle cells. Stretching and drinking a tall glass of water may help prevent muscle cramps. Here is a quick review of the classes we offer here and how they can help keep you fit. Water Aerobics and Sit/Stand classes provide Cardio, Strength and Stretch. Yoga Stretch and Exercise help with strengthening, stretch, and range of motion (reach and flexibility).

Always drink water before, during and after exercising. Check with your medical doctor before beginning a new exercise program. Begin exercise sessions with 15 minutes three times per week. Gradually work up to 30 minutes five times per week. That is 150 minutes of moderately strenuous exercise each week which is recognized by the Arthritis Foundation, American Heart Association, and Centers for Disease Control for Cardiovascular health and healthy Joints. Visit the Oasis and/or join a class this week and experience that “good” feeling that comes with exercise.


Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

During the last few weeks, when I awake in the middle of the night and don’t return to sleep quickly, not to awaken Jerry, I sing in my mind. Interestingly the most frequent songs that come to mind are Gospel Songs that we sang in the little country church of my youth. I’m 88 years old, and these are songs I heard and sang over 70 years ago. 

The first verse and the chorus of the one that comes most frequently is “When we all get to Heaven,” 

Sing the wondrous love of Jesus 
Sing His mercy and His grace; 
In the mansions bright and blessed 
He’ll prepare for us a place. 

When we all get to Heaven, 
What a day of rejoicing that will be! 
When we all see Jesus, 
We’ll sing and shout the victory! 

I’m sure, since all of us here at Kirby are in my age category, my hunch is you can identify with that, some of you have sung it. We are strongly aware of our mortality, and we think of life after death. We think of that in terms of some vision of Heaven. But let’s get it straight… 

Heaven is Here, not There. 

I often express it this way: Our Father sent his Son, Jesus, not to get us into heaven, but to get heaven into us. By His death and Resurrection, He saves us, but more. In his ascension, through the Holy Spirit He leaves His presence, and his ongoing ministry is getting heaven into us. 

So we share in answering Jesus’ prayer, 
Thy Kingdom come… 
…on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

We seek to live now as though 
the Kingdom had already come. 

How? By being continually open to the Holy Spirit, and “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23) 

Doesn’t all that fruit look like and sound like what we have thought Heaven might look and feel like? Well, that’s the heaven Jesus wants to get into each one of us. 

-Maxie Dunnam  

Congratulations to Our Employee of the Month: CJ (Cecil) Moore

CJ (Cecil) Moore

Dietary Utility

Describe your family: My family is fun, we like to go bowling together. 

Describe yourself in five words: Happy, nice, respectful, honest and hard working.

What do you do for fun: Movies and video games.

What is your favorite thing about your job: The nice people.

What is your favorite food: Pizza.

What is something you are proud of: My mom raised me right.

What would you like people to know about you: I’m a good guy.

CJ is a model employee. Always with a great attitude, constantly willing to pitch in and help where anything is needed, never a cross word to say. Having CJ in the dietary department makes everybody’s job a little easier, and our day just a bit better.

– Mark Simpson, Director of Culinary Services

The Hobby Shop Recycles Railings

Storage Rack

Months ago when building J’s corridors were under renovation Curt Wilson and I (Ray Tanner) noticed that the old hand railing was being discarded. We suspected that the hard oak rails might be useful for various projects in the Kirby Pines Hobby Shop. Also it appeared that the discarded railing brackets might be of use to the National Ornamental Metal Museum. 

Bistro Railing

Much of the railing from buildings G and F were saved and are being utilized in the Hobby Shop by several of us. Items made so far include: the Harold Petty memorial stool, coasters, jewelry boxes, paper weights, a pedestal table, a 4-leg table, foot massagers, a large wood storage rack, an antique desktop, and replacement railing for the Bistro. We’re looking forward to obtaining more surplus railing from buildings A and H. 


The old handrail brackets from buildings B, C, F, G, J & M were salvaged and transferred to the National Ornamental Metal Museum, totaling just over 700 pounds of cast iron. Due to their shape and size they are ideal for loading the iron furnace which is only fired on special occasions. 

By the way, the corridor renovation crew has been very cooperative in allowing us to secure part of the wood railing and nearly all the brackets. 

The Hobby Shop provides a furniture and lamp repair service for all residents. Its tool maintenance expense is funded through the funds raised by furniture and lamp repairs, along with gracious donations.

10,000th Game of Pool

The Billiards Group at Kirby Pines recently played their 10,000th game. Watch the video below!

The Future of Wellness… Virtual Reality

VR (Virtual Reality) is where it’s at – the newest and latest technology is being hailed as a fun and interactive way to exercise, escape, relax, travel, and even participate in group activities. 

There are multiple platforms available that offer everything from guided meditation to hip-hop and other forms of dancing, to spa treatments and traveling (virtually) to favorite/desired destinations. Virtual Reality can be highly therapeutic and impact physical, mental, and social well-being. 

VR has been shown to have a myriad of benefits to users; some of the most notable benefits include: 

Mental Stimulation

Virtual Reality systems allow for a multitude of different uses, activities, etc. This includes things like activities for attention, memory, math, and other cognitive activities. 

Enhanced Socialization

Virtual Reality can be used as a tool to encourage socialization. For example, multiple users can interact with the same movie or participate in the same events and share their experiences with one another, thus promoting socialization. 

Reduced Depression

Many people, especially in today’s somewhat isolated environment, experience feelings of depression or loneliness. The ability to “travel”, interact and experience new places, even virtually, can impact someone’s mood and overall feelings of content. 

A Therapeutic Effect

Movement is life! Just getting people to increase their movement, activity, and engagement levels can have a positive, therapeutic effect on overall well-being. 

Besides offering a fun and interactive activity, Virtual Reality users report a decrease in feelings of stress, increased relaxation, and better overall mood. VR has also been hailed as a drug-free solution to many stress/anxiety-induced conditions. 

In summary, Virtual Reality may be part of a solution in helping to stay active and engaged. With options for all fitness, functional, and mobility levels, virtual reality will likely play a major role now and in future for maintaining and improving all 7 dimensions of wellness. 

If you would like to learn more about what Virtual Reality options might be right for you, or how Virtual Reality can help to increase activity and engagement, feel free to reach out to Eric Walker, our Director of Rehabilitation at 901.366.1819. 

Jen Callahan, Clinical Outcomes and Reimbursement Specialist, Functional Pathways

Energize! Simple Ways to Revitalize

Are you tired of feeling tired? Does your fatigue rule your daily activities? Do you want to be more active? Years ago the philosophy of growing old was to retire, rest, and take it easy. Today’s way of life for retired folks is stay busy, enjoy your hobbies, and keep moving. Most Kirby Pines residents’ appointment books stay booked up. I would much rather hear someone say, “Sorry I won’t make your exercise class today: I have too much to do.” Rather than I’m too tired to do anything.” The Arthritis Foundation recently printed an article with some great tips to boost your energy level and restore that happy, vibrant feeling. 

Try some of these helpful ideas the next time you feel a little drained. 

1. Check your posture. Slumping makes your muscles work harder than sitting up right. 

2. Make time for quiet time. Prayer and meditation relaxes your body, slows breathing, lowers blood pressure, and relieves worry. 

3. Drink a glass of cold water. Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue. Try to get in 8 glasses daily. Water also improves digestion, helps control obesity, and helps kidney function. 

4. Be positive with yourself. Speak to yourself with encouragement not criticism. “It’s a new day!” “Take quit out of your vocabulary“ 

5. Wear red. A brightly colored scarf or sweater can improve your mood and alertness. 

6. Listen to good music. Irish folk music with fiddles and accordions is quite invigorating. 

7. Laugh out Loud (LOL). A good chuckle, giggle, or side-busting guffaw reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and raises endorphins, our body’s natural painkiller. Read the comics, watch an Andy Griffith rerun, or connect with someone who shares your sense of humor. 

8. Get enough sleep. 

9. Pop a peppermint in your mouth. The scent of peppermint can decrease fatigue by up to 25 percent. 

10. Exercise and stretch every day, several times each day. 

Step away from the TV and fatty, sugary foods and step up your energy level with some of the many opportunities Kirby Pines has to offer. Join a card group or play Bingo. Sign up for a Bible study. Join one of the exercise classes that are available Monday through Friday to help with stretching, cardio, exercise and strengthening. Join the Line Dancers or Ballroom Dancers. The Oasis exercise room never closes, and we encourage you to have a workout partner. 

It’s all a matter of grace.

Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

It is no happenstance that Paul wrote the largest portion of the New Testament. I am convinced that he is the person who knew Christ best. Believing that, our potential for knowing Christ is enhanced. Like us, Paul did not know Jesus in the flesh. With a note of sadness, he referred to himself as “one untimely born.” His was an experience of faith, as ours must be. Yet there is no doubt about it – Paul knew Christ, and we can know him as well. 

The Apostle Paul, c. 1657, Rembrandt

Grace is the heart-core of the Gospel. Paul is rather dogmatic in stating that: “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” (Eph. 2:8) In his gospel, John states it more expansively, identifying grace with who Jesus is. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth….. From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” (John 1:14,16 NIV) 

Even a bit of reflection on these three verses of Scripture makes it obvious that grace is important. In our understanding and living the Christian faith nothing is more important. 

It’s all grace!

-Maxie Dunnam  

Congratulations to Our Employee of the Month: Michael Warren

Michael Warren

Maintenance Tech

Describe your family: Loving, open-hearted, caring and fun to be around.

Describe yourself in five words: Hardworking, funny, laidback type of guy.

What do you do for fun: Watch movies and sleep.

What is your favorite thing about your job: Money and the people I work with each day.

What is your favorite food: Pork Chops.

What is something you are proud of: My daughter.

What would you like people to know about you: I enjoy having fun.

Michael Warren is a valued member of the maintenance team. He is always there to help, and gets the job done in a timely and professional manner. In the years he has been with me I’ve come to respect his expertise and knowledge. We all feel lucky to have him on the team. Way to go Mikey!

– Chuck Neeley, Director of Maintenance