Wellness Dimensions are how we as humans define our quality of life. The Wellness dimensions consist of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. Each person defines their wellness differently. Ideally, a person should have a balance between all 8 dimensions.
How can Rehabilitation help you when you have an imbalance in your wellness dimensions?

Occupational therapists are trained on emotion, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environment, occupational, and social dimensions.
• Do you find that it is harder doing tasks in your home?
• Do you feel nervous when going to take a shower and worry about falling?
• Have you stopped participating in activities that you enjoy?
• Do you have a hard time reach high and low to grab things within your home?
• Do you find it difficult being around people?
Physical therapists are trained in physical, environmental, and occupational dimensions.
• Are you having difficulty moving around in your environment?
• Is it getting hard to get to the bathroom at speed that prevents incontinence?
• Do you have a hard time getting in and out of your car?
Speech therapists are trained in intellectual, occupational, and social dimensions.

• Do you find that you are not remembering things like you used to?
• Do you find it difficult at times to get your words out when with other people?
• Do you find that you are having a hard time swallowing and/or eating and drinking foods and liquids?
If you said yes to any of the questions asked in this article, or want to learn more about the Dimensions of Wellness, please contact the Broad River Rehab Team for guidance.