Routine Doctor’s Appointments. Dental Visits every six months. Trips to the Dermatologist. Annual Eye Exams. Take your car for routine maintenance. What do all these things have in common? They are preventative measures to ensure peak performance! They are (or should be) done at regular intervals, but as we all know, changes can happen between those intervals. How often have you taken your car in before the regularly scheduled maintenance, or go in to the doctor’s outside of your annual exam? What if there was a way to do a “monthly check-in” with yourself to make sure your “check engine” light wasn’t about to go off?
Say “Hello” to the Monthly Wellness Pulse! Each month,there will be a different functional focus – strength and flexibility, gait and balance, cognition, etc. to quickly (and efficiently) learn about the topic and see if there is any room for improvement or areas of opportunity. Imagine if you had a quick check-in with your doctor, just to see if there was anything awry. Imagine how in-tune with your health you could be. This is the purpose of checking your monthly wellness pulse!
Between monthly pulses, you can always utilize the resident self-assessment tool. Not sure what that is? Keep reading!
The Resident Self-Assessment Tool – A quick and simpleway to identify whether completing a Functional Fitness scorecard would be beneficial for you. The Functional Fitness Scorecard identifies your current functional fitness levels and what may benefit you most – therapy, wellness, activities, or a combination of those things. This is a great way to identify changes before they result in a potential fall or hospital stay.
Want to learn more? Please contact your therapy team at Kirby Pines for more information!
- I can participate in all wellness activities as usual.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I can complete my daily tasks & activities without assistance,issues, or shortness of breath.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I do not experience dizziness or lightheadedness when gettingup from sitting or lying down.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I have not had a fall or loss of balance in the last 90 days.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I sleep well at night / I wake up feeling rested.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I can make it to the bathroom on time.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - UnsureI am not having concerns with my memory / I do not havetrouble finding my words.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I do not have any new pain or changes in chronic pain.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - I do not have trouble swallowing food / I have not lost weightunexpectedly.
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____ - My mental AND physical health would be described as “good.”
TRUE _____ FALSE _____ UNSURE _____
If you answered “FALSE” or “UNSURE” to one or more questions above, the Functional Fitness Scorecard can help identify which wellness and/or therapy services are appropriate for you.