Peter Cottontail will certainly be busy around Kirby Pines once again. The early timing of Easter this year will not stop him from ensuring that spring flowers are in bloom throughout the community.
Our “Annual” Easter Egg Hunt is back! After a two-year rest this year’s egg hunt should be filled with the laughter and excitement of grandchildren, great grandchildren and even a few great, great grandchildren as they collect the hidden treasures Peter has left for them. Hopefully, you have helped him along the way by dyeing a few Easter eggs yourself.
Not to be out done by the Easter Bunny, our culinary team is planning a wonderful Easter Brunch. Of course, your family and friends are welcomed to join you. Simply call Skye Sanders to make a reservation. I am sure they’ll enjoy the food and company. Who knows, Peter Cottontail may even leave a hidden surprise to remind your guests of how special Kirby Pines truly is to everyone.
April brings to us not only the rebirth of Christ, but also the opportunity to remind ourselves how fortunate we are, as we read and learn of so many countries struggling at this time. So invite your families and friends to come visit and see for themselves why Kirby Pines is such a beautiful place to live.

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines