Happy Father’s Day! This month we get to celebrate being a father and having a father. Although the day is not as well celebrated as Mother’s Day, it is just as important. Unlike Mother’s Day, legislated by Congress in 1914, Father’s Day wasn’t presidentially proclaimed until 1966 as the third Sunday in June, and then not assured of the day until 1972. Sorry guys, you’re just going to have to settle for a special meal on Sunday. Call Tami to make your reservation now.
I recently read that there are five things that will make you a happier person. Scientists after years of study, now suggest that people actually can take charge of their own happiness and boost it through certain practices. So, I have decided to share with you the five things research has shown can improve happiness.
Be grateful – the study showed that when people take time to write thank you notes or letters of gratitude to people who had helped them in some way, that the note and letter writers reported feeling better afterwards (even if they didn’t send the note).
Be optimistic – people in the study who spent time just thinking about an ideal situation, reported increased feelings of well-being.
Count your blessings – people who write down three good things that have happened to them show a significant boost in happiness. It seems that this simple act forces people to focus on remembered reasons to be glad.
Use your strengths – one study asked people to identify their greatest strengths and then try to use that strength. For example, someone with a good sense of humor could try telling jokes to cheer up friends.
Commit act of kindness – It turns out, helping others is one of the best ways we help ourselves feel better. Maybe it’s time you asked Cheryl Grimes what you can volunteer for at Kirby Pines.
This Father’s Day I’m grateful for the work ethic my father taught me; optimistic that each day can always be better; happy that I can count more than three blessings; believe that one of my strengths is writing these short letters each month; and know that each day when I come to work at Kirby Pines at least one resident is going to help me with a simple act kindness – a smile. Happy Father’s Day!

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines