Reflections by Maxie Dunnam

Childish or Childlike 

Man smiling in a hat

With many of you here at Kirby I’ve had fear that someday people, talking behind my back, would accuse me of being childish. The dictionary defines childish as having “immaturity and lack of poise.“ As an 90 year old, I certainly didn’t want to appear “immature.” And goodness knows, I have privately considered myself as having poise. 

Being a “person of the Book,” I remember that, when he became an ardent follower of Jesus, Paul said, I put away childish ways

However, I was forced into putting that in sharper perspective when I remembered Jesus’ word: “Let the little children come to me, for to such belongs the Kingdom of heaven.” 

I’ve had to conclude that there is a difference between childish and childlike… Rather than having “immaturity and lack of poise” as the dictionary defines childish ,“ childlike is “marked by innocence, trust, and simplicity.” 

No wonder I like Eric Marshall and Stuart Hamphill’s Children’s Letters to God. One little boy prayed, “Dear God, I’m sorry I was late for Sunday School, I couldn’t find my underwear.” And another little boy prayed, “Dear God, please tell me where everybody came from, and I hope you explain it better than my daddy did.” Children are open and alive. They have a perception that we adults seem to have lost. Best of all they have the capacity of what I call living lightly. They’re not burdened down by preconception. Their lives are not predetermined by force of habit. They’re not closed to others because of sour experiences. They don’t keep grudges. 

So for God’s sake, and for our community’s sake, let’s not be childish. Let’s pray and work hard at being childlike


At 90 years young, Leon Sanderson is needing to adjust activities and slow down a bit. One activity in particular is going on his hospital visits, which requires a great deal of walking. 

The last few years, as soon as Leon has been made aware of a Kirby Pines resident in the hospital, he’s there (often accompanied by his wife, Marilyn) with words of encouragement and prayer. There is no telling how many people he has visited since Berry Terry asked him to take over that part of the Chaplain’s responsibilities. 

Once back at Kirby, Leon would write a brief report with copies to Sydney Wagner, Chris Palmer and myself – Cheryl Johnson. This has enabled us to share with other residents through Sydney’s timely emails and weekly on our Prayer List what is happeneing, which has greatly reduced mis-information & speculation. 

But that is only a part of what Leon does. He also regularly visits our Medical Units reading to them from the Bible. He and Marilyn are Wing Leaders and are active in the 8 o’clock Church of Christ Worship Service. They both attend the Thursday morning Bible Study Class and often Leon leads the singing. They are also members of Joan Dodson’s Chorus, not to mention Leon’s once a month Sing-A-Long in the Chapel. So a big Thank You to both Leon and Marilyn for going above and beyond for Kirby Pines! 


The Miracles are a select group of singers chosen from the most musically-gifted members who live at The Baddour Center. They travel across the United States to express their faith through music, bridge attitudinal barriers that may exist towards adults with intellectual disabilities, and share the mission and ministry of The Baddour Center.