O.K….Turkey gobbled up – Check. Pumpkin Pie gone – Check. Christmas music on – Check.
It’s Christmas time! My favorite time of the year! Always has been; always will be. As I’ve gotten a little bit older, and a bit wiser, the meaning of Christmas has changed, yet stayed the same. Let me take a moment to explain…
I grew up in a great family. My four sisters and I were blessed with a very loving and hard-working mom and dad. Yes, you read that correctly; four younger sisters. And yes, Christmas meant presents and wish lists to Santa, but what really stands out to me are the trips to my grandparents’ house, decorating the tree, and smelling my mom’s fresh-baked cookies, candies, and treats! These were things that came alive at Christmastime, with the family coming together, our home filled with conversation and laughter, as we watched the sky for snow, dreaming, of course, of course, for a white Christmas.
Christmas Eve for our family meant going off to the evening church service together, the Brown family taking up an entire pew. Gathering afterwards, we always had great fun, conversation, and board games. Naturally, we got to open up one gift at this time: our present from Grandma.
Back to present day, I woke up this morning thinking about Kirby Pines and the most-wonderful-time-of-the-year traditions held here. Our community feels like one huge extended family! Everywhere I look, I see folks engaged in meaningful conversation, and if you- or I- walk by, we will be asked to join in!
Chef Mark and his team just demonstrated what a homemade Thanksgiving dinner is all about! The sights, sounds, and tastes were all so good; I just can’t decide which was better: Pumpkin or Pecan!
Not to mention the decorations! I am still so amazed at how beautiful it looks. I keep going to the lobby and gazing at the beautiful, live Christmas tree. Stunning!
Fun, family, food, and spirited fellowship in the air: I loved it all as a child, and I am so happy to have found it here at Kirby Pines Estates!
Let us all join together to celebrate on Tuesday, December 12th. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we came together as a community family to pray, reflect, and remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
I hope you have a memorable and blessed holiday season with your loved ones and your friends and family right here at Kirby Pines Estates!

Michael Brown,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines