Congratulations to Our Champion of the Month: Jose Cardenas


Maintenance Tech

Describe your family: Caring and loving.

Describe yourself in five words: Helpful, responsive, caring, loving and friendly. 

What do you do for fun: I like to fish.

Do you have any hobbies: My favorite hobby is cooking on the grill. 

What is your favorite thing about your job: Giving good customer service. 

What is your favorite food: BBQ and sauces.

What is your favorite song: Hotel California by the Eagles. 

What is something you are proud of: Being a dad.

What would you like people to know about you: I would help out anyone.

Jose always does his job with a smile. He never says no and is willing to stay back to help his teammates even though he has a family at home waiting for him. He has a great work ethic and is extremely hard working. He is very team oriented and takes pride in wearing his uniform. We are proud to have him in our department. 

– Chuck Neeley, Director of Maintenance