Rachel Ward
Assistant Resident Programs Coordinator
Describe your family: I am the only girl in the middle of four. I have a sweet niece who is fun loving.
Describe yourself in five words: Kind, caring, silly, honest, loving
What do you do for fun: Playing table top and online games.
What are some of your hobbies: Journaling & playing flute.
What is your favorite thing about your job: Meeting different people from all walks of life.
Do you have any pets: I have 3 cats and 3 dogs.
What is your favorite food: Queso Dip & Chips.
What is your favorite song: Mr. Brightside by the Killers.
What is something you are proud of: Being the first in my family to go to college.
What would you like people to know about you: If you get me out of my shell, I can make you laugh.
Rachel is a go getter! She comes in with a positive attitude ready to work every day. She is constantly seeking out feedback from residents to continually improve programming here at Kirby Pines. She goes above and beyond, taking care of all her duties in addition to helping wherever is needed. She does whatever she can to ensure the residents are always receiving the top quality services they deserve. Rachel is such an asset to our Kirby Pines family.
– Allison Nolan, Resident Programs Director