The weather has finally cooled down and the foliage around us is starting to change to brilliant colors of yellow, gold and crimson, reminding us that just a six weeks ago we were celebrating Kirby’s 38th anniversary. Now, in just a few days, we will again be celebrating as we welcome the community to gather and see just why we have been selected for the 15th consecutive year as the Best Retirement Community in the Memphis market. So make your plans now to invite friends and join in the celebration on Thursday, November 4th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Being selected as the “best” did not occur without the votes and hard work of many people. So in this season of Thanksgiving, it is only right to thank our residents, family members, friends and employees who took the time to vote during the Commercial Appeal’s annual Memphis Most contest. Along this vein, we need to stop and thank residents and family member and friends who have been volunteering in various areas of the community as Kirby and the nation slowly walks out of the current pandemic. Additionally, we must thank our workers for the many extra hours they have put in to make everyday life at Kirby Pines continue as smoothly as possible.
This Thanksgiving, be mindful of the challenges we have all faced during these past months; of our personal family traditions in celebrating the holiday; and of the many individuals who are no longer with us to sit, laugh and dine along side with us on this truly American holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines