Arthritis simply means inflammation of the joint and refers to more than 100 types of joint diseases that affect 54 million adults in the U.S. Usually you picture someone with gray hair and retired as a person with arthritis, but today arthritis impacts the whole family when a child develops Juvenile arthritis (more than 300,000 children nationwide). While no cure for arthritis has been developed yet, with much research, medical science has improved its understanding for the causes of arthritis and better treatments including new medications for pain and inflammation relief and experimental restoration treatments. Exercise has an important role in the improvement and continuing function of daily activities. The Arthritis Foundation sponsors research, educational programs, exercise programs, public awareness and advocacy efforts in Congress. Through their bimonthly magazine Arthritis Today, they keep people informed on new products, diet, exercise and medications. Online you can sign up for weekly tips for living successfully with arthritis.

On Wednesday May 19th at 10:30 am we will begin gathering in the Lobby for our Annual Kirby Pines Arthritis Walk to Cure. This walk will be outdoors around the lake if weather permits or indoors through the halls. Pre-register with Mary Hand in the Oasis or sign up on the day of the walk. We want to show our support for the Arthritis Foundation. We’ll have a few door prizes and light refreshments for those who register. This year our goal is to raise $1300 for the Arthritis Foundation. The funds that are raised will go towards research, education for public awareness about arthritis, and sponsoring exercise programs for people of all ages especially seniors. Here at Kirby Pines We have two types of exercises classes (water aerobics, and sit and stand) that were made possible through the Arthritis Foundation. We are grateful for the role the Arthritis Foundation plays at Kirby Pines. Let’s show our support physically and financially.
How can you help? Here is what we need:
- Participants to walk on May 19th
- Contributors and Supporters
- Volunteers to help with registration for the walk