Remember to sign up in the Oasis for the Walk Around Australia Program we will be offering this month. Last year we walked across Canada and this year we will walk around the continent of Australia…
Participants may begin registering January 4th. The program will run from January 11 through March 7 for 8 weeks. Every week, we will track how many miles each participant walks, or completes on the Nu-Step, or treadmill. (Get credit for 1 mile for each exercise class you participate in). If you use your pedometer, on average, 2000 steps equals one mile. Everyone’s mileage will be kept up individually and as a group total to see how far we can walk; pointing out interesting landmarks along Australia’s coastline which runs for 9395 miles. We’ll send postcards along the way and follow our progress on a map.

Helpful tips, awards and surprises for everyone will be handed out along the Route. Weekly door prizes and a Grand Prize at the end will be awarded for the most miles.
Make plans to join our Walk around Australia Program in 2021.
Check out and search team “kirby pines“ for more details about our walk.