This September, Kirby Pines Estates celebrates its thirty-seventh anniversary. And as with any celebration, a lot of planning will go into making this anniversary one that will be enjoyable and memorable. Each year, a theme and color are selected and this year the color is Faded Denim and the theme is Unity.
Denim is about as classic Americana as one can get, and Faded Denim, the weathered look of a dark indigo, represents a sense of strength that comes from hard work. It can signify respect, and a soothing warmth in knowing you’re in a comfortable strong setting. Kirby Pines certainly is respected in its market place as a strong leader in senior living, and is recognized in getting it right.
One of the colors selected for our American flag was blue to signify the strength that comes from honor and unity. The theme of “Unity” is difficult to put into words, simply because the word itself means so many things at different times. Certainly, we are all in unity in celebrating our anniversary; in honoring the hard work done by staff daily over the past thirty-seven years; and especially during this year 2020. This year
is turning out to be one of our country’s most difficult years, and yet it has been with unity that the country has moved forward with a commitment for change, in resolution to find new ways to do the daily tasks necessary to survive and come out stronger once this pandemic is tamed.
Thus, our thirsty-seventh anniversary will celebrate the hard work that has brought Kirby Pines to where we are today, and where we will together, in Unity, move forward to in the years ahead.
Please join with us in celebrating Kirby Pines’ thirty-seventh anniversary !

Michael Escamilla,
Executive Director,
Kirby Pines