New Opportunities to Get Fit When It’s Vacation Time!

Vacationing with family

It’s summertime and the living is easy. Schedules tend to slow down in the summer. That doesn’t mean you can take a vacation from your exercise program. In fact, the slower schedule may mean you can find time to get in that exercise class you have been meaning to check out. “I can’t find my bathing suit” is not a valid excuse for missing a water aerobics class with all the department stores stocked with some very cute suits for the season.

In your travels, most hotels and resorts have exercise rooms with basic exercise equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes, weights, and pools. Utilize equipment you are familiar with most. Vacation destinations usually have beautiful places to walk – take an early morning stroll on the beach, around the lake, hike a mountain trail, or stroll through those quaint little gift shops. A word to the wise: To really enjoy your vacation, start a walking or exercise program several weeks before you go so that you can build up your strength and endurance. It’s no fun to “overdo it” on a trip. You don’t want exhaustion to cause you to miss a moment of vacation. Even a fit grandpa can get fatigued when chasing little ones.

Another helpful hint in these hot summer months is: DRINK MORE WATER to keep your system hydrated and flushed. Prevent Urinary Tract Infections which are much more prevalent in the summer months. Carry a bottle of water everywhere. It is so easy to become dehydrated which could lead to other complications like heat exhaustion.

Come to the Oasis before you take your vacation or make your escape to the Oasis to work off those extra post-vacation pounds. Enjoy your summer!